Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Variety is the spice of life, lol. Thank you for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: So glad you like, that's also my favorite... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the kind-n-hearty!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: We did! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the fun swaps!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yay! I had fun! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: So glad! Many thanks for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Many thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: So glad its made it safely! Many thanks for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: You are most welcome.
Response: Yes, I too find the hellnotes very bright and inspiring. Many thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: thank you again for hosting this fun swap series. Ive enjoyed it so much! It has gotten very cold now, but the light is aready strengthening!
Response: Ah, you are so welcome! And A Happy New Year to you!
Response: You have a good one too! Thanks for te kind and hearty!
Response: I love that quote/truism, plus it's true for homecooking! I have thoroughly enoyed this advent series, it has helped with some of the stress I get.... Another reason the mail is slower is that in the US the mail is no longer going via air, it's all surface now- a big difference, Many thanks for the hearty and kind rating and for making these swaps!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the kind and hearty!!
Response: Aw, two in one day? Thanks for the kind and hearty, again!
Response: Aw, thanks! And thanks forr the kind andd harty!
Response: Thank you for the kind and hearty... So glad you enjoyed! Have a great weekend too, ok? Hang in there re the lockdown!
Response: I do get such pleasure from a recipient's enjoyment. and when I have an assigned theme it's even better.! Many thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: You are so welcome...I too am enjoying this very much! Thanks for the kind and hearty and for making this swap series!
Response: Thanks Kristy, the envelope was the star as I didn't have the apples I thought I had... could be they turn up now...Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Something that brings me joy and then also brings you joy is a winner! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: You're so welcome!Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: And now it all starts, hopefully mellow times for all..!
Response: Here too! So fun!
Response: And thank you for creating this fun swap series, Kirsten, I am taking great joy from it..!
Response: Always welcome!
Response: Always welcome!
Response: I've been enjoying the envelope decorating so much, what's inside is kinda secondary to be honest... thanks fo the kind and hearty!
Response: Oh, I think gnomes are so cute! Thaanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: You are very welcome and thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Yes, the little moments of temptations! I look forward to the moment every morning in December. Getting ready to art up the next set of envelopes! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I'm having such fun with these! Thanks again for the kind and hearty!
Response: So glad, it's such fun! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Very glad, I'm having fun! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yay! Let the games begin..! Thnaks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Exactly what I was thinking about these swaps! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yeah, let's have fun with this series...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed the swap. Envelope art makes me happy..! Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Good idea Steph. Looking forward to that play! Kinda liking the idea of them dripping downwards... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: It was cool to learn a new trick! I had fun packing then up... Yep, I think that was a gelli print....Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I am glad it arrived safely Many thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Many thanks for the kind rating! I put some shimmery purple paint on the envelope and then played with them, scribbling and daubing into the wetpaint, adding darker and lighter shimmers in there too. The envelope came with an envelope seal kit I received from my mailman!!!! He was thanking me for inspiring him to join the mail art world.!
Response: That was a fun project! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I secured the tape with several coats of gel medium, but they might still lift... You are right about the words, sometimes they just pop up later... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: So glad! I would have done the flamingo house for the swap if I had thought of it sooner... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Yeah, me too! I'm eagerly awaiting the b&w swaps to start. Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Ah, that's a good idea to frame them together! Such a fun swap...Thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: It was a fun project! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I knew I could trust you with Mr bigmamabird's art! Thia is a great swap project, Steph, you are the mistress of swaps IMO. Thanks for the kind and hearty. Looking foward to putting this together!
Response: Yay! What a fun project, right?! Thanks or the kind and hearty!
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed my little sending, Kristy! Oh I can't wait for her to come.. :D Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I enjoyed making this set! I hope the arms work with the rest of the figure, though I guess it doesn't really matter! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I also had so much fun doing this...I think it must have 5 layers of gelli printing on each side! I think it would make really nice birthday 'card'. Thanks so much for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Oh so good to hear! I look forward to having a handful of these to bind together...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: We are indeed enjoying these summer days, it's like paradise and the reason we still live here in spite of the winters. The card is from a childrens book about a mailman! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: LOL, I feel the same way! I am glad she brought joy, those colors were so cool. Oh and the cat practically placed itself there!. Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Yes, it was Steph's idea and since I hadn't even started I could do the same.The lace bits were from a wedding dress. Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: The dentritic printing is fun, even if using glass from two picture frames ia a bit iffy lol! I need to make soome using printer paper for collage fodder, that would be cool. Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I am so glad it brought you joy! The background ia a gessoed background with acrylic inks on top of which you put plastic wrap in an irregular fashion. The wrinkles make the cool shapes. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: You are most welcome. Thanks for your kind and hearty rating!
Response: Wow, that was fast! BLTs rule! So do avocados! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: Yay! You are so welcome! I had a lot of fun making them, though at first I thought all ten needed to be handmade. I was running out of ideas! Thanks for your kind and hearty rating!
Response: I had such fun making them. I should have made three so I could keep one... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I really had a lot of fun making it. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Ah, that arrived quick! You're so welcome, and thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I enjoy the swaps you are hosting, Kirsten! I wasn't sure how much I would find for this one. No zebra steaks here, I promise, lol. I learned recently that Germans love asparagus! I will eat it if someone cooks it nicely for me! Thank you for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: So glad! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Lol, yes! Thanks fr the hearty rating.
Response: I had such fun with this one. The sparkles on the back ended up being in some kind of washable 'glue' so the varnish dissolved it and I thought I had destroyed it. So glad it arrived intact! I need to get some real sparkle paint again.Thanks for the hearty!
Response: Glad it arrived well and you can enjoy the contentts! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: So happy you liked the ATC, what a great word! Many thanks for the kind and hearty rating, and may we all carry hope through this lovely spring!
Response: Thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: That was a fun idea Orneryswife had! And not as much a pain in the tuchus as I thought it might be... Our daffies also bounced back and everything is finally starting to green up! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I had fun with this swap, am glad you like them... thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: So glad you liked it... and thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: It was so fun to make, glad you created this swap, it has inspired me. I have several more started. Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: You're so welcome... yes the skull is a napkin bought after Halloween quite a number of years ago now! LOL sorry about the bat ambiguity, they freak me out in real life, though I know they are awesome creatures!
Response: Very glad you enjoyed my sending... Thank you for the kind and hearty rating and may we swap again soon!
Response: Brr, we had thaose temps happen one winter day a couple years ago, it killed my succulents and we had to spring for emergency repair... Glad you enjoyed my sendings and thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are very welcome and thank you for the kind and hearty rating! Happy spring!
Response: You are so welcome, and thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are most welcome.. and thank you for the lovely and hearty rating!
Response: You have a great weekend too! Thanks for the lovely and hearty rating!
Response: Oh it makes me happy that you like my own carvings best!
Response: You are so welcome, thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yay! But isn't the hoarding instinct a funny old thing? I am hatefully moving stashes and hoarded stuff at the moment to facilitate some project the Mr is doing...Knowing full well 98%of it can go, just have to sort. Ugh, sorting stuff sucks. Anywho...So glad you likey...I sure had fun putting it together. Thanks for the hearty! And now we bind them all up..? Do we know how?
Response: Ah, so glad to hear that! Thanks for the hearty...
Response: I am so glad you like it... Thank you for the hearty!
Response: I am so glad it arrived and you like it!... Thanks for the hearty!
Response: I saw on insta that the little 'coon sticker made it! Yay for spring! Thnks for the hearty ..!
Response: You be safe too... Yay for spring! Thanks for the heaarty..!
Response: Always happy to hear happy mail brightened someone's day! Yay for spring! Thanks for the hearty..!
Response: Never responded to this. Meant to! Probably had the blahs. Thanks for the hearty rating and sorry your fortieth year includes the Rona..
Response: As @blueseabliss pionted out to me, I didn't follow the directions re the art on the envelope... I did put stickers that I created from my own art on them, but she felt that didn.t qualify... I wouldn't be surprised if it/they didn't stick through the long jorney! Thank you for rating a five anyway!
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: No problem! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating...I am so glad you enjoyed my sending, that really makes my day!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are welcome, I am trying to loosen up with these guys...
Response: I was aiming for something under-the-sea-ish... many thanks for your kind and hearty!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Thanks! Love me a good challenge swap...
Response: They were fun to make!
Response: You're totes welcome!
Response: This was such a fun project! <3<3<3
Response: Hammocks should be rated as therapy tools... Thanks for you kind and hearty!
Response: It was so fun- so yes of course I'm ready for another go!
Response: This has been such a fun swap... I do enjoy trying to make my partners happy!
Response: Thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: Haha I knew you'd love 'em! I wish I had found the artist's name, I shall have to give finding them another go... And I'll keep this in mind come 2020 sticker needs... thanks for the hearty!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it all...Many thanks for your kind and hearty rating!
Oh, thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed him! Thank you for the kind and hearty.
Response: I almost forgot the whiskers! This was a great swap idea, and I ended up not wanting to even start it for some reason... but then I thought hmmm, four eyes.... thanks for the kind and hearty ratings!
Response: Thanks, Angie! I used walnut ink because the coffee ones didn't look good...
Response: Thank you for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: Aw good! Thank you for your kind and hearty rating!
Response: So glad! Thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: Ah, and thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: I am so glad... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: You are so welcome... and thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: You are very welcome, and thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: Ah, you are welcome, and thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: To be honest I think I may have confused swaps and missed the color scheme... I did read your preferences and am glad that it brought you some happy! That bug stamp is me made, I am so glad you liked it, and everything... many thanks for the very kind and hearty!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating.
Response: Always welcome and thanks for the hearty!
Response: Ah, it was a nice change... I too was watching deer out the window, they did well though the winter. Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I thought to myself when I was done that he might not bring joy to the recipient... So glad he does... Thanks for the hearty!
Response: I felt like I went out on a limb with this one, wink wink! I find it's really the doing that is the fun part with these exquisite corpses... Thanks for the kind and hearty! I will be sure some more stickers come your way!
Response: They begged to be used... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: Today it is raining on the snow causing the whole world to be foggy and monochromatic, but it is warmer!! Thank you for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: I always enjoy slapping on as many stickers as possible... layers are good! Thanks for the kind hearty!
Response: Yes, I was glad to see you as my partner... thanks for the kind-n- hearty... It is starting to warm up this week, so very very very glad...
Response: Thanks for the sweet rating! We are coming out of this hefty winter-- temps are starting to get more bearable now..!
Response: Yay! Thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: Loving the piggies... thanks for the lovely and hearty!
Response: Aw shucks,thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: I figured you could use them! I have a mug full that circulate amongst all of us...I received your beautiful color study postcard today.. thank you for that and for the kind and hearty!
Response: Thanks Steph, glad you like! The quote is part of a poem by Theodore Roethke, I forgot to note that on the card...
Response: I really like her too, so she just pops up every once in a while...Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: You are most welcome... and thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: It was fun... thanks for the hearty!
Response: It was fun... thanks for the hearty!
Response: Hugs back and thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: It is so much fun working with someone's profile! Glad you enjoyed it... INCOWRIMO is the same , just International instead of National...I like writing far flung countries. Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Doing my best to keep warm... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for this swap Steph, looking forward to receiving some little gems...thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I sure am glad to hear that... Thanks or your kind and hearty rating!
Response: Hah, yeah maybe... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Aw thanks for thinking so, keeping on doing over here in spite of the cold and snow! And thanks again for your hearty rating...
Response: Zines are an open book a far as themes, I have a hard time choosing one sometimes... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Aw thank you for the kind rating... and the heart!
Response: One day at a time, right? Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: thank you for the kind rating!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the hearty!
Response: Thank you for rating!
Response: The vintage ones have a certain lovely affect the modern ones lack...thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Very glad to hear it...Thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: Thanks for the hearty rating and for creating the swap!
Response: I am so glad... Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thank you for the kind and hearty rating! Isn't it fun to find the fun in life?!
Response: Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are very welcome!!
Response: It is much more fun for me than sending just an ATC in a plain envelope...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanksgiving was mellow, just the way I like it...Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Glad it arrived, that was an experiment in sendability..!
Response: Yay! It was easy but did take some time, rewatched some fave episodes..! I'm making some for gifts now.
Response: This was my chance to make such as I don't really have many bought stamps. It was fun!
Response: Yay, thanks for the happy hearty!
Response: The stamps are so cool.. Thanks for the happy hearty rating!
Response: Haha we still play that in the car though our youngest is 17 now!
Response: Thanks Amy! I love yours as much, or more..!
Response: Lol, yay! I loved making it, drippy hot glue for the win!
Response: I've just cleared the yard for the anticipated snow, not that any is predicted yet... Still have several plants lurking around in the house needing a place to wait for the next warm season. Thanks for the hearty!
Response: I really Love decorating envelopes! Was thinking I might have crowded the images too much..? Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating! I hope the images weren't too crowded.... I especially love decorating envelopes!
Response: You re most welcome... thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thank you Elina, that's always good advice...
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating!
Response: These were my first coins! I really had fun doing a swap again after a bit of a break..! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: These were my first coins! I really had fun doing a swap again after a bit of a break..! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: These were my first coins! I really had fun doing a swap again after a bit of a break..! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I am so glad...thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Yaay!! And thanks for the lovely feedback and heart! We are having lower temps right now thank goodness...
Response: I did my best to give my kids a similar experience, moving here to rural Vermont, it was totally worth it... thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Yay! thanks Gina, hugs...
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty, I am glad it arrived safely!
Response: To you too Tina...Thanks for the hearty!
Response: It was a pleasure to spoil you and my reward is this lovely rating that has me grinning from ear to ear...! You have my address, I'm prone to responding to happy mail..wink wink..!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating...It has a little something in it.
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty.. I do keep trying..!
Response: Oh I am glad! That is a carpenters pencil, stolen from my hub's worktable while looking for something else...Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Aw, glad you like it, I sure enjoyed making it! I have a wildflower yard just for the insects and we tend to cheer when they come visit... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Argh, all the stinging insects are out now, but I've manged to avoid any wasp stings, poor thing! This time of year is really why I love it here...Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I know, it seems like forever.... thanks for the hearty!
Response: We just picked up a nice little wool rug on the side of the road, washed it on the driveway and dried it in the sun, now it's in the kid's room...Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: I really did have fun... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Sad reason... Thanks for the heart.
Response: Ah! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: They are 'the blues'... that's just how the doodle started after I read your profile! I like your story too... thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Yay, happy mail success! Guided soc is a perfect term for it..! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Oh yeah hot and heavy..! Been a while, eh? Thanks for the kind and hearty...
Response: Tee hee, thanks for the kind and hearty..!
Response: Yay! I had fun with them... thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Oh I am so glad! And thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: Ok, no problem! Last year I found an unrated swap behind my couch when we moved it ... that was embarrassing, it was months..!
Response: Aw...thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty! Part of messy was quick/no lingering was pretty satisfying!
Response: We should do it as a regular thing! Thanks for the kind and hearty.
Response: I had so much fun making her, but I forgot the tail!!! Ah well.. thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty...I did recover in the end, took a week!?!
Response: Thanks Amy! i am glad you're hosting these so I get a chance to do some cards completely on my own, well it's actually always fun doing the traveling ATCs really..!
Response: I am glad you like them... I had fun thinking outside the box. I am dying up here with the snow everywhere still! Thanks for the kind and hearty.
Response: Hah, that was a serendipitous choice, I love the shaving cream marbling! I should do it again soon because my stash has been depleted... I had to send that boney to someone- it was like money burning a hole in my pocket.... Thanks for the kind and hearty, swap ya later!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty, I had fun...
Response: All the better to fly after you with... Thanks for the hearty!
Response: Ah good! it's always a little worrying taking on a bigger challenge like this... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Yay...Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Haha yes! I had a lot of fun, ended up with two more cards which I must find homes for.... Thanks for the hearty!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the hearty!
Response: Yay!...Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Thank you for the kind an hearty Angie!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty..!
Response: One of my fave types of mailart they are! Thanks for the kind and hearty...Will sign up!
Response: It would be cool if it did... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Ya me too....thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Ya, like a really perky Brit, ya know?! Always glad to send some dog art love your way! Thanks for the kind and hearty...
Response: I feel the same about swapping with you... Thank you for the kind and hearty!
Response: You are welcome... Thank you for rating!
Response: Oof, we have a spell of rain every January, it is crazy but happens every year...many thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thank you for the kind and hearty rating... I imagined that they had a large family in that lovely home!
Response: I am loving all things shimmery these days... Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Thanks and no problem!
Response: Yesss...heehee and happy happy! Thanks for the hearty! Aren't pens just the best? Said the total pen addict whose son got her some lusted after pens, the dear dear boy... All the best!
Response: Yay! And your wondrous mermaid arrived today too and I'm totally in love! I am more than willing to swap with you again if you still want to make more articulated dolls... Thanks for the hearty!
Response: I wanted to make the envelopes a part of the gift, thanks for the lovely and hearty response!
Response: Last ones...thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty! I painted the giraffe with sparkly paints over a collage background then outlined with black, simple but effective!
Response: I am enjoying opening one a day now...
Thanks for the hearty!
Response: I am enjoying opening one a day so much...Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: thanks, I really enjoyed doing these!
Response: You're very welcome and thanks for the hearty!
Response: You are so welcome and thank you for the hearty!
Response: I have a recurring desire to add some yard flamingos to my place...
Response: It's such a fun project, I am so glad I joined this year... thanks for the hearty!
Response: They were so fun... Thanks for the hearty!
Response: They were fun to do...thanks for the hearty!
Response: Sure thing and thanks for the hearty!
Response: Heehee! You're welcome and thanks for the hearty!
Response: sure thing and thanks for the hearty!
Response: Repetition really, that and painting it in...You keep on keeping on! Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: You are welcome...I am having fun with these!
Response: I have been having such fun!
Response: I am having fun with them...
Response: Love the sparkle! They were the only holiday ones the PO had, I like 'em well enough...Actually really always love the Madonna ones...
Response: Cackle cackle..thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Ah you are welcome and thank you for the kind and hearty rating! Ever since living in the UK I have to have a cuppa every day...
Response: I really like using music sheets! Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You're so welcome and thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thank you kindly and you are welcome!
Response: Thank you kindly!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Thanks! It is mostly a challenge for me to be neat! I should practice..!
Response: Oh good... Thanks for the hearty and kind rating!
Response: Thanksfor the lovely rating dahling, yes indeed t'was fun!
Response: Sure thing Angie! Thanks for your kind and hearty rating... I don't even know why jokes wanted to happen, but didn't argue...
Response: Aww thanks Amy! It's the "what if" thinking that kicks in after a while..!
Response: Yay and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Haha, when in doubt put a face on it...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: thank you for rating!
Response: Ah thank you for the kind and hearty rating Angie! The really nice thing about this end of the summer is that the nights are already cooler!
Response: It's a simple little trick, good to remember... Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh good! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating, Barbara!
Response: Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for a fun swap also for the kind rating!
Response: I agree about seeing all the different interpretations...I am quite draconic about my little zine collection! Thanks for the kind rating...
Response: I tried to fit as many as I could ...Thanks for the hearty rating,,!
Response: Wow, such excite! Surely we've exchanges ATCs before by now..! Very glad you like it and thanks for the birthday wishes!
Response: thank you, she is a perfect morning companion, I think..!
Response: You are so welcome...thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Aw thanks, and thanks for the heart!
Response: Not a problem...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Heh. that skunk... Thanks for the kind rating, I am glad it was received so well...
Response: thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: I wasn't really surprised that you love cats, I mean, I love 'em too, but I *was* quite pleased that my first partner who obviously also adores them sent me such a totally cat themed bunch of stuff and you ended up being the perfect recipient... Plus that's weird about your fridge and door, but okay! Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Ah, yes, that is a good fit..! Ha, I am glad...and thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Yes, the seem to be having a good time...Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Yes. he is... but why wait , do boobs now!! I had to do grungy for Tank Girl, it took me a while to find it though...
Response: It's a wild and ungroomed yard that I keep adding perennials to, and I love it! Well the geese do a certain amount of grass control, lol...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I too was stymied by the need for a theme so i decided to just collect what came to me and looked good together till it all started shaping up of it's own accord..! Then I just had to name it... Glad you like the envelope, they are a big part of why I do swaps!
Response: Yeah it was so cool studying what he was doing..boy it got there fast though!
Response: Thanks, I had fun!
Response: Oh, very glad to hear it!
Response: The kid brought it to me and then kept asking if/when I would use it for some art.!
Response: Oh I am glad! Thank you for the kind rating...
Response: Whew! The person that reviewed the case must have had some sense! I was pleased with the outcome...You made an artistamp with yours, didn't you? What a way cool swap!
Response: Hahaha! I would never have thought that would happen- that you would get back your own background...what serendipity! I love sniffing leather, I forget if I told you that, probably did... Now I'm extra pleased!
Response: You are most welcome, from one cat lover to another..!
Response: Yay! So glad ad thank you as well...Love me some glittery bits too, even if I do end up seeing a little twinkle on the man brow!!
Response: A sweet little swap! And thank you..!
Response: You're welcome, it is a satisfying project. Sorry to hear about the pooch...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome...I have a growing collection myself, I've even started using them...I think I must start writing everything down...thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are very welcome...It was painted directly on the card, I was a little worried that it might come off during it's long travels...Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Also excellent uses... I had fun doing them for you! I wrote a whole little thing about my wedding impressions and then hit some random wrong button and it all went away so I will send 'em on a postcard, all proper like...
Response: I picked the vintage notions to use as the main portion of the card, it was all a little dull compared to my norm, but I liked it...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I love elephants too, so there was no hardship involved! Glad it arrived safely.. Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: It looked good, but was permanently smudgy, dang it! I seem to often have little runs of the same swap partners, do you get that? Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome...and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: It was a pretty neutral set I think, but yeah a good place to start and color can always be added! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating...
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating! I am so glad that ellie ended up on your envelope...I didn't know winged ellies even existed before seeing a little drawing on pinterest which I shamelessly copied for my artistamp, though the original is way cuter and more delicate... Always fun to hear of a spouse getting excited about our mail art doin's..!
Response: I agree... I had more fun than i had thought I would..! Thanks for the hearty rating...
Response: Wow, that's not really even a winter...I'm glad you like my papers, you'll find something they'll be great for...thanks for the kind and hearty rating1
Response: her mother is German but I met and knew them in northern Ireland, it is a very pretty name. Glad the card made it with all the stickers, I had some concerns...Thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating..I enjoyed this swap, it was so different..!
Response: I went to town on this swap...Made two and got to keep one which is cool! I did copy the design from a google image as my own kept looking too dorky...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I had a hard time getting a true gerbera daisy shape, but I love them too! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating. We had a WARM day today and the ice roared past in the river...
Response: Ah good, and thank you kindly too!
Response: It was an inspired swap, for us chicken lovers! I think I found the tarot cards at the second chance room of our local town, well, actually a couple towns over where the rich peeps and the snow bunnies live... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I agree about having a good note and oh I wish it too... Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I had painted the paper before cutting and folding and applied some glitter to one side with varnish... There was a little bit of glitter floating around so I didn't want to take the chance! But I have a little stash, so no problem...The extra face was done on the cut out bit...I have two more in progress, really enjoying making these... Thanks for your kind and hearty rating!
Response: Aw shucks, any time...Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome, and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: I feel honored to have inspired you! Thanks for your kind words and hearty rating.
Response: I couldn't lose the mess if I tried, to be honest... Thanks for the kind words and hearty rating!
Response: It was fun...Thanks for the hearty rating and kind words!
Response: So glad of the warm reception...Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yay! Thanks for your kind and hearty rating!
Response: This was a fun swap... Thanks for the kind words and hearty rating!
Response: You're very welcome and thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I had such fun putting that together! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating, Mama!
Response: One can always dream... Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks! I went to South Africa as a 20 year old and did volunteer work with the Camphill Society which has villages and schools all over the world. They are for the mentally handicapped and create a space and sense of belonging which is quite special.
Response: Aw, thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Oh what a wonderful thing to say! Many thanks for that and the heart too of course..!
Response: Oh I know, the journal I received was so gorgeous and totally not what I would make...Funstuff! The stickers were for the forum alphabet tag...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating! Happy New Year!
Response: Oh yes, it's quite something...I lived in Colorado for a while and the hot springs are scattered about. I miss them. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating and Happy New Year!
Response: Ellen, I am so glad to hear that the pleasure of this swap was shared by you! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating and all the best to you and yours for a warm and peaceful Christmas and also a peace filled New Year..!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are very welcome... Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I am glad you like it! Thank you for the kind and hearty rating..!
Response: I've been making scrap journals for other swaps, so it just kinda happened! The secret list was last, I thought I would have a problem with it, but didn't...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Aww, I like your interpretation! It was a real work of sharing to put this swap together...'bigmamabird' is the pet name my #2 boy gave me as a wee young child, he was 'little peep' and we slept in nests..! This was a good swap, really doing some sharing.. Thanks for your great rating
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating...It is so fun to consider the recipient when doing these swaps...I am glad you enjoyed the results! Keep warm!
Response: Oh me too! You are welcome and thanks for the hearty rating...
Response: I know I was peering at them for a while too, figured either way would work for you... I am happy to be doing soups again,so satisfying in the winter.Thanks for the awesome rating..!
Response: I always fall for the cute animals but avoid adopting the bigger ones...we have kids, nuff said! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating..!
Response: I think mail art should look like mail art -so you know it's been a bad day if it doesn't! Thanks for the awesome rating..!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the hearty rating.
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Happy Holidays to you and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Ah no, I didn't take that one, but my sister in law did! She's in the UK and I love her photos...We've just gotten the first snow a couple days ago and it's all messy and icy now. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Heh, that's cool we picked the same theme! I do love making messes with my backgrounds...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: You are most welcome...Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh good, and thanks for the hearty rating.
Response: It was fun...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: They are fun... Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: Hah! Glad to get a groan...Now I must keep my eyes open for some more dog cards, cause they are the best after all! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: Ah good and you are very welcome! Thank you for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: You are most welcome! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: Hah! So glad to have provided some distraction...and I thought that would be your feeling on the matter, but when I had written it down I just thought, uh oh.... and then shrugged and sent it off! Thanks for the hearty rating.
Response: I like that quote! The postcard has been in my fave pile for a number of years, it was chomping at the bit so off it went...So tomorrow it starts! Giddy up and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Well, that is high praise indeed. I also don't like coloring in stuff. I tend to color wash the whole thing and then do high and low lights. That happens when I sign up for a swap that requires adult coloring pages. Sheesh...Thanks for the great and hearty rating!
Response: You are always welcome..Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I am glad you found it fabulous! I always end up feeling unsure with the matchboxes even though I am ever so attracted to them...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating! Those leaves are the best... I was given them in a swap a several years ago and enjoy using a few every autumn...
Response: Ah, it was so fun selecting a character and Mrs. Fox was a joy to create! She is very important as the supportive spouse to the marvel that is Mr Fox... I had fun posing her around the place...Thank you for the kind and hearty rating. What character did you do?
Response: It is a fun challenge! Thanks for the kind rating...
Response: Seems like it's been a while? Thanks for the kind and hearty rating T!
Response: Aw, I am glad you like it all! I too like to put lovely bits I've gotten from others in my books. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: haha! Yes I do love my coffee, but hey I also like tea..! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: So glad! Thanks for the great rating!
Response: Thanks Paula! I was humming along getting everything ready for sending...that's when these things happen with me. ;P Pretty sure that note was for you, just wrote the wrong name...
Response: You are so welcome...Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: That is all just too cool! Well, except for the being clobbered off your feet...We are enjoying the foliage here, still haven't had a hard frost. Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Hey Patty, those stamps were gifted to me in such abundance that it is a joy to share them! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating.
Response: Turned out so zen...Glad you liked it anyway, y'know, it not being silly and all... Thanks for the hearty and kind rating!
Response: Thanks for hosting, really cause that's something I'm not likely to do again!! Also thanks for the lovely rating...
Response: That cowboy was just for you! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Heh! (*blushes*) So glad you liked it all... Thanks for the lovely response and the hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You mentioned missing autumn...glad you like it and thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yes the show was good only when not comparing to the books...I love Bob! I stopped reading them when my local library cut back the Sci fi section for renovations and then never reinstated it! They just put what they kept of the collection out with the general fiction....I will get back to it eventually. Thanks for the hearty rating.
Response: Why, thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: So glad! I had a lot of fun with these. I hope life is sweet and a little less complicated for you guys now! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating...
Response: You are always welcome and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the great rating and heart, Jeanette! I too tend towards a less delicate collage technique, but sometimes change is good!
Response: My husband also enjoyed this swap...I remember when I was perky... Ah well... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You're welcome Steph, yours did too! I love your ideas!
Response: I was so pleased with how they turned out but your enthusiasm makes the experience complete! I agree with you, it's like having the kids try just one bite; it won't kill you! Thanks for your lovely rating.
Response: Thanks and you're welcome!
Response: You're welcome and hugs and thanks to you too!
Response: Bitte schon! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks Angie! You didn't have to give me a heart, though I appreciate the kindness. I think this series will be a very interesting journey, with the varying input.I hope coherence is applied a little bit at least! Happy Sunday evening to you!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome... Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks, I don't work with ballpoints much except maybe in some rare moments in mixed media efforts...I want to be nicer to my body, it's a work in progress... Tell me more about the oxygen mail...Also, thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Great! Thanks for the hearty rating...
Response: Thanks Dave, and now you are full up with swaps of the bigmamabird!
Response: I think I just deleted my own response here, but any way thanks for the honor of hanging on your wall! And thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Right?!? Everybody else will have to pick lesser 'O's to work with...Thanks for the !hearty rating!
Response: Yay! You are so welcome and thank you for the kind and hearty rating, Sherry! Hugs...
Response: I've resolved one issue and must continue on bravely, I guess... I am already watching several swaps which I pretty much looked at right after writing that message. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Master board of collage with color and girl added on top...I painted her head down so she looks funny if you put her head up, I like that for some reason...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Oh Grace, you sure give good rating! I am so glad you enjoyed it all so...That storm was pretty spooky , it even got to my husband who made sure the path to the basement door was clear... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I am so glad it arrived safely...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: That would be fun! I have a source of unused produce local food co-op! The summers are the best here, I really don't know how people survive in places like Southern Fla. Even the hotter days here get to be too much sometimes... Thanks so much for the lovely good wishes...also the hearty rating..!
Response: You're so welcome...thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Ah good, and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: I am so glad, I really enjoyed drawing him...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: It was such a simple ATC, and then I wanted some whiskers...So pleased with how they turned out! Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yup, thanks back at ya...
Response: You'll love it! I've already done round two with the technique...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome, my weekend was great, hope yours was as well! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: It was pretty fun to see happen...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh yeah!! (in true coo-laid form, mind!) I have a stash of pennies we laid on the tracks back behind that one house we lived in yonks ago(80's), but bleepifiknow where! Many thanks for the fun rating and the heart of course, which I totally deserved...
Response: Glad they arrived safe. Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You're welcome, and thanks for your hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating! Her style of puppets are mounted on a stick, with two more to manipulate the arms. I am so glad she was so well received!
Response: Thanks for your kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are very welcome... It didn't take too long to get there....Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I forgot to tell about that! It's India ink dripped on a very wet paper surface, it spread wonderfully...After it was dried I did the octopus... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Oh thank you for the kind words and hearty rating! I am glad, as I really loved him too and didn't want to send him away!
Response: You are welcome...Thank you for the hearty rating.
Response: You are welcome, can't go wrong with googly eyes...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yay! So glad it's been an appreciated packet of creations! I do enjoy putting together these things, they are like birthday presents! Your feedback is a great return of energy. Our lilacs just began opening yesterday. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yay... I too enjoyed that sparkleyness! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: So glad you liked it, the theme appeared with the cool night time photos in a magazine! I like how it came out...but when I was putting stuff in the pockets the inspiration had trickled away, so I kept it simple...Simple is also good! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yeah, the beetle had a more prominent position at first, it's legs were along a torso-like area, but the whole design shifted from there. The dude is from some kind of marketing image year book...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating! Did you catch lilac blooming time?
Response: Ah, that Foofoo, she didn't do things by halves..! Thanks for the awesome grade!
Response: I am glad, they seemed to take on a life of their own...thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks, and ah yes, the laundry...I'm doing a no grains, almost paleo diet and am missing bread...Thanks for the kind and hearty!
Response: Oh, I am glad... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yeah, my seasonal mopping session is due..! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Aw shucks, but I do like adding color...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Well, now I wish I was a keep-tracky kinda person so I could tell you exactly where each piece came from, I think they were on a sealing sticker? Ah well, thanks for the wonderful hearty rating.
Response: I am so glad and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are most welcome, thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: ΓβΓβΉ ΓΒΎΓβ‘ΓΒ΅ΓΒ½ΓΕ ΓΒΏΓβ¬ΓΒΈΓΒ²ΓΒ΅ΓβΓΒΓβΓΒ²ΓΖΓΕ½ΓβΓΒΓΒ !(you are very welcome!) I like how google translate let's me hear what my translations sound like...It was a fun project..Thanks for the fun and hearty rating and for being such a great swap hostess!
Response: So glad. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Wasn't that just the perfect poem to find for this?! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating...and for helping me understand how this new to me zine even works!
Response: Indeed...Thanks for the hearty rating! Glad to see this swap up and running again.
Response: Aw thanks for the kind words and hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: The idea came and then it worked! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yay!I am glad I sent the nudes...I was worried they'd be a bit much. Thanks so much for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I have noticed ratings going missing too! I am glad the card was a success, I was working in a new style and hoped it would be be okay...Thanks so for the kind and hearty rating! :D
Response: Yay! And thanks so much for your kind and hearty rating!
Response: thanks! also for the heart..!
Response: We just had a nasty little snow fall, almost an inch... It's kinda unbearable as I sit here longing so for spring. The trees only dream of their re-leaf at this point! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: There's tons of his critters on pinterest, so glad ya'll like him so much, he needed a welcoming home...Thanks for your kindly and hearty rating!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating and the heart! This ATC just kinda fell together, I'm not always that speedy! I love working on old (or new for that matter) ephemera. It adds a great sense of depth even if ultimately unseen.
Response: That book was a labor of love, I tell ya... I won't be doing such a one again for a long time and then probably with some more sensible fabric! Thanks so for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I had such fun looking up images for this...I was a bitty kid in the 60's wearing moccasins and bell-bottoms, I love the photos from back then... Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: It was fast! I am glad there was a sparking of an idea, that is so cool... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You're welcome and thank you for rating!
Response: So good to read your kind rating...Thanks for the heart as well.
Response: It is fun to work towards a person's likes...and so very satisfying! I was happy with how the various elements worked together (and I'll change up a color that's not quite right with some paint in a flash!)...Thanks for your kind and hearty rating!
Response: It just kinda happened, following a 'what if' moment! Thanks for your kind and hearty rating!
Response: " It's a small world after all..!!" Amazing really! Thanks for that and the hearty rating..!
Response: Rain has arrived here this week, and still some snow creeps in under cover of the night, grr! Thank you for your kind and hearty rating.
Response: Yay for spring, right?! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are so welcome, I find joy in creating/sending a good mail art experience! Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: He was a fun one!
Response: The minis are such fun and a quick fix..!
Response: Thanks , I think I did, but didn't take a photo, so...could be yes, could be no...I'm bad, right?!
Response: This was a great swap...
Response: So glad..those were the same qualities I liked..
Response: We must always remember how blessed we are...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome and Thank You for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the hearty rating...Yea, we are in the midst of an unpleasant conglomeration of events...rain on ice, mud season on the dirt roads (like ours), high waters and ice chunks all over the landscape!
Response: Aw! You are so welcome! Many thank for such a kind rating and heart(s)!
Response: Heh! Thanks Fi! I am glad to bring a bit of cheer into the dayo for you...I am much more of a drawer and paint messer you see, but can never let collage go. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating...keep on arting!
Response: Yay! She was a character for sure, thought you'd enjoy her...thanks for the kind and hearty rating..! Keep you head on re these election shenanigoons!
Response: So glad...Yes, I think you are right about spring...We've found the first goose egg of the season!
Response: I am glad, and yes indeed, a fun resource...Thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Oh, I am glad they arrived..! I started with an already layered background then went to town, trying to follow the directions and still like it! We have had two days of heavy rain(!) and are expecting snow tonight, but probably not much.
Response: You are welcome Steph! That pattern was a fine distraction on a migrainy day... I staggered from my couch to do the iridescent watercolors, they just demanded to have a part!
Response: I would be pleased if you would use the envie in a further project! Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: I am so glad this wasn't lost, it was very dramatic for a while..! Thank you for the hearty rating and the good idea!
Response: OMG! Which one?!? I just saw your comment on flickr, it really looks like someone had to have Alonzo! Thanks for the hearty rating in spite of it all! I think you have the right attitude,,, :D
Response: yep yep! Thanks for hearty rating...
Response: That will be an awesome journal! Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: Any time, my friend! Thanks so much for such positive feedback, I wish I had grabbed a shot of the back now, but I didn't...
Response: Thanks for the lovely rating, and for the report on it's condition!
Response: Yup yup, all hand drawn/painted/collaged by me...Glad you like, and thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Glad you think so!...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Yes, the barrel! I too have no idea what the rules were, I think we just incorporated them into our ongoing imaginative play. Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: You are so welcome...and that you for the kind rating!
Response: Yay, so glad you liked it! Thanks for the kind and hearty rating..!
Response: Thanks for the hearty rating...We also have temps in the 40s now...we did have a cold spell. I too fear some late storms, seems to go that way! Keep on arting! -C
Response: Thanks for the kind and hearty rating! The paper is just the regular paper used at a copy shop...because of the overall coverage, it becomes a glossy thing of goodness. I also copied a doodle of mine for the envelopes.
Response: Heehee... Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Heh! For this group it is my struggle to keep paint to a minimum! But it does creep in most times. Thanks for the kind and hearty rating, glad to see you here again..!
Response: Many thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Welcome!It was fun, I was constrained by limited space but whatever! I enjoyed the feel of scribbling with various pencils...
Response: Yay! Thanks for sharing the story, that made my day better... Also thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: Oh, I am glad! thanks for your kind rating!
Response: Yay! I loved them too, they were from a dish soap ad....thanks for the kindly rating.
Response: You are welcome, the faces are what wants to come, and it's all good practice...Thanks for your kind rating! ps, did you see that I used some birch bark in it?!
Response: That was such a departure from my norm, which I enjoyed greatly...I also enjoyed the challenge of stitches versus writing on the back side! Thanks for the kind rating.
Response: Ah Sherry, so glad to hear your enjoyment of the card! Happy New Year wishes to you and yours...
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: I am glad! Thanks for rating... happy holidays!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the kind an hearty rating and happy holidays!
Response: Happy holidays to you as well.
Response: He was a cutie, it was fun looking at all the images and finding just the right one to send your way...I love borrowing another's style for a little while! What a fun style...and there will be another swap envie headed your way shortly!
Response: Oh good! thanks for the sweet and hearty rating!
Response: All the best to you as well! Any time you want to swap,just let me know...Thanks for the lovely rating and heart..!
Response: Ah, haha, no actually, I did it because I love the chicken!! But I take it as a plus that it works for you and your Hungarian name too..! With sender's choice I only check that what I choose isn't on the list of no-nos...
Response: So glad the ATC was a success...I love those leaves, someone sent them to me in a trade a while back! We have had our second light snow of the year, and black! Hugs...
Response: You are very welcome... I thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: I agree with you on the challenges, but it was fun and as I did 12 like the guy in the video, I have some cards to 'abandon' which is fun...I just have to remember them when I'm out! Anyway, the heart and kind words are greatly appreciated... Thanks!
Response: Glad you liked it! We have been having pretty nice weather but today I guess we start getting the rains...It is weird not having snow yet, but I'm sure we'll get it soon! Thanks for the kind words and hearty rating! Have a great day...
Response: I had fun making it, that tends to show...thanks for the kind words and hearty rating!
Response: I am so glad to hear it is well received! Many thanks for your kind words and hearty rating...Here the weather is being kind as well, we have sun for two days...Laundry time!
Response: Oh good! Thank you as well for the kind words and hearty rating..!
Response: I am glad and you are welcome... thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh, good! You are so welcome...and thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Glad to do it...thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You're welcome..thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Yes, was inspired by the seasonal display... and I do like dem bones..! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are so welcome...Many thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Haha! I am glad you are pleased with it all, I really fell in love with the crow...many thanks for the kind and hearty rating! Caw!
Response: Oh thanks! I had fun making them...thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are very welcome, I thought that one included would be a good one for you...Thanks for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome... thank you for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the wonderful compliments! Also the hearty rating..!
Response: Yay! That postcard went on a wild flickr ride somehow, it was in the site's explore feature and thousands of people got to see it! Crazy stuff...I look forward to doing that unicorn...Thanks for the hearty and kind rating!
Response: I am glad...thanks for the hearty ad kind rating! Autumn greetings!
Response: Why, thank you kindly for such sweet compliments! I hope you have fun in it. Thanks also for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh i am glad and you are welcome! We are wondering the same, in regards to the birds...I had fun making those for you, Thanks for the hearty and kind rating!
Response: I was a bit challenged that day, but I found that photo to be spooky all on it's own really...Thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the hearty and kindd rating! I was introduced to black cows in the south where it was called a root beer float, a lovely woman named Billie came over with her five boys(!) lugging six packs and ice cream tubs! A fun memory...I hope life has gotten better?
Response: Well, I'll count that as a success...It's been so long since I have seen that show. Thanks for the hearty and kind rating!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh yay... thanks for the hearty and kind rating!
Response: Thank for the kind rating and the heart! I really enjoyed this swap..!
Response: I hope you do color it...I was thinking of doing that myself...Thanks for the hearty rating again!!
Response: I love him too, but am pleased to share...thanks so for the hearty rating!
Response: Yay, you are welcome! Thank you for the hearty rating..!
Response: I am glad..thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I am so glad! I kept them very simple but have seen some real stunning examples on pinterest...Be well, happy autumn days to you..and thank you for the hearty rating.
Response: You are welcome, the peacefulness depends on what the inhabitants are up to..!
Response: You are welcome... I love color!
Response: I'm so glad... Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: So glad, and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You're so welcome... thanks for the hearty rating! I would love to receive a letter in return..!
Response: I am glad...Thanks for the hearty rating and I hope your week goes great as well..!
Response: I love that song...
Response: You are so welcome...Thanks for the hearty rating.
Response: Hee hee...Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: You're so welcome, did all three arrive? Thanks for the hearty rating..
Response: Ah wonderful! They will like that. All my paper dolls seem so muted compared with my other work, I just go with it as who am I to argue?! Thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: Ah yes, and tomorrow will be our rainy day...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Aw, you're welcome...and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome and oh, I am glad you're inspired, cause they are wonderful...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You're welcome and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Hah! are welcome and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Love the Janis babe... Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh phew... You're welcome and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Bow wow, baby! :D
Response: So glad...thanks for the hearty!
Response: Those feet are pretty simple, I think I get away with them because they are sloppy! Thanks for the hearty!
Response: Bow wow! They were fun to into the zone..Thanks for the hearty!
Response: Happens sometimes, ya know? Thanks for the hearty rating....
Response: I thought it would be a challenge to make this one, cause who even says headdress any more? The challenge was when to stop....Thanks for the hearty rating, again!!
Response: Haha! Well, there's nothing wrong with that...So glad you like it...Many thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Was that as fun as it looks?! I love watching dragonflies...Thanks for the lovely comments and the hearty rating!
Response: Aw thanks for your kind words! Always glad when I hear about postal workers enjoying the mail art...Many thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Haha, glad to know I am not the only one...The gold is acrylic paint, that's all! Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: Ahaha...So glad! I have to admit I don't know which one I sent you, will you tell me? I try and try to keep track, and don't do the best job of it...Thanks for the hearty rating! PS was it the bunneh..?
Response: You are welcome and I am glad! Thank you for the hearty rating..!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Heehee! I have a special fishy stash, you know, filed under 'M'....
Response: Hey, so glad you liked him! I used lumiere paints on him, the ones with shimmer in them...Thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Haha! You're welcome. I did it ... gladly. Thanks for the hearty rating.
Response: You are so welcome, and thanks for your hearty rating :)
Response: You are welcome, Thanks for your hearty rating...Summer is being pretty splendid, hope yours is as well.
Response: You're welcome...Thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Weeeelll, your profile told of your love of kitties, and that was that! Glad it turned out so perfect...and Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Aha, I wasn't worried, just noticing, you know?! I am so glad you like it! It seems to have traveled fast...Thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Ah good, I saw you like country, but have no knowledge as to what all that could mean! The weather has gone through a
sunny spell and is now rainy again...Vermont, gotta love it!!! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yay! You are welcome ...and thank you for the hearty rating..!
Response: Oh I am so glad... Thank you and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh good! Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: I love their sweet faces...thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yay... Thanks to you as well for the kind and hearty rating!
Response: You're very welcome, and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: you are welcome, thanks for rating.
Response: You are welcome Jan, and thank you for the hearty rating.
Response: Well, I understand Life was getting all in the way... It *was* a fun swap! Thanks for joining, and for the rating..!
Response: Oh Lidia, I am glad to hear that! I look forward to hearing from you..Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Glad you think so...and thank You for the hearty rating!
Response: Ah I am glad it made you smile...also that it held up to the was fun seeing how different the two tags were! Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: You are welcome, thanks for reporting back on that paint...thanks also for the hearty rating!
Response: Ya, I thought if I embroidered it, it would have cat hair embroidered right into it! I hope you can find some kind of summery possibly beachy use for it...Thanks for the hearty rating...
Response: So glad!...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I am glad you liked it... I was a little iffy about how to fit an elephant on there with address and all, decided to just do his head...thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Hah... Yes, me too...thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Heh! I was looking for two dogs photos to use but couldn't find them, so disorganized that way...but, so glad you like... Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it all, I actually was going to use those circles in the envelope *on* the envelope and kept them in there to keep them safe! As I glue my envelopes shut before decorating I had to use other circles and only remembered what I had done later....Haha! But I do not lack colorful circles...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are so welcome, thank You for the hearty rating!
Response: You are very welcome. I enjoy doing mail art and am in a period of time where I can indulge, many thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are so welcome...I think sending 'mail art' which hasn't been decorated is the pits, for what I think are obvious reasons...but that's just me! Thanks for the hearty rating.
Response: Oh good! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I hope you can use them...thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yeah, Earth day was looming large..! We have also just had Vermont Green Up Day, another annual- a surprising number of people actually participate in(picking up trash along all the roads..!). Thanks for the hearty rating, swap ya later!
Response: You're welcome...Thank You for the hearty rating!
Response: Well, heh! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Thank you! And thanks for the hearty rating as well..!
Response: So glad... Thanks for the hearty rating...Swap ya later!
Response: So glad,,,thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Oops, oh well, Life ya know, and silver linings! Thanks for the hearty rating...swap ya later!
Response: Well, I kept it very simple cause of life getting in the way a bit, and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I really liked how they turned out, and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh he knows which side his bread is buttered on! I liked how these cards turned out...thanks for the hearty rating.
Response: Good idea...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I'm glad... Thanks to you as well, for your hearty rating!
Response: They ended up being a fave for me...thanks for the hearty rating. :)
Response: That's okay, spring has sprung now and I will be able to bear hearing about yours, hehe! Glad you liked them, and thanks for the hearty rating...
Response: Haha, it's perfect for a junk journal! I have daffies poking up, but would like some sunshine too...Thanks for the hearty rating.
Response: You are very welcome, and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Ha! I do that kind of thing too...I am glad you like it so, and thank you for the hearty rating.
Response: you are ever so welcome!
Response: Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Hmmm! So glad...still waiting for mine...
Response: I am glad to hear it, thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome, I am glad the envelope was a hit! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: That was fast, or seems so any way! It's cold again here too... So I was wondering, did the Remington stamp I put on the back make it?! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yay! I sure enjoyed the process on this one!
Response: No no! Thank you..!
Response: Oh feel free to gush all you want! Heehee, I am glad to have done such a successful happy mail! Thanks for the rating, it made my day...!
Response: I am so glad...thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: You are very welcome... Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: Oh good!, I am so glad you love it! I do too...also thanks for the hearty rating! Happy Spring!
Response: Hmm, why am I not surprised?! I myself discovered quite some time ago that I like all the colors, another non-event in the surprise department. Well, and I am pleased you like the Lizmaid, I do too,
thanks for the heart!
Response: I am glad to hear this! And thank you fr the hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome, I am enjoying these swaps! Thanks for the hearty rating...
Response: So glad! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I am so glad, thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Thanks, I was not really feeling it, but glad you liked it! Thanks also for the hearty rating..!
Response: oh, very good! thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: That was my favorite one of them so far...thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: Aw shucks! Thanks ! Also for the hearty rating..!
Response: You are very welcome, I am so glad.. and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Oh, my... So glad..many thanks for the uplifting enthusiasm! Also the hearty rating...! ( yes I did draw that, am now working on a new set for this year,,)
Response: Yay! Thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: Thanks for the hearty rating trula, swap on!
Response: You are so welcome...thank you as well for the hearty rating!
Response: Many thanks! The gold paint is a watercolor, I don't have any info though as it was a swap item...sorry!
Response: I had fun with both, and adding the color afterwards was a cool and simple way to personalize it to the recipient...thanks so much for the hearty rating..!
Response: I am so glad..! I just used some of the cows myself, you'll have to use some glue, their stick seems to be gone...sorry bout that! I love them though... Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: You are welcome, and thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Hah, I had no idea about the colors...I wanted to make the werewolf Victorian and thought top-hat, though it seems funny that he's carrying it...ah well, it's fun anyway! I am glad you like it, and thanks for the kind rating.
Response: Oh good! Happy holidays!
Response: You are so welcome! Yes, it is painted on... so glad you like it...and I did make Owl, he is a stamp, you know... I adore those little owls too! Happy Holidays!
Response: Heh! Well thanks!
Response: Yay! And thank you too!
Response: So glad! And thank you as well..!
Response: Thanks, and I like yours..! :D
Response: I did have fun, a blast from the past...Thank you as well!
Response: I could hear her snobby tone a I created her, but I love her... Thank you as well!
Response: You are so welcome and thank you for the hearty rating..!
Response: Yay, so glad because I loved too him and almost couldn't let him go..! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Glad you liked it! I love the Janis stamp, also Hendrix...Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I saw that you love them..! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Any time Shannon! I love doing that kind thing so much, and seeing the joy something I make can bring just doubles the pleasure..!
Response: So glad you liked it, and those cigar bands were from a previous swap, I just knew I'd find someone who would appreciate them...Autumn is passing now and we turned on the heater today, snow is coming tomorrow night! Thank you for the hearty rating..!
Response: you are welcome and thank you too!
Response: It was fun and I ended up with some great ones myself! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yay! And you're very welcome...
Response: You are so welcome !!
Response: Glad you like them!
Response: Good...and Thanks!
Response: Thank you and thanks!
Response: thanks, glad you liked it!
Response: So glad! Hang in there... hugs to you.
Response: I thought it was kinda crazy...but thanks!
Response: I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome, thanks foe the hearty rating!
Response: And thank you!!
Response: It was such fun Shannon, and I agree your journal looks fabulous..! Thanks for setting it up...
Response: Oh yeah, we have foliage and everything..! It's beautiful of course... Glad you like the pc....
Response: it's funny how that part can take the longest..!
Response: I had fun doing him..!
Response: you're welcome! He was fun to do..!
Response: You are welcome, and thank you too!
Response: So glad you like! thank you for the hearty rating..!
Response: Oh yeah, I did figure that out, after, of course! Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: You are welcome! What does LRRH stand for? Thanks for the hearty rating..! Oh, duh, Little Red Riding Hood...!
Response: I went through soooo many to find them! Fun swap, really fun!
Response: Oh I am so glad, this swap was a blast!!
Response: It was ready a while ago.. :0
Response: You are so welcome, Tara! Best wishes for tomorrow, and congratulations!
Response: You must post a photo...I forgot to take one..! You are so welcome...such fun!
Response: Cool neighbor, yay indeed!
Response: Yes, good guess! I haven't done this kind of sketching in so long, probably not since high school..! It's so fun though. Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: So glad! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Has it been a while?! Time is flying these days! I had fun with that ATC, I wanted to do a daisy but it didn't work...
Response: You are welcome...I think I should work more on my non-paper skills! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: So very glad! Thanks for your hearty rating...
Response: Yeah! Good luck! I have several out too... Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: So great! Thanks, and hugs too..
Response: Yeah, I was influenced by a conversation I was having while working on this swap! It was fun to go find the song which I hadn't heard in years...Cheeky bunnehs! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yes, I often post my mail art there. Thank you for the prompt rating.
Response: Have fun! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I am not sure what I used on the face, probably India could post a photo to flicker, or email one to me, and I could tell you more surely! I just checked out your flicker and was so pleased to see the two pass and paste cards I had worked on...So good to see them again, cause I forgot to photograph them. Any way, glad you liked it all and thank you as well for the hearty rating..!
Response: T'was fun! Thank you for the hearty rating...
Response: I have been running ahead...avoiding a big project. I am glad you like! Thanks for the hearty rating..
Response: It was sooo fun! Thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: Very much looking forward to it, and thanks fr the hearty rating!
Response: Yes, let's! And thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: not a problem, will you post the finished product? I love to see it!
Response: yes indeed! thank you aswell
Response: Post a picture! I am dying to see how it all turned out! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are most welcome... I am so glad ...also thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I look forward to the results, I have gotten one set myself as *was* a fun challenge! Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Thank You for the hearty rating.
Response: Thanks! Glad you liked it all...and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: That was a fun one, glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the hearty rating..
Response: So glad you like! It's not my usual fare...thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: Wow! what a special memory! So glad you like...and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I had a ball and enjoy very much having some guidelines (the profile) and also utter freedom! So glad you like it..and thank you for the hearty rating and lovely compliments..!
Response: Ah, sweet relief !
Response: I am glad it was so happily received! Thanks for the hearty rating...!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the hearty rating..!
Response: You are so welcome..Thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Glad you liked it! I don't remember what paper I used, could have been from a previous swap... thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yea, that was a fun one! Glad you liked we have 30's! so balmy...thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: So glad! And thank you for the hearty rating..!
Response: hehehe and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: thank you for the hearty rating!
Response: I was glad it was a new computer and not something you know, bad...thanks for rating! so glad you liked it, I was pretty proud of that one...
Response: You are welcome...that is one of my faves...thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: Yeah, I wish it were that warm again!! Glad ya like the card, and thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: I met a dachshund once at a yard-sale, who was so sweet and wanted to come home with us...her owner ended up putting her in the house..! thanks for the kind ratingheart!
Response: I am glad! ( and I thought you might and hoped you would keep the peacock.!) Thanks for the 'heart-y' rating!
Response: I know, it's all about Angie here at bigmamabird's house! (J.J.) But seriously, not a problem...I had fun stuffing that envelope, and ended up having to do some heavy editing! So sweet, your compliments...mustn't let them inflate the old ego... I look forward to seeing bits of my stuff peeking out of your future works..!.
Response: Funny stuff, eh?! You are welcome and thank you too!, keep warm!
Response: Oh good! And thank you as well..
Response: So glad, and thank you too!
Response: I am glad! Thanks for the heart and nice rating!
Response: You are welcome, and thank you..!
Response: Oops, sorry I didn't reply, many thanks for the hearty rating!
Response: You are welcome and thanks!!
Response: Ha ha! I couldn't resist her and figured you wouldn't be offended...Thanks!!
Response: You are most welcome..and thanks for the kind rating..
Response: I am glad, and you are welcome..also thank you for the kind rating..!
Response: So glad! I glued some scraps down and wiped on first blue and then gold acrylics...there was some smearing too, so several things had to be done more than once...the little diamonds, mostly...You are very welcome, and thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: very glad! and thank you too!
Response: Oh, you are so welcome! and thanks..!
Response: I am glad, no problem! and thanks..!
Response: Ah, thanks! I have done such before, but didn't realize it was an art form!
Thanks for the kind rating..!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed my mail art! so
Response: then I am satisfied...but I don't know which one you got...'we are stars' or 'boy in sunburst'..? Ya, I like that one too!
Response: Ah, geez! You are so welcome..!
Hehe, yes well, I found my note on my table only after the mail lady had come and gone...I sent it after! You are right, it has to do with hobos!!
Response: You are so welcome, Angie...and thank you too...
Response: Oh, so glad you like! Thanks for the lovely rating..!
Response: You are welcome and thank you too!!
Response: I am glad you like's a pretty simple ATC, due to migraine, but I like how it turned out... Thanks for the great rating..!
Response: Ah, the migraine has receded! I am pleased with the animals in chairs cards- it's so fun seeing them pop up here and on flicker...I predict there will be more! Thanks for the rating, and the aptly descriptive title, Gina!
Response: Yay! Glad you like...and thanks for the sweet rating..
Response: Haha, well I think it's becoming a bit of a least I'm not forgetting the swap
part...and glad you like it, thank you too!
Response: You are welcome And thank you..!
Response: No worries, just wondered if it was lost...Thanks for getting back about it so quick and rating so kindly! Be well!
Response: Oh good! Thanks..!
Response: Haha, it was a good glad you liked it! And thanks...
Response: Ah, yes....!! And you are welcome/thank you too!
Response: Ah, I too rescued a loose bit...Enjoy and thanks!
Response: Thanks, hoping you enjoy the season as well!
Response: Oh good, and you are welcome and thanked all in one..! Yes, that's the name!
Response: Yup, you got that right...and thanks!
Response: yeah, I was having such a hard time getting the torsos satisfactory that I threw them out and just drew them! but the background was cut and pasted...!
Response: not a problem! and thanks..!
Response: I was happy to resend! and thank you for the heart! :)
Response: I am glad, and thank you!
Response: Oh Good..! And you're welcome :)
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Ah, the ideas! You are welcome! And thank you, too!
Response: Best thank you note ever!--you are welcome and thank you too!
Response: You are so very welcome!and thank you as well..
Response: Thanks, glad you like! Yes, the papers are either india inks or acrylics, so they will be totally usable...thanks for the rating.
Response: I am glad. and thank you...
Response: Oh good! and thank you too!
Response: Have fun! Thank you as well.
Response: You are welcome, and thank you too..!
Response: Any time sunshine! thank you too..!
Response: What a conundrum...You are welcome and thank you, too!
Response: Yay, so glad... and thank you !
Response: I am pleased you love the flag-- And thank you too!
Response: Thanks! Glad you think so..!
Response: Manbay, you are welcome, it's sealed with folkart brand artist's varnish!
Response: Oh I am so glad, and thank you ..
Response: Hehe! So glad..and you are welcome and also thank you..!
Response: Oh wonderful! Um, I think I sealed it with folkart brand artist's varnish, gloss.It's been getting a lot of attention..if it's really shiny that's the one!
Response: You are welcome! I am glad ..
Response: Oh goody! and thank you too..
Response: Funny how there is always something new out there! You are welcome and thank you!!
Response: I will pass that back! You are welcome and thank you too!
Response: You're welcome and thank you!
Response: Thanks, and you are welcome!
Response: Oh, good! And thank you!
Response: Such fun! Thank you too!
Response: Oh good! And please, not fall!
Response: I am pleased ...
Response: You are welcome! And thank you too!
Response: Wow,there already? Glad you like it!
Thanks for the great rating/<3
Response: Twas a fun one, for sure! So happy it suited...Thanks for the heart and all...
Response: Yay, glad yo like it! Thanks for the great rating& heart
Response: I am so glad! These are fun..and envie art is high up the list of favorite things to do...thanks for the heart!
Response: Hah, I can relate to all the explaining, as my name is spelled like the last name instead of the regular girl's nname.. have fun with that ATC ! Thanks for the heart...
Response: Ya I thought of that afterwards as well...nothing I could do about it by then! Thanks so much for the lovely compliment and heart! Swap on!
Response: Thanks Angie! Glad you enjoyed it all...we are now drying out a bit and gettin' some sun, so now the favorite activity in the bird yard is dust-bathing, by the chickens! hugs for the heart!
Response: Oh, hmmm...maybe some of your layers can be darker...could be interesting... have fun! Thanks for the heart..!
Response: Oh goody! He was a fun one...thanks for all the hearts!!
Response: Your'e welcome ! and thank you for the rating&heart...
Response: you are welcome! thanks for the rating/ heart!
Response: Oh good, glad for safe and happy arrival...private swaps always have my address!
Response: Happy Birthday! Glad you enjoyed everything so ...!
Response: You are welcome, and thank you..!
Response: You are welcome, and also thank you!
Response: Yep, it's an eraser, an image on each side... glad you like the envie, and thanks for the rating..!
Response: Oh, I'm glad you liked that one, it was a favorite...
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: You are welcome, it was fun, that tiger was a challenge...
Response: You are welcome, and also...thank you!
Response: You are welcome, and thanks for the great rating..!
Response: You are welcome, and thank you..!
Response: Aw you are so welcome! and thanks for swapping with me...and for the great rating...
Response: It's just a fancied up form of doodling, we all do it when we're not thinking about it! Glad you like it! Thanks for the heart...swap ya later!
Response: you are welcome- and, thank you!
Response: hey, when I responded earlier it didn't stay...?! maybe it went somewhere else...Well, so glad the envie pleased! looking forward to receiving yours! Thanks for the heart...
Response: Oh good! I had so much fun with it and almost didn't want to send it, but that IS a big part of the fun of it all, isn't it?! SO you are welcome, also thanks for the heart and the quick rating..!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart...
Response: Glad that went over so well...Thanks so much...also for the heart!
Response: Awww, You're welcome.. I am so pleased that you like it so! Thanks for the heart..Be well!
Response: Susie! So glad you like it so! Happy to do stuff...thanks for the heart..!
Response: I hoped you would! Thanks for the heart.. :)
Response: Ah, success! Thanks for the heart..
Response: Yay! Thanks for the heart..
Response: Thanks! Yes, the cats were drawn on, be well!