Swap-bot Time: October 16, 2024 8:28 am


Date Joined: February 17, 2012
Last Online: February 19, 2024
Birthday: February 14
Country: United States
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About Me

*** 3/29/2019 Bonnie passed away after a long battle with cancer. She loved this community, thank you all for being part of her life. -- Ron G. (Son)


I have a new goal. My 26th wedding anniv. is May 31thst. I plan to be around to celebrate with my DH, Ray. He has been taking excellent care of me. So please continue to send me your love, prayers and support. You are all making a difference. Today is a good day.

3/5/2019 Working with Dr. to get control of my medications. Hospice workers come to the house and have made me feel well againI am enjoying my days again. I managed to fall on the floor. And yes, that old line "Honey, I've fallen and I can't get up". Did you know if you call 911 they will send Lift Assist? Handsome young men will come to your house to pick you off the floor. Once I am up I am off again to enjoy my day.

I am learning so many new things on this journey. I need much less sleep. At night I spend hours with my art. It is my happy place. I continue to make cards of course. But my favorites are small mixed media. I have a growing stack I hope to continue to share with others. Would you like something?

My life is not perfect but it is good.

2/25/2019 I have had better days. Lots of swelling. My feet are so fat that I can't wear any shoes. Walk with a cane now. Feels like walking on snow shoes. Blood sugar extremely high. All these things at once. Yikes. However I remain in good spirits. I have been overwhelmed by your love, support and kindness. My mail box hardly misses a day without hearing from someone. Who knew that SB would mean so much? Thank you

2/14 2019 The hits they just keep on coming. I am fresh out of the hospital as of last night. I had some kind of episode last week. Woke in middle of the night with horrible head ache, passed out and didn't know anything for 3 days. Was also blind. So hospital 5 days, home just in time for my birthday. Vision has returned with just a bit blurry in the center of wherever I am looking. Whoever heard of a blind crafter? That just should not happen. They are not sure what caused it but it was not a stroke or a seizure. Praying we don't do that again. I am still in good spirits but getting nervous.


I have put off this update for several days because I needed to question myself to see how I was dealing with it all. So.....here goes. My news is grim. When I met with the doctor 1/30 he showed me the results of the recent PETscan. The original tumor has doubled in size. The cancer has spread to my spine and liver. At best he gave me 4 to 5 months. I felt like I had been slapped by King Kong. For a few seconds the earth stood still. And yes, this brave girl with the good attitude broke down and cried the rest of the day making myself sick. More chemo is out, radiation is out. I have started immunotherapy. Will do it twice a month for 2 months. With that the doctor hopes to give me another month or so. After that there is a clinical trial I might be a candidate for. It is in God's hands now. It always has been. I have been spending most of my time talking to friends and family. And I am crafting like crazy. It is my happy place and I am using all the good stuff I had been saving. If there is something that I make that you would like for a RAK please tell me. I want to share. I will continue to update here.


Happy New Year all. We had a wonderful time visiting with family at Christmas. My DIL did her best to spoil me and I let her. Doctor gave me 2 months rest with no treatments to recover from the month in the hospital, As for treatment I have a PET scan on 1/09 and another scan on 1/24. after that we will know what the cancer has been doing these past couple of months.


Sorry I haven't updated this in so long. I am still here. Still have cancer. It's been a real experience. I was in the hospital for a month. It started with an ear ache and ended up with me hallucinations for five days when they gave me way too much fentanyll, a shot and a patch. I couldn't talk, I didn't even know my own birthday. Fentaynal stays with you a long time.

.9/25/2018 In some parts of the country it is fall. Here in Florida it is 96 degrees. We have storms most every night, light show and amazing thunder. Wish I could share this with you.

I was back in the hospital 3 days last week. Again with heart problems, this time with rapid pulse of 130 beats per minute and a very low bp.I was released Saturday night and came straight home to my own bed and slept 12 hours. It was heaven. I saw a cardiologist yesterday and was told they were happy with all of the tests they did in the hospital. And the best thing was they told me that all the heart problems were a side effect of the chemo. When I finish chemo and my body recovers I should have no heart problems at all. Great news.

And more great news. I have only 5 more radiation treatments and next week is my final round of chemo.

Right now I am a very happy girl!

9/17/2018 Another month gone by without updating this. It has been a busy month. I got to experience new things, mostly things I could have skipped. The week after chemo is always a hard one. I have no energy. If cancer wasn't enough I spent 2 days in the hospital with Afib, Never had that before. So now I have added cardiologist to my list of doctors. 10 days ago I had a blood transfusion to help with my fatique. wow! I felt like a new person. I had a wonderful, feeling good week last week. This week not so much. Chemo was last week so this week I am suffering the side effects. I can handle it because I know what it is. I have one more round of chemo in 21 days. Then we scan again to see how we are doing. Prayers are welcome.

i 8/19/2018.. I have really gotten behind with this. One of the side effects from chemo is fatique. I was so tired. Day after day, I felt worse. Then we discovered that my white blood cells had fallen to near 0. So we stopped treatment for 2 weeks in order for my body to bring it back to a normal count. I am also losing my hair. It gets everywhere. I am on house arrest because of the white cells just be careful not to get an infection .So I wear a face mask and now I have to find a hat, and a wig. I am doing well in general and continue to stay positive

8/5/2018 I have no major side effects I am happy to report. My feet and ankles are swollen and I am tired. I feel like a slug. This week I have a PET scan on Tuesday. I see my chemo doctor on Friday. I have received so many nice cards, phone calls and gifts. Thank you all for supporting me along the way.

7/29/2018 I met with the doctors 2 days ago to go over my treatment plan. I will be doing both chemo and radiation and at the same time. Radiation is 5 days a week for 6 to 7 weeks. Chemo is 1 week on and 2 weeks off. Probably 2 months worth, They are taking a big swing at it because it is the most aggressive type called small cell lung cancer. Treatments start on August 1st. I am ready to start fighting back.

7/24/2018 update...โ€ฆ..Just a week ago I spent a great day with my husband. Pedicure, haircuts and then out for pizza for dinner. Less than 12 hours later I was gasping for air and had severe chest pain. The ambulance came and away we went.

You would think heart attack but no, not that. I spent 3 days in the hospital and came home with an oxygen tank because I have lung cancer.

There will be a treatment plan in a few days. I see several doctors 7/27 and will learn what we are going to do. I heard radiation and chemo but not what goes first or if they are going to do them at the same time. I will update here when I have more info.

I'm going public with this because I can't keep a secret. No really. It is a much needed outlet for me and looking ahead to the future someone reading this will be facing the same thing. I hope by sharing I might help them.

And finally for today I am Bonnie. I have cancer but I am not cancer. Still doing art, household chores, cuddling with the dog and cat and trying to keep it all in order with my husband.

Profile updated 10/6/201Many thanks to all the talented artists I have had the privilege to swap with these past five years. I have loved meeting people from around the world and treasure the wonderful friendships that have resulted.

I first found Swap-bot as a place to trade ATCs. I had been making notecards for years and was so excited to try making my art smaller. From there my art exploded into collage, mixed media, doll making and more.

I am currently hooked on Mail Art but love finding anything art related in my mailbox. If you send it, I will probably like it.

I am retired, originally from the Chicago area. I now live in SW Florida with my DH, our dog Pearl and The cat Lucy. If you have a cat you already know you don't "own" them.

We live on a salt water canal and love to boat ride and fish. We have ducks and iguanas on a daily basis. We sometimes have manatees, turtles and sea otters. It's a beautiful place to live. I love plants and am trying to learn what I can keep alive here in Florida.

I love thrift stores, garage sales and of course craft stores. My family shops for me from my Amazon wish list. They keep the art supplies coming.

I do not flake and I strive to keep my high rating. I rate fairly each swap I receive. Extras are not required to earn a heart. in fact I do not need any. Don't think you have to send me an extra to get a heart. If you are going to be late with a swap please communicate with me. Likewise, if something I send is lost in the mail or running late, please contact me before rating down.

Favorite Crafts

I am very good at some things but dabble in many. I am always curious and searching for new projects.

I am a potter and own my own wheel and kiln although it is currently in storage :)

Mail Art, especially hand made postcards

Painting, all mediums

Mixed media and collage

I love my Gelli plate

Sewing small projects

Making art dolls


Jewelry making

Favorite Movies

My all time favorite is Avatar (in 3D of course). Also Benny and Joon, My Cousin Vinny, Mama Mia, Saving Private Ryan, Steel Magnolias. I am a big Johnny Depp fan, so any of the "Pirates" and now Dark Shadows. I like Kevin Klein, Tom Hanks, Colin Firth (he is the Mr. Darby to me) and Jodie Foster.

Favorite Television

Most programs on HGTV, Vikings, Criminal Minds, The Voice, Designated Survivor, NCIS, Bull, and my guilty pleasure Live PD. I am also a sports fan, Nascar (go #11, Denny Hamlin), football and boxing (not mma or cage)

Favorite Books

When I read my nose is mostly stuck in a magazine such as Cloth, Papers, Scissors; Card Maker, Soft Doll or any jewelry making magazine. I can also be found at the library sitting on the floor looking at books in the Arts/Crafts section.


I love bright colors, tropical colors. I used to not like orange but over the last year I like it more and more and even find myself wearing it. I prefer jewel tones over pastels. I like floral and spice scents, also vanilla and of course lavender. . Things I like in general are

Our Creator, nature, Mother Earth, wind, sun, water, all things great and small. Being at the beach is a favorite. So is camping in the mountains..

OK, I also love to spend hours on Pinterest or YouTube. I love new ideas and seeing what others are doing and how they are doing it.

Animals of all kinds, especially dogs and cats.

Hearts and being in love. Warm fuzzies and hugs. I am blessed with a wonderful husband.


Snail mail

Bling and more bling

gel pens, glitter pens

Hummingbirds, butterflies and dragonflies

Sea shells


Wind chimes

My Cricut

Lace, yarn, ribbon, fibers

embossing powder

Buttons and beads

embellishments, bits of paper and fabric

craft magazines

Romantic and Victorian goodies

Hand made cards, tags, ATCs, Mail Art and etc.

Stamps, rubber,clear and postage

Paints and inks, spray inks and dyes

turquoise blue glass figurines-especially birds or other animals

Owls and birds in general

Big, chunky jewelry. Rings, necklaces, pierced ear rings, bracelets, to rings and anklets. Silver, gold, copper and pewter tones. I do prefer silver and love moonstones. Doesn't have to be real. I can have more if it's not "fine" jewelry.

Thrift stores and treasure hunting (bargain hunting) Garage sales if I can get up early enough.

Dreams and new ideas

Anything handmade by you

I like exploring old graveyards but more for the history of them than scarry stuff. Not going there at night.

I like Civil War history and have walked the battlefield at Vicksburg, following the progress of the battle from both sides.

People who create and people who share. Kind people, people who have an open mind and do not judge. I have met so many great people here. Yippee.

Chocolate, coffee not tea. Must have Hazelnut creamer.


I don't really care for this category but I do understand the reasons for it. So here goes: I don't like cold weather or cold people, narrow minded people and people who judge. Please don't talk about religion or politics to me. So much ugly in the world and I am a believer in The Golden Rule.

Now that I have been swapping I do see the reason for this category although I know that some don't read our profiles.

Please no baby, kid's childish, wedding, Disney, cute-sie, religious and advertising items. No Kawaii. No Hello Kitty please.


@nosboh99 for Non Winning Lotter Ticket ATC. She was also the host.

Private swaps

I am happy to do private swaps and would welcome any suggestions as to what you would like to swap with me. I am especially happy to swap Mail Art and spirit/goddess dolls. I also make button fairies. Anyone who would like Florida postcards, I can get those for you.


camelsamba rated for CC: Put a Star on it on Apr 29, 2019
Comment: Thank you for all the wonderful swaps over the years - rest in peace, Bonnie
Comment: Thanks for sharing all the mail art over the years with others and me. Rest in peace.
WoodlandBanshee rated for Hearted Mail Art on Mar 20, 2019
Comment: Thank you for your beautifully made hearted postcard! I think it's great. Take care.
SwissChallet rated for Abstract Mail ARt on Mar 16, 2019
Comment: Love the color and pearlescent paint you used for this: made me think of sea shells and mother-of-pearl. Many thanks and hugs from Switzerland
RockyBeach rated for Monochromatic Collage PC on Mar 13, 2019
Comment: Ah, I love blue and it fits so well together with purple! Thanks for your collage.
Response: So glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart
Tverne05 rated for AMA: March Sender's Choice on Mar 2, 2019
Comment: Nice homemade postcard. I have to remember to make a postcard the next time I participate in a swap that will lend to me doing so. Good thinking.
Comment: This postcard is beautiful! It goes perfectly with my Bohemian-themed craft room and is now hanging on a paisley backing where beautiful paper things go. I love this so much!! Can't really thank you enough.
Response: I am so happy that you like it. Like you I love doing art. Thank you for the very kind words and for the heaet
Comment: Thank you for the awesome tag, that's a lot of lace...great swap
OrganizedHere rated for February's Sender's Choice on Feb 21, 2019
Comment: You are so good at mixed media. I never knew we could send square postcards like the one you made. It was creative!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating. Glad you liked what I made for you. One of the reasons I like mail art and mixed media is because I feel free to experiment and let my muse take over. She has been very busy. Hope we can be partners again soon,
PeliKat rated for HMPC: Put a pig on it on Feb 10, 2019
Comment: Bonnie, I received your postcard and I love it! The background is fantastic and I love that you recycled the inside of printed envelopes for your hearts and flowers. Very, very cool! Thank you and happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for the great rating. I had so much fun with that one. Thank you for the heart
Comment: Wow, Bonnie - thanks for such a great swap. So many of the postcards are just right for me and the cards you made are really lovely. Happy Swapping to you!
Response: Thanks for the heart. I am so glad you liked what I sent.
Comment: Oh my gosh Bonnie! What a wonderful surprise your package was!! I was so puzzled by the big package as I knew we discussed the swap. My daughter always wants to open my swap packages and I usually let her but this time, I wanted to open it. Lo and behold, the bulk of it was for her anyway! LOL! You absolutely made her day!! You are so generous!! We both thank you from the bottom of our hearts! The Valentine cards are wonderful too!! Thank you again!!
Response: You are so welcome my friend. It is my joy to share whenever I can. I hope she continues her love of paper and letters. You have a beautiful daughter,
Tigerlilyknotwise rated for HMPC: Put a cat on it! on Feb 4, 2019
Comment: Thanks for the fun postcard! :)
Response: I am just doing a very few swaps right now so I can look forward to what I am getting in the mail. I am glad you were my partner. Thanks for rating and the heart
Comment: Hey Bonnie. Thanks for the great postcard. I totally agree that this was way harder than I expected! Both finding a word and then figuring out how to depict it. I found the word clag. Look it up. Anyway, you did really well. Happy new year and stuff!
Response: So glad that you liked the postcard. Once it was finally done I was happy I pushed myself to do it. And I am so lucky to have a book on Chicago's past. So happy to be your partner. Thanks for the heart rating.
Comment: Hi Bonnie :-) . . . . I received your postcard yesterday, and since you didn't say what swap it was for I didn't have a clue. But today I figured it out when I got a "Rating Reminder" email for the October Sender's Choice PC swap. When I looked at it then I saw that you were my sending partner. . . . . . I think your character drawing is really cute. Does she have a story to tell? You could draw single panel or multiple panel comic-style drawings for her, sorta like Maxine. . . . . . . I hope your recovery continues and you feel better and better every day.
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart. I really like some of the ideas you suggested. So far I never do the same character twice. I'm going to give this some serious thought
GinaVisione rated for CC: September Sender's Choice PC on Sep 27, 2018
Comment: BJ! What a fun bunch of friends to receive in the mail from you. They all look healthy and happy and seemed to have enjoyed their trip to CA. :D
Response: Glad you like my friends. I love drawing them. Thanks for the 5 rating and the heart
Comment: Thank you so much! I hope that everything is going well for you and I will be keeping you in my thoughts
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart,
Comment: Great postcard! I love the background and the mushrooms are so cute :)
Response: Awe, you make me blush. Thank you for your rating and for the heart
luleemik rated for Spirit Dolls on Aug 5, 2018
Comment: Oh, Bonnie---she is just perfect! I live in the "Valley of the Sun" so the theme you used is so appropriate! Thank you for sharing your art with me and sending an outstanding doll!!
Response: I am so happy you like her. She is a bright and happy doll. Thank you for rating so quickly and for the heart.
wolfeagle rated for Animorph Creations on Aug 3, 2018
Comment: Thank you s much for your fun animal creation.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the quick rate and the heart,

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 722 156 162
Completed Fives Threes Ones
688 769 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 65 623 0
View all

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


thriftymermaid on Feb 4, 2023:

Happy Birthday Month from all of your swapping friends at the WIYM Group!! We hope you enjoy your special day. May all of your Birthday wishes come true and your New Year be all you hope it will be and more!! ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿ’Œ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚

anrtist on Nov 2, 2021:

Still missing you Bonnie! <3

angelgram on Jun 6, 2021:

Still miss you Bonnie and think of you often

davisclark29 on Oct 10, 2020:

If you don't mind I will be glad to have your Email ID so that, I can text you directly write me (davisclark1970@gmail.com)

davisclark29 on Oct 10, 2020:

It was so nice great talking to you and I was so glad getting to know something little about you. I will also like to share my feeling with you and a little wisely about me I don't really have time to check up on here. If you don't mind I will be glad to have your Email ID so that, I can text you directly write me (davisclark1970@gmail.com)

davisclark29 on Oct 10, 2020:

It was so nice great talking to you and I was so glad getting to know something little about you. I will also like to share my feeling with you and a little wisely about me I don't really have time to check up on here. If you don't mind I will be glad to have your Email ID so that, I can text you directly write me (davisclark1970@gmail.com)

pkpeace on Jul 16, 2020:

Really missing you and so happy that I have so many of your beautiful creations. Cindi just moved to Florida, you guys would have been thrilled to be so close. Lots of love always xoxo

angelgram on Jan 25, 2020:

Missing you Bonnie. Thank you for being such a sweet friend. I think of you often and have only good memories. I am so glad I have some of your art. I will never forget you, Mary

MsRose on Oct 25, 2019:

โค๏ธ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’œ missing you SO much Bonnie ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’“โค๏ธ

tcornell on Sep 22, 2019:


You are truly missed! xo You are alive in the thoughts and hearts of many.

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