Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: You're welcome. I am so glad you liked it.
Response: Thanks. Yes. I wrote way more than I thought I would. :-)
Response: Oh no! So sorry. Guess with sending so much mail that was bound to happen one of these times. :-) Glad you love the PC and stickers. :-)
Response: I am so glad you love everything. I sadly could not fit the stuffed kangaroo into the envelope- but I do have a picture of him holding the package before we mailed it. :-)
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Glad you were able to get the letter back together. 😊
Response: yeah there was a problem posting from my phone. It would not show all of my boards so I have some things saved to the wrong place.
Response: Yes, that was me. Sorry I have so much going on, I can't believe I forgot my username.Glad you received it.
Response: Oh sorry. I was not sure of the weather there. Guess its too early for chocolate.
Response: Yay. Glad he arrived safely. My little one was just asking about him today. She said "I wonder if he made it home" Enjoy him.
Response: oh that stinks. I need to remember to always reinforce with tape. :-(
Response: oh fun. I am on vacation and should be home by the fourth. I will be looking for your letter.
Response: I am so glad you liked the bottle and its contents :-) It was fun finding things that I thought you would like.
Response: oh what a nice coincidence
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you liked what I sent.
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you enjoyed your wacky silly and unusual holidy gifts. Sigmund is a great penguin name.
Response: Yeah glad you received it. Merry Christmas to you too.
Response: Glad you are enjoying it.
Response: I am so glad you liked everything.
Response: Thanks. Glad you like your teabox mix. It was fun putting together.
Response: yay. So glad everything arrived safely. Glad your little one loves the book.
Response: oh that's funny. Usually my user name is up top by the swap name, must have missed this one.
Response: Your welcome. I am glad they arrived :-)
Response: Yeah. I am glad you liked them. It's always a gamble with a seal and send. :-)
Response: Yeah. Glad he got it so fast.
Response: Thanks. I hope you enjoyed the tea. I am pretty picky but that is good tea.
Response: Yay! I am so glad you like them. Hard to know in a seal and send if someone has pierced ears. :-)
Response: Yeah I am glad it arrived quickly and that you are enjoying it. :-) Another swapper wrapped my swap and It really made my day. :-)
Response: Your welcome. Glad you like them.
Response: Your welcome. I am glad yours made it. :-)
Response: your welcome. When I went to the thrift store I thought I would look for a fawn, but really doubted I would find one and there it was just sitting on the shelf. So glad you love it. :-)
Response: :-) Actually those are my parents names.
Response: Thanks. It was fun to make.
Response: Actually it was the one about the number of kids I have. I have 3. :-)
Response: I look forward to hearing from you. Glad you enjoyed the poetry. :-)
Response: Glad she got it. It's so funny how quickly my things get to you. :-)
Response: I am so glad you like it. I always worry with things like this if the person will enjoy it.
Response: My bedroom took the most time- 2 days. My daughters room was a solida 3 hours- while I had someone watch her so she could not see what I was getting rid of. :-)
Response: Yeah I did. :-)
Response: Thanks. I know I need to work on the micro part. :-)
Response: glad you enjoyed it. I love the smell of that bubble gum. It smells "pink" to me. :-)
Response: The email stationary was something in my yahoo email.
Response: Thanks. I had fun writing it- it was hard to write such a short story. :-)
Response: Thanks I am glad you enjoyed everything. I think you will have fun with the altered clipboard.
Response: Thanks. I am glad that you enjoyed your stuff- :-)
Response: I'm sorry- which notecard did I send you? I did not think I had anything boring- let me know if you don't mind.
Response: I am so glad that you love it. It was fun shopping for you. Hope you had a great birthday.
Response: Great. I am glad she likes it I will tell Kaitlyn.
Response: I am so happy you love it all.
Response: Your welcome. I can look through my 90's trunk and see if I can find more. I just grabbed the first one I saw.
Response: I am glad you like you. :-)
Response: I would love another penpal so if you want feel free to write and I will write back.
Response: Great. I am glad you received the package.
Response: So very glad you are enjoying the books. :-)
Response: glad you could use the website- its one of my favorites- if you like seafood she has a great parmesian tilapia recipe- very yummy!
Response: Thanks. My 12 1/2 yo taught me. Clever they are. :-)
Response: Your welcome- I am glad you enjoyed it- it was fun putting together for you.
Response: I am glad you got it and love it. :-)
Response: glad to help. :-) I am going to try to work with my little one on her alphabet with this alphabet cookbook- and am thinking of blogging about each recipe. That should get me going.
Response: Glad you like the book mark.
Response: Thanks. I brewed the tea and then poured it over ice for iced tea and it was really good that way. I did not even have to add sugar.
Response: Your welcome. You have a good weekend too- its raining here.:-(
Response: Oh no- sorry about the tea! :-(
Response: Thanks. I am glad you like it.
Response: My daughter would love another penpal- just have her write and Kaitlyn will write back.
Response: I am glad you like it- I was trying to find a big orange dog- so I am glad the dog picture worked. :-)
Response: I am so glad you enjoy it.
Response: I am so glad you loved it. It was fun putting together.
Response: so glad you like them, I enjoyed making them.
Response: Good, I am so glad that you liked it.
Response: sorry- I need to work on my penmanship. :-)
Response: Thanks. I had fun making them.
Response: Glad you like it. It was fun making it, my first one, now I am addicted. :-)
Response: Glad you received it. I just received mine today- At least your birthday is sooner- mine is the 25TH! :-)
Response: Wow- that was quick. Glad you received it.
Response: So glad you are enjoying it.
Response: This was sent as stated by reds above. I am hoping it was just delayed but have offered to make another journal or send something else profile based.
Response: Great. Glad you received it so quickly.
Response: I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for rating.
Response: sorry about forgetting to mention the swap name- I have had that happen to me and its frustrating trying to figure out what its for so I can rate. Glad you could use the material.
Response: Your Welcome, I am glad you are enjoying the scarf.
Response: There were- I have been sending them out in different swaps. :-)
Response: Okay. I am sending a new one. Not sure what happened. there.