Swap-bot Time: March 27, 2025 6:46 pm


Date Joined: November 15, 2009
Last Online: September 18, 2012
Birthday: November 19
Country: United States

About Me

I ship swaps and tags promptly, so IF YOUR PACKAGE FROM ME DOESN'T ARRIVE, or arrives damaged, with postage due or any other problem PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I know especially with international shipping, problems can arise, so please tell me. Bluntly: I can't fix a problem unless I know one exists.

TANGENT FROM USUAL PROFILE INSERTED HERE: At this point in my life, I'm recovering from a very bad breakup (I discovered a LOT of lies and deception) of a long term relationship right now, so I'd appreciate it if y'all would take it easy on the romance themed stuff ... and would love any stress relief, pampering for inside &/or out, meaningful life quotes, etc things you have to send on.

I now return you to our regularly scheduled profile.

I have an eclectic range of interests, including but not limited to:

*Edible landscaping, gardening, recycling, composting, vermicomposting and wormfarming. Pre-Gustav, I loved being able to step out of my house to get the ingredients of my next meal, whether it was fresh eggs from my chickens (and no, please don’t send me chicken-shaped things, I don’t collect those), fresh herbs, or berries. As I rebuild after the storm, I am doing my best to make my new home as energy-efficient as I know how (and yes, I’m on a budget, so it’s DIY), and once I finish the work that needs to be done on the house, it will be time to tackle the yard and I can plant the dwarf fruit trees I’ve been collecting, the fruit vines, the luffa vines, the shampoo ginger … so much to do! But I’m excited about it. (yes, I'd love seeds from your garden if you'd care to share edible or useful plant-type seeds such as luffa, soapberry, shampoo ginger, etc - but if you do send those on, PLEASE make sure to include planting and care instructions, not just the seeds ... and identify them, as well ... otherwise, they're just interesting looking confetti. If they're useful instead of or in addition to being edible, please include that information too! Thanks! Oh, and I'm in zone 8, but with the climate changing, sometimes zone 9 plants work here too.)

*I love to cook, especially from scratch. The healthier the better, as I think we can all stand to eat healthy. I’m NOT a vegetarian (I heart my heifer). I’d like to lose weight without depriving my taste buds – I’m not a vanity queen, but from a realistic point of view, it’s best for my health, and I’d feel better in the long run, and probably live longer too – and that’s important to me!

*I enjoy making my own body-pampering goods: solid perfumes, bath bombs, soaps, bath salts, bath cookies, salt scrubs (I STRONGLY dislike sugar scrubs, they leave me sticky all over!), you name it. I love things that smell great and that make me feel good, so naturally I’m a fan of aromatherapy. I’ve my own stock of essential oils and base oils, and have been gradually learning over the years how to successfully treat via aromatherapy as opposed to over-the-counter medicine. If I'm not making things for my own use, my preferred store that I patronize is LUSH (I love how they use recycleable materials, I adore their massage bars, and love how they use little to no preservatives)

*Fossil based jewelry: amber (not reconstituted, please), ammonite, etc. It’s a tradition in my family to house memories in jewelry, and due to that (and it doesn’t help that my skin doesn’t do well with plated stuff either) I prefer to receive ‘real’ things as opposed to plated. IE: Pewter as opposed to silver plate, sliver as opposed to gold plate (or gold filled), etc. When it comes to earrings, my ears can only take surgical steel. Due to past injuries, I can not tolerate heavy weight on my neck/shoulders (so no huge pendants) and I can't tolerate wearing anything above my collarbone, so please don't send me chokers, for they will literally make me feel like I'm choking. Necklaces need to be over 20" minimum for me to be able to comfortably wear them.

*Viewing the natural wonders of the earth: I think that sea dragons (a relative of sea horses, not the mythical beast) are gorgeous, especially the leafy ones (as opposed to the weedy sea dragons, there's two types, there's your miscellaneous bit of useless knowledge for the day). I recently found out from a fellow swapper that it’s actually possible to have an aquarium in your home of seahorses, so maybe it’s possible to do the same with sea dragons, as they are a relative – I plan to check into it when I finish fixing up my place. I love to go caving, and the only time I’ve had a bad experience was in a set of caverns in Alabama that had been so commercialized, the proprietors had ripped out stalactites’ and stalagmites wholesale and installed bleachers and a water/light show (water shooting up several tens of feet, further eroding the formations) and decked the monstrosity out with Christmas lights year round.

*Learning about the possible benefical properties of various stones and gems. I make jewelry when the mood strikes me, as well as dreamcatchers and other goodness.



*Bartering (anyone wanna come fix my house for me? huh? huh?)

*Gothic goodness specifically for a vehicle (excepting a license plate), as I own a white antique Cadillac hearse (I also do not need a hood ornament, as I had a very nice one put on after someone broke the last one off)


*Single parenthood



*Going on cruises when work and $ permit

I enjoy the art of bonsai when I have the time :) ... but I don't think that's the sort of thing I could mail. My favorite flowers are oriental and asiatic lilies, and I have several Southern Mistress daylilies that my daughter presented me with.

Interesting fact: despite the fact that I don't drink coke, I collect coke codes. If you have some that you aren't using, I'd love them. They can be found on all sorts of things other than soft drinks, including the bottoms of cases of dasani water, which I love. On the topic of drinks, I also enjoy trying teas (except chai, which I've found doesn't agree with me!) from all over ... so far, the Tazo line is my favorite - I've found Calm on my own (my favorite Tazo tea so far), and was introduced to Joy (another Tazo tea I like) through a tea swap via this site. I enjoy fruity rather than bitter, and sweeten with honey rather than sugar.





Favorite Music

I love both ends of the spectrum ... high energy techno (as few words as possible, think extremely active workout music, Blade soundtrack is a good example of a baseline of this type of music, I'd love even more high energy), and the other end .. relaxation music .. I adore drumming, native american music, rainstorms, that sort of thing. The only thing I have found that I don't enjoy in this genre is when someone has tried to combine two types of relaxation music into one, like harp music in the rainforest, where you hear the harp and rain, with a screeching macaw and some monkeys in the background. yarg. not to my taste in the least.

I LOVE gregorian chants. REAL gregorian chants, not that crap some folk are putting out where they chant pop songs and try to make it sound like gregorian chant, or where they chant Old McDonald's Farm in pig latin and try to make it sound like gregorian chant (and yes, I've been given BOTH of those CDs by folk who THOUGHT it was the real thing, but it wasn't. YUCK. Definitely a time where the thought counted LOTS more.).

Favorite song? More than words, by Extreme, not the Justin Timberlake remake (blech).

Favorite Books

Right now, it's the paranormal romance genre, without a doubt - but I adore books overall.

My main loves are (in decending order, other than paranormal romance, which currently holds first place): fantasy, children's fantasy (think Tamora Pierce), science fiction, teen-safe mystery (think Mrs. Polifax, Aunt Dimity series), misc fiction (MASH series is my fave, any of these books y'all find I would LOVE), occult research (mystical/benefical properties of stones/stonework, etc)

Oh, and one of my all time pet peeves is folk writing in books - unless it's the author themself/ves ... then they have the right, damnit, they wrote the thing.

I have a ROOM devoted to books. Yes, I have my own library. I am an admitted book-a-holic. About half of my books are signed by the author (swoon) and the majority are hardbacks out of pure self preservation as I will read a paperback into an early grave out of sheer overuse.

If you're an author, and you send me one of your books, PLEASE sign it! If you want me to review it, please say so - I've been doing book reviews for years, and have no problem running another one past my editor.

If you plan to attend a con in the near future and wouldn't mind toting along some of my books to get signed, please drop me a PM. There may be a chance someone I'm addicted to reading may be there, and I'll send you goodies if you do me that favor!

Favorite Movies

Oy. hard one to answer. I am NOT a fan of horror flicks, first and foremost. Last one I saw was Percy Jackson, and I loved it. I'm looking forward to seeing Ghostbusters 3. Loved the HP series. Anything Pixar. Can't watch anything 3D as it will give me migraines, which suxs as more and more movies are hopping on that bandwagon.

Right now anything I see is entirely dependant upon my availability w/ regards to my work schedule, and I've pretty much been living at work lately.

I enjoy action, comedy, and drama. Anything with Jackie Chan in it catches my attention, as well as anything with Robin Williams.

I'd ADORE an good-quality avi of every movie made w/ Jackie Chan (http://www.jackiechankids.com/files/movie_page.htm), preferably in english, if not in english, with english sub-titles. I've only seen a fraction of his stuff, and I'm a huge fan.

Favorite Television

Right now, Sanctuary, Warehouse 13, NCIS, NCIS Los Angeles, Medium, Chuck, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, and House are what I'm trying to keep up with.

I loved Reaper, Jake 2.0, and Dead Like Me but it looks like those were canceled.

Usually the stuff I really Iike gets canceled after one season, like the Dresden Files.

Favorite Crafts

Another hard one. Most of my goodies were lost in Gustav, so I haven't had the chance to indulge in a while.

The last thing that caught my crafty eye was making recycled postcards ... crafting postcards out of non-new items. So I'm enjoying that currently.

I dabble in a bunch of things. I sew without patterns, right out of my head, but to me it's simple stuff, I'd hate to 'attempt' a pattern. I'll buy fabric on impulse and instinct because it 'feels' right or 'looks' right, not because I have a project in mind - because I know once I have the fabric, the ideas will flow, I'll get hit one day with an idea for that bolt, or that type of fabric, and run to the sewing machine and poof! there's a creation. No predicting it.

I am NOT a fan of floral, traditional holiday patterns (aside from some halloween patterns, due to the hearse, I'll sometimes pick up something with skulls to make skullcaps out of, or spiderwebs to make a cloak out of, just out of a fit of whimsey) nor of pastels in general. Gem tones are my thing. I prefer to pick out my fabric myself, but will sometimes send some on, or use some for creative gift wrapping :) ... if we're in a swap that requires a fabric trade, I would prefer to not be sent any mardi gras, holiday, or infant themed fabric.

I used to crochet, but now I'm starting to show signs of carpal tunnel so that's off the table. Used to do tons of leatherwork, but nothing conventional. I love to grow things, especially things that will reward the planter (fruits, veggies, herbs) ... my latest find was a shampoo ginger plant - it actually produces shampoo, and I am so looking forward to trying it out when the season comes around again!!! BTW - if anyone has any information on whether or not the sap can be stored or frozen for use later on after the season has passed, I would HIGHLY appreciate it. My goal is to be as self-sufficent as possible, and I would adore being able to have all-natural shampoo and bodywash available 365 days a year.

I try to take care of myself, and I work in a stress-identified type of profession (first responder), so I picked up an interest in making body pampering goodies and in aromatherapy. I love learning new things to make in either of those arenas.

So, really, jane-of-all-trades, mistress of none. Published poet, no royalties. You see how it goes. grins

I haves & I wants


(more to come as I unpack and see what survived Gustav!!!)

~1 Hello Kitty Coffee Maker (New In Box) [will accept cash, trade or cash/partial trade: $25 US]

~Ceramic Goblets, 2 white dragon crawling up/around black goblet, 1 mermaid guarding her treasure on 'sea' goblet. [will accept cash, trade or cash/partial trade: $45 US each, have 2 other dragon goblets in non-mint condition, may be good to alter, $25 US each]

~Ceramic Tankard, est. 2' tall: wizard gazing into crystal ball on one side, knight facing off with dragon on other side. If memory serves (lol, typing from memory), crystal ball is painted with mother of pearl, lance of knight is painted with 10k gold. Handle of tankard is dragon's tail. Top of tankard is black castle. [will accept cash, trade or cash/partial trade: $200 US]

~Solid Onyx knives (assorted colors, two different styles) [will accept cash, trade or cash/partial trade: $35 US/1knife, $65 US/2 knives]

~Poetry (mine, already written)

~Poetry (mine, pose a topic, written upon request)

~Assorted stamps I've received on mail I've gotten worldwide

~Stickers (big and small, assorted and/or in sheets, not sure what flakes are, so I'll just say big and small)

~Recyled postcards (postcards made from already used items, or combinations of not-new items - I love finding neat, funny, or unusal images)

~Rubber duckies! (various types)

~Notecards w/ envelopes

~Greeting cards w and w/o envelopes


~Hot Chocolate (various flavors)

~Cajun/creole food

~Community coffee

~Cafe' du Monde coffee (CDM)

~Mardi Gras beads and other assorted Mardi Gras memoriablia upon request

~LUSH products (if I don't have it, I have a store in town) ... for the full list of what I have on hand, please PM me (I have a lot of discontinued and retro stuffs).

~Christmas cards

~Christmas tags (paper or sticker)

~Various patches (first responder)

~Cavern/caving flyers (spelunking, etc) for areas throughout US

~Snowball flavoring (unsweetened concentrate)

~Maps of Louisiana

~Haunted themed (houses, tours, etc) flyers for Louisiana areas

~I'll take any Louisiana, Mardi Gras, King Cake, Voodoo, Baton Rouge, or New Orleans themed requests under consideration

~If you like to read, I also have books for sale (autographed and non) at alibris.com/stores/domdepot, and I would be more than willing to do a value for value based swap for any of my inventory that catches your eye.


~ REALLY LONG wooden spoons. (I have two 12 quart T-Fal pots that I adore, and love cooking stews and soups, but I can't use them to their fullest because the longest wooden spoons I can find at Target, Walmart, and even the specialty kitchen stores I've visited leave me with about an inch (and I'm probably over estimating here, I have j-u-s-t enough room for part of the first joint of my thumb and forefinger to grasp the handle to 'attempt to stir' with a full pot, so needless to say, after that realization, I'm down to less than ideal batches unless/until I can find longer wooden spoons as that doesn't give me enough maneuvering room to effectively scrape the bottom, or enough of a grasp to effectively stir a stew.) I'd say I'd need a spoon to be at least 18" if not longer to be effective, and longer would be highly preferable. I'm going to try to get some measurements of my longest spoons that I've tried and of the pots and put them up here soon. I love to cook from scratch, and I love to cook soups and stews, so this is a big wish/want for me.

~Soapnut seeds (or if it could be found, a sapling) for the sapindus mukorossi variety. I'd like to grow a few of these wonderfully versatile trees. I understand that these can be ordered by request from naturoli.com.

~ Anyone who is a quilting fanatic and has too many quilts lying around their crafting room ... pssst ... I have a king size bed that is NAKED!!!! NAKED I say!!! (headboard is walnut color, linens are black, carpet is hunter green, walls are lowes valspar paint color winter in paris, ceiling and molding are in ultra white) (NOTE: currently under negotiation! Wish me luck!)

~ Long-burning incense sticks (the kind that burns for 45 minutes or longer) ... please NO incense cones

~ Christmas ornaments that look like fairies (hard to describe, 6"+ high, ceramic)

~ A hubcap for a 1999 Saturn SL1 (some unthinking so-and-so didn't put it back on right after I took it to the shop and it went flying off somewhere, so now I've three hubcaps and look like I'm driving around with a donut constantly)

~ Concentrated scents for bath products (for me to add to bath bombs, bath salts, soaps, etc that I make) - I adore amber, cucumber melon was sent to me recently and that was a BIG hit

~ While it's rather easy for me to locate christmas tags, I have trouble locating 'regular' gift tags, so I'd love some handmade non-holiday specific gift tags (the ones that tie on, not the stickers).

~ A statue of Ganesh in the 1-2 feet or taller range with his trunk turning to his left (you can read more here http://www.lotussculpture.com/ganesh1.htm ) and with him having a minimum four hands, the more the better. Hopefully not garishly colored (I'd prefer a solid material that hasn't been painted in dayglow colors).

~ I'm into a lot of alternative therapies, so I'm also interested in obtaining violet wands &/or their accessories, as well as any extra unused e-stim or tens unit pads or accessories I could use with my unit. If you have an extra unit lying around that you don't want, I can always use an extra in case mine craps out.

~ A face cradle for a massage table: a few years ago when I was purchased one as a gift, it was delivered without the face cradle (has the holes for one, but also a padded hole for a face in the table). My table is a dark-ish blue, but I'm not picky about the color of the face cradle, anything will work, I'd be grateful to just HAVE one.

~ Recommendations (as I don't expect anyone to send me any as postage would be extortion) of sweet red and white wines (I hate bitter), especially moscatos/desert wines. (note: I already have a wine journal, courtesy of one of our swap-botters! Thank you!!!)

~ Molds suitable for making soaps &/or bathbombs. I'd love to get my hands on some lye for soapmaking purposes as opposed to nuke-n-pour glycerin soap. If you send me soap base that's not melt and pour, PLEASE send instructions on how to use it, I wouldn't want to waste any :)

~ Ceramic pots suitable for bonsai use (shallow .. .only 1-3" deep depending on how big the pot is, preferably rectangular in nature, drainage holes, etc).

~ I'm drinking a lot of tea right now, so containers of honey are always welcome :)

~ Surgical steel or acrylic tongue piercing jewelry (14 gauge, 1/2" length, straight barbell style, no adornments/decorations please)

~ 16 gauge piercing jewelry suitable for earrings, either surgical steel, acrylic or titanium.

~ On the topic of LUSH, I'm also interested in swapping goods: I'm allergic to patchouli, among other things, and LUSH, like other folk, tends to guard their secrets about their ingredients closely and just put 'perfume' at times when it's a mix of essential oils ... sometimes, some of which give me migraines. Unfortunately, I don't find out about products containing my triggers because of this until I get the product in my mail ("damnit, this one TOO?!?!) and after one sniff and stab of pain, it's put to the side. Sooooo, if anyone out there has gotten any LUSH goodness that they just didn't have the smell agree with them upon arrival that they'd like to swap, PLEASE PM ME. I'll let you know what I have. I'm interested in (most) massage bars, body butters, buttercreams, and (most) solid shampoos. Unfortunately, I'm not able to accept anything with the following scents in trade: Dreamsicle/Cosmic Dreamcatcher, Karma, Sultana of Soap. I also don't use emotibombs, as with our water pressure they dissolve WAY too quickly.

~ I use LUSH massage bars as moisturizers, in addition to massage. One travels with me everywhere in a tin in my purse. Of the LUSH massage bars, my favorites so far are Business Time and Each Peach's a Pear. If I was given a choice, at this point I'd like to try any massage bars I haven't already tried (I've already tried Mange Too, Fever, Business Time, Each Peach's a Pear, Sexy Boy, Therapy, Black Magic, Play Your Cards Right, Soft Coeur, Wiccy Magic, Sore Labours, Strawberry Fields, and Cosmic Dreamcatcher/Dreamsicle.) Heavenilli, Nutts, and Ego are the only ones I can find on the USA LUSH website that I haven't tried to date. If nothing new to try was available, I'd love some more Business Time, as I'm almost out :) ... and, of course, I'd love some more tins to store them in.

~ Of the buttercreams, so far I've only tried the Almond, Lemslip, and the Ring of Roses buttercreams - of the three, I enjoyed Almond the most due to the scrubby exfoliating factor, Lemslip has a lesser exfoliating effect, but I noticed it had a slight 'facial peel' effect - all of the citrus essential oils combined to encourage dead skin removal and new skin renewal, so I'd love more Lemslip. I'd like to try any buttercreams I haven't tried before (Heavenly Bodies is the only one I can find on the USA LUSH website).

~Of the body butters, I've tried King of Skin, You Snap The Whip, and Buffy, and I have Aqua Mirabilis, Running to the Embassy, and Shnuggle waiting for me to try. While I love the exfoliating sensation of Buffy, I'm not crazy about the smell. My two favorites so far: If you're buying me something as part of a wishlist swap, King of Skin will last me much, much longer, and is my preference when it comes to longevity ... but when it comes to pure hedonism, You Snap The Whip is my preference when it comes to smell - one of my housemates gifted me a small piece of it for Christmas and I finally had the opportunity to try it out last night and now I'm in love! I'm interested in trying out the other body butters (The Soft Touch is the only one I can find on the USA LUSH website).

~ The only solid shampoo I've tried is Godiva. I just got in Seanik, Ultimate Shine, Hard, and some Gentil Lentil, but haven't tried those out yet. I would love to try any I don't have other than the one for blondes, as I have auburn/red hair (Dr. Peppermint, Squeaky Green, Jumping Juniper, Trichomania, and New!) are the ones I can find on the USA LUSH website). I'm also interested in trying out the hair treatment Jasmine and Henna Fluff Eaze.

~ Since I've found that I love the blackcurrant scent of You Snap The Whip Body Butter, I'd love to try The Comforter Bubble Bar and Sweetie Pie Shower Jelly as they both (in theory) have the same scent. I'm also interested in trying out Joy of Jelly shower jellies, as well as Dreamwash and Gumback smoothies.

~ I'm willing to try just about anything for aches and pains (and achey feet), so I'm interested in trying the Volcano Foot Mask (I've seen some interesting reviews).

~ I have chronically dry skin (especially on my face) so I'd like to give the following products a try and see if they can work for me: Mask of Magnaminty, Skin Drink, Skin Nanny, Skin's Shangrila. I LOVE Paradise Regained cream and Oceansalt cleanser.

~ LUSH tins, for storing bath and body products. These are the aluminum storage containers folk get when they buy two of something, and invariably, folk will end up with more than they need over time. Me, I don't have enough as 1) I make bath goodies and 2) you can never have enough non-rustable pampering containers, ESPECIALLY those that are really easy to travel with. I'm looking for ANY of these - the ones for shampoo, for solid massage bars, and the ones for the body butters. I'm also interested in the empty black pots (and their tops) that Lush sells their products in.

Wishlist for Others

Housemate#1 loves: things suitable for being in a bathroom that have elephants (or ARE elephants) on them. Pride items. Leather (lifestyle) items. She's a Dr. Who fanatic. ANYTHING from Ireland.

Housemate#2 loves: Marvin the Martian (and his dog, and Valentine, the monster from out of space that is on Marvin's cast of characters), and Betty Boop.

Bio-mom of kidlette loves: Dragonflies, Dragons, Fleur-de-lis. She'd also love any perfume samples of a spicy nature (except for avon, apparently they use an ingredient in some of their perfumes she's allergic to), and if anyone can get ahold of a perfume called Wild Fig, she'd be estatic. She also is interested in a perfume called Hypnotic Poison by Christian Dior.

The kidlette: she's ten, and really getting into reading. She loves the Aunt Dimity series, but I have all of them except for Aunt Dimity goes Down Under (it just came out in hardback), so we'd love that. I'm also trying to track down any of the OLD (did y'all know that folk have tried to 'update' ND with cellphones and internet? pah! I want the classic hardbacks I grew up with! lol) Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and Bobbsey Twins novels I can find (I plan to introduce her to my Ms Pollifax collection next!). Diabetes (juv and otherwise) runs in her genetic background, so please don't send her sweets (sugar substitute or the real stuff, please don't, we don't want her to get a taste for it). Please don't send her makeup or fingernail polish, due to school regulations as well as clean-up concerns. She loves girly stuff: her favorite colors are pink and purple, she can be counted on to be obsessed with the latest tween fad (and drops them just as quickly, can you say peer pressure?) and loooves animals - if she had her way we'd adopt them all. As it is, I own two siberian huskies, a miniature daschund, and a cat. My mother ended up with ten cats. My housemates have another two cats and another two miniature daschunds. And STILL the child wants more.

My pets: I'm looking for siberian husky-proof H-type harnesses (as opposed to collars) that can be worn on a 24 hour basis. I have male in particular that is such a contortionist he can chew through a harness in under an hour, I've defeated the local vets and pet stores. I prefer harnesses both for their additional security (siberians are houdinis) and because they place pressure on the shoulders, and don't have possibility of choking when the dog has a hyper moment.

Dislikes/Please don't send ...

If you're sending me personal care products, PLEASE don't send me dollar store stuff. As I age, I'm trying to take better care of myself and my skin, and as a result I'd much rather have quality over quantity. Additionally, on that note, please don't send me facial care items that are not specifically listed on my wishlist ... I've FINALLY found what works for me, and I'm not going to stray :)

I'm not really into paper crafts and don't do scrapbooking; While I like to try food from other countries, I try to eat healthy so please don't send me candy or chocolate, unless the swap dictates; I don't have much use for quilting stuff, lace, or ribbon; I don't collect postage stamps or key chains. While I read like a fiend, I typically finish a book in one session - so I don't use bookmarks. I have crowns, so I don't chew gum. I'm allergic to ALL artificial sweeteners.

I'm not a fan of scented candles, but I love incense - especially dragonsblood, amber, and nag champa. I'm not a fan of floral scents, and am allergic to scents/smells of ammonia, carnation, & patchouli.

I don't collect postcards, so unless we're in a nakid postcard swap, if you send me postcards as part of a tag (such as a send me something tag) or lucky parcel swap, etc ... please send them onwards in a package: you'll save on postage, and I'll get more joy out of them: for instance, I just received three nakid postcards as a send something to the person above you swap, and they would have been PERFECT for a friend of mine's wall art, as that friend collects OLD comics and these were glorious images of stamps with images of those old comics on them, blown up - had they not had personal messages to me on the back. So I'm adding this message to avoid that frustrated sound coming from the back of my throat in the future.

I'm not a pastel kind of lady. Gem tones are much more my thing.

Please no religious items (unless if buddhism/eastern thoughts ... I'm a fan of Ganesh in particular. I would LOVE to find a statue of him about a foot or two tall (or more!)with the trunk to pointing to the appropriate side for a house, as opposed to temple use. So far, no luck tho'.). I personally identify as more spiritual than religious.

Unless I'm in a swap that particularly calls for them, I don't really want ATCs, FBs, stationary, memo pads, FQs, office supplies, decotape, ribbons, or inchies/twinchies. I don't use fingernail polish, fake nails, or other fingernail adornments. I don't use embellishments, vinyl clings, or 'bling' of any type. I don't collect used stamps, I don't use rubber stamps or ink pads. I don't scrapbook. I don't use recipe cards. I don't collect kawaii, or dotees. I'm not knowledgable enough with regards to friendship books or zines to even step into that world at this point in my life. At this point and time in my life, most (if not all) of my creative energy (heck, pretty much all of my energy) is being spent on rebuilding my home after Huricaine Gustav. If this is all you have to trade, please don't be offended if I send this on to someone who collects it.

I suffer from migraines, and as such, I can't tolerate most perfumes. I really can't tolerate the smell of cigarette smoke. If you are a smoker, please try to keep your swap items away from it or air it out before sending. I am allergic to the following scents: patchoulli, carnation, ammonia. I am allergic to the following edibles: any color of bellpepper, ANY sugar substitute, cabbage, black pepper, old bay seasoning.

Wall of Shame

Flaked on by:

Laura83: Christmas Cards Swap

shelleydeanne: Wacky, Silly, & Unusual Holidays - January


yumcheesy rated for Girls night in - USA only on Mar 20, 2011
Comment: free samples and a used bottle of body wash :-p thanks
karen546980 rated for Gift / Present for YOU Swap on Feb 28, 2011
Comment: Thank you sooo much for my gifts. I love it all. My Neice has taken over the puzzle, lol. It's ok she is only 5 yrs old. I love the bears. Thanks a million (+1) :) if i could give more hearts I would
Comment: Brilliant package! LOVE the coffin-shaped box, so clever! Love everything, but my faves are the eyeball candle (eeee!) and the skull fabric... I'm thinking maybe a nice sundress for summer? :) Awesome job, Jennifer, thanks so much!
beetiger rated for WTF Were They Thinking? (December) on Jan 17, 2011
Comment: Post office bashed the package, but communication was good and I appreciate the effort.
Rozbudd rated for 2010 Christmas Card USA Swap on Dec 24, 2010
ValerieM rated for 2010 Christmas Card USA Swap on Dec 10, 2010
Comment: You brought a little warmth to NC. we even had snow, which is unusual for here at this time. Florida is looking good at the moment, 1 1/2 weeks I will be there.
Comment: Thank you for the card. Merry Christmas.
lilmissthrifty rated for 2010 Christmas Card USA Swap on Dec 6, 2010
Comment: Love the upcycled card...and the musings! just decorated the tree tonight..looks beautiful, all vintage ornaments this year, got them at a flea market in Vermont last year! Happy Holidaze to you and yours and his and hers!
hull33 rated for 2010 Christmas Card USA Swap on Dec 4, 2010
Comment: Thanks for the great card-postcard! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
CraftyRiki rated for Secret Santa Swap LARGE ENVELOPE on Dec 1, 2010
Comment: Wow! Yeah! Those were my reactions when I opened your package. Thank you soooo much. I love the soaps and the loofah, this is right up my alley. I'd give you 10 stars if I could.
RainyC rated for Winter "Gal Pal" Swap on Nov 22, 2010
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful gifties you sent me throughout the month ! I loved them all..
Response: This was one of those swaps where I wished it could have been longer: I had so many ideas, it was hard to pick and choose what to do for what what week (and we'll be cold for so much longer than a month!) Great swap idea!
Comment: Thanks so much! Sorry for the late rating!!
Comment: Wow, thanks for that fun package! I'm munching on the apple crisps right now, they're fabulous :)
Response: *grins* my 9 year old LOVES them, glad you do too!
scrapwithstyle rated for Last Minute Halloween Swap on Nov 1, 2010
Comment: Thank you SO much!! (:
jones rated for Scorpio's Birthday Swap - USA on Oct 29, 2010
Comment: i don't have that dvd...thanks!!!!
UnfoundedHope rated for Send anything #11 on Oct 27, 2010
Comment: glad we got the whole thing sorted out! sorry I couldn't read the envelope and it took me so long to rate
SewinScrapper rated for Send anything #11 on Oct 26, 2010
GypsyRose rated for Swap a teddy! on Oct 25, 2010
icalea rated for WTF Were They Thinking? (October) on Oct 24, 2010
somethinglefttogive rated for Moms need lovin' too! on Oct 23, 2010
Comment: Thank you so much! I loved the box, especially the roll on baby powder and the stir sticks. Can't wait to make some hot chocolate and stir in the peppermint! It was all very nice, thanks again!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9689 105 9 13
Completed Fives Threes Ones
124 190 3 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
2 32 90 0
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RainyC on Nov 26, 2010:

Hey there !! Yes.. I agree.. we just started with the winter.. :) thanks again

RainyC on Nov 12, 2010:

.. Awesome box I got in the mail today !! Thank you for package #3 - I absolutely LOVE socks !

RainyC on Nov 6, 2010:

Hey there !!! Just wanted to say "thank you" for the awesome drink assortment you sent me in the mail.. for the Winter "Gal Pal" Swap.. can't wait to mix some up !! RainyC

RainyC on Oct 23, 2010:

Just letting you know I recieved my "hand warmer" today for the Nov. 1, Winter "Gal Pal" Swap., as I get them I'll let you know !! Thank you ! RainyC

livingleather on Sep 26, 2010:

I'm not going to delete the negative comment: I believe all views should be heard, even temper tantrums ... but that means that mine should be heard as well.

Today, I was PM'd about a swap I had participated in. Rather, I was chewed out. I was told that the contents of the swap had met the requirements of the swap, but due to the fact that the package had arrived damaged, and due to the fact that my partner did not like the contents of the package (something I think has happened to all of us when the swap was sender's choice) ... I was threatened with being rated a 3.

This is not the first time this has happened. The current 3 on my profile is for a package that I sent off that fully met the requirements for the swap ... but my partner was not happy with the package. I offered to re-send, and in fact ended up spending in excess of $30 on a swap that was to have run $10-$15 but was never re-rated.

On this swap, I was not spoken to in a civil fashion by my partner, I was not given the opportunity to re-send due to the damaged package or her dissatisfaction, and I've been mail-bombed with severe negativity - and, as you see, my profile has been hit as well.

And yes, although I may check this site via my smartphone ... I'm not going to attempt to write comments or responses on it. Itty-bitty keyboards do not make for good communication.

I don't respond well to bullies.

I don't think anyone does.

Thank you for your time. Jennifer

AynE on Sep 26, 2010:

I have p.m.'d you, and although you have been on Swap-bot you have chosen not to respond. I sincerely hope you chose to make the Unusual Holiday Swap for October right because it is our responsibility as swappers to make sure that we package things so they have a chance to arrive in somewhat decent condition. But free cheap plastic necklaces and torn cookbooks smeared in toothpaste and chocolate peanut butter cups are not my idea of ways to celebrate any holiday. Your profile is detailed and concise about what you like and dislike. Did you even bother to read mine? October 6th is my birthday, you could have sent a birthday card for one of the holidays and that would have been easy for you. If you do not respond to me before the two weeks is up, then I will rate you a 3 with an explanation why and while you can delete this comment, you will not be able to delete that rating. I suspect you are one of those people who is a part of swap-bot for what you can get out of it, which to me is worse than flaking.

pianoheart on Jul 18, 2010:

Thank you for sending a so cute rubber ducky profile surprise :)

slowlydrowning4u on May 19, 2010:

Thanks for joining my i collect swap!!!!

lilkye on Feb 18, 2010:

"...only 500-1000 books..."

I almost teared up at that...

rebowyer2000 on Jan 25, 2010:

OMG! Allergic to Old Bay! I would be so sad if I was. What would life be without UTZ Crab Chips? (Said by a Marylander, who knows full well that no one outside of the state can stand anything covered in Old Bay.)

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