About Me
I live in a small country area about 40 miles from Little Rock Arkansas, We are so thankful that we live in the country, would you believe it I could go without covering my windows, no one close enought to look in.
I am a believer in Yeshua, The Messiah of Israel, along with the feast days that are laid out in the First Covenant and the salvation that is thru the Blood Covenant.
Favorite Crafts
Sewing, quilting, crochet and hand embroidery, are crafts that I always have two or three items that I'm working on at any one time. Still embroidery the dish-towels and pillow cases, crochet dish cloths and sew other things for the home.
Also spend time canning & storing some pre-mixs for cornbread, cakes, cookies etc..using dried eggs & dry buttermilk, saves alot of time. In the summer months we still grow a garden, so canning is a must. I love to work in flower beds we have enought warm days in the winter that the flower beds can be cleaned out before spring everything will be ready for the seeds and plants and I go into my happy dance.
Colors, I love color. Have a very hard time picking Blues, but I'm a cloud watcher from way back, we're lucky enought to have alot of clouds come up from the Gulf of Mexico. Greens are very important any shade, and yellows are a must such a happy color always makes me smile, any shade of red/orange will work and any brown tones, which you don't see much of, yet it is the basic color of Home. And if you want to send another color that's ok too.
Response: Thank You for the heart. One winter made a lot of the YoYo's out of scraps, now I'm passing some of my on in hopes that someone else will send some my way, would like to make acouple of small wall hangings to give out at a Nursing Home for the holidays/Feast Days.
Response: Thank You for the heart! I love hand embroidery. So glad that you liked the little needle book, maybe with this swap I'll end up with a full week of dish towels, I still use them daily.
Response: I'm about as crazy for the fabric swaps as I am about the block swaps, yes it was so nice having you as a partner again, some people are a joy to be around and are missed when we're not in touch, many, many blessings upon you and your love ones.
Response: Star quilt blocks are pretty, just finished sewing a star top together turned out very nice. Still have alittle more fabric that I can send for your baby quilts, pink next time. Thank You for the heart with your rating.
Response: Thank you for the heart with your rating, glad that you liked the the package contents and thank you for joing!
Response: Thank you for the heart, glad that you liked the squares, going barefoot is a big deal in our part of the country, lucky you to get to walk along the beach! Thank You for joining the swap
Response: I'm pleased that you enjoyed the box and the goodies that were within it. Sorry for the delay in responding I've been away from home, trying to get a friend moved. Shalom
Response: Thank You for the Heart with your rating, I'm with you, had liked the idea of this swap for sometime and I love the blocks, so we'll do it again, can't wait to have you assigned as my partner, appliqueing is soooo pretty.
Response: I'm very thankful for the heart that you gave with your rating. I'm about to put my Attic Blocks together make a Table Topper, then I'll be ready to collect some more, I like that quilt block, thanks again. Happy Spring
Response: Thanks for the heart dear friend, I'm about to take the ones that I have make a table topper, will from now on make sure my blocks are the correct size, thanks for your patience!
Response: Thank You for the heart with your rating. I'm so pleased that you liked the butterflies, that was one of those fabrics that jump out at you screaming BUY ME! and I did just for us.
Response: Was fun having you for a partner right after I returned to Swap-bot, Thank You for the heart and I'm so glad that you liked everything.
Response: Your native Texas is one of my 1st loves, lived in Houston, for years, will be going to Austin, Texas in another month or so, to help my friend (for more than 45 years, a friend is more like family) move back home. I'll think of you
Response: Thank You for the heart with your rating. Was hoping those blues were the colors you were asking for.
I am concerned that we have not seen our @1leemeadows here in swap-bot land for a little while now. I have mailed her a letter to let her know that we are thinking of her and miss her and we are hoping nothing too serious is going on in her family.
Lee has always been a wonderful swapper so for her to be away from us this long there must be something going on.
Lee, thank you so much for the RAK Journal with my initial. What a kind surprise! And it's the size I use most often.
Welcome To Crazy for Cloths Group ! ! ! Hope you enjoy our Swaps for Crocheted or Knitted Dishcloths! ! ! Jean
Greetings dear! It has been a long time since we swapped. I hope this message finds you and yours well and happy!
Christian Swappers Group ;-)

Thank you so very much for the rulers! Your package brightened my day. :-)
Hi Lee, I just wanted to say ~ I love your picture!!!
Lee, your awesome! Great swap and thank you so much for a slice of cake LOL!!