Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: You are welcome! I am happy you enjoyed it so much AND that you feel inspired.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Yea, it was big fun.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Awww, great. That's how it supposed to be. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am happy that you like it! The story is so well k own in Cologne, so it was the best to send.
Have fun using all the things!
Looking forward to a new swap :)
Response: Hope you like them....
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: You are welcome!
I am happy it came at last.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Same to you! Enjoy.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: That sounds very familiar hahaha I want to be young again, just to read more.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: So today you can open the 2nd package, you get closer to the tea. Enjoy!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thank you! I was indeed a great trip, now we miss each other badly....
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: There are way too many interesting swaps and not enough time to join them all LOL Luckily they seldom go into, so my choices are very limited.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Das freut mich sehr. Hoffe die Karte ist gut im Büro angekommen???
Hast Du schon geschrieben? Mein Kopf ist gerade leer und Nicknames sind nicht mein Ding, kann sie selten mit den richtigen Namen in Verbindung bringen. Sorry...
Response: I am happy you like what I send and that it isn't something you do yourself, maybe you get some inspiration?!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome, my pleasure!
Same to you and hope you receive lot's of great postcards!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome.
Thankls for the rating and the <3!
Response: I read the book. I love big, chunky books, but hate audio books which are that long.
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Usually I accomplish my goal and read slightly more than I thought. But it is just for fun, nothing I work overly hard for.
What about you ?
Response: All that is missing is the money, as always lol
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I will, thanks for the cheering!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Read it, pleaseeeeee
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I read the first 4 or 5 books in this series, unfortunately I think they loose it somehow, but I will come back and read all of them.
13 chunky books?!? Amazing. Hope they are fun!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: No stopping for any way we can get books without buying! Enjoy them all.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3
I am looking forward to reading your letter!
Response: You're welcome.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your appreciation!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Oh, am sorry to hear about your pain. Hope it has at least gone down by now or gone totally!? Speedy recovery.
Anytime you are in the mood, reply. Thanks!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You definitely should, I am in love with yese books and they hit me unexpected, though, based on the cover I was full of high hopes.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Have fun reading them!
Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: As long as we enjoy what we read,the genre doesn't matter. Have fun!
Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: Du kannst gerne auf deutsch schreiben, ich habe nur nach Deinem Namen geschaut, nicht auf die Adresse.LOL
Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: Absolutely! I am happy I send things you love.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Awww.... I am delighted, that I found the right things for you ! Have fun creating with them! Thanks for your enthusiastic and kind words!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Lost rocks! You will watch it more than once, there's too much in it. Have fun!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am happy you found some that you didnt know. I was looking for some german bands.....
Rock on !
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Awwww!
I couldnt ask for more. Thank you for your kind words & all the hearts!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Who won't ?!? ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Who won't ?!? ;-)
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I do, and nearly no one to play with :-/
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: YAY! That's what I was looking for: summer vibes!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Hope you like it. Happy reading :-)
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am happy, that you liked the page. It was fun creating.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am happy, that you enjoy the journal and had fun reading through it.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: Awwww, thank you. I won't have it any other way.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Books = Air ! Yes, exactly, thats it!!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Nothing better than that, right !?
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Great! Thats how it supposed to be.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome. I am glad you like the card. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome !
Response: I am happy, that you liked the quotes and for sure, Hippos rock !
Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Too cute ;-)
Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Welcome fellow introvert and bookworm :-) Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Nothing can beat 3 little birds! Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3! I am glad you like my selection.
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Great, that's how it supposed to be!
Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Keine Ahnung, was Du kennst, ich liebe Henning Mankell's "Kurt Wallander"Serie, die Bücher von Erik Axl Sund, Yrsa Sigurdardottir, die Widerstands-Trilogie von Louise Boije af Gennäs...... Was kannst Du empfehlen ?
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome!
Remember, you are never to old to learn something new, even if it is german hahaha
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Cool! Next time I make popcorn, I will throw in some peanuts. Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks as well for the rating and the <3!
Response: Faster than light spped ;-) Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Well, we might have different points of view, but we 're all right ;-)
Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
If I ever come, I 'll ask you ! Thanks for this offer.
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Thanks for your nice compliment!
Response: I wish I knew someone in Scotland to visit.... Family must be a gift!
Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: ALWAYS Pretty Woman!
Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: NO WAY !!! Not D'dorf.... Cologne and D'dorf are "enemies", coz both cities believe they are the better one ;-)
Why do you prefer D'dorf?
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: 920sq foot are 85 sq meter. So it is a little bit smaller. And we don't have a dog ;-)
Thanks for your nice reply...
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome !
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for your kind words, as well as the rating and the <3!
Response: Hope you repinned them !?!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome +
Response: You're welcome. I am happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome!
Thanks for the rating and the <3.
Response: Why were you surprised ?
Try spinach and garlic, it is too delicious.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am happy that you liked what I wrote.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
If you like, send me your recommendations. Love to see what you like and get new input.
Response: Have fun!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: My pleasure.
Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Love.... What else do we really need !?!
Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Same to you!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Es gibt halt zu viele Möglichkeiten, wo man hin könnte oder wen man treffen kann. Niemals Randall!!!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am happy to hear that!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome! I am happy that you liked the letter and want to write back. I am looking forward to your reply.
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are always welcome! Arent those swaps aimed to make each other happy !?!!!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am out of words after reading this! Thanks for all your kind and inspiring words. I had tons of fun creating this journal for you !
All the best!
Response: YYOu are welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Let's hope, we only find welll read audio books from now on !!!
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Yes, I agree, the wife gives me the creeps.... And I am torn between his lies about her and seeing him, doing the best he can for her. Pretty difficult.
Yes, I'd love to swap with you again!
Thanks for your kind words, the rating and the <3!
Response: Thank you for your kind words, the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: I am happy you like it !!!
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: Nee, nix kommt im Moment LOL
Wir ziehen auch bald um, ich weiß nicht, wie ich 4m Bücherwand transportieren soll. Miste gerade aus... *schnief*
Response: Waoh! Was eine Rückmeldung ! Vielen Dank! Ich träume von der Schmuckausgabe von Jane Eyre.... Der Presi schockt mich immer wieder. Leider. Aber irgendwann ;-)
Viel Spaß beim Lesen und alles Gute und viel Spaß mit Deinem Baby....
Response: Gerne ! Im Moment klappt es nicht so gut mit uns ;-) Bekomme leider immer jemand anderen...
Response: You're welcome.... Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: He definitely is amazing!
You're welcome.
Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Yay to 13 books :-)
Hope you enjoy the recommended books....
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am happy you can use what I have sent. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: YAY for 2nd hand book shops!
Thanks for your kind words and the joy about my junk journal. Have fun creating yours....
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for your kind words, as well as your rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome ! I am happy you liked the gift. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome! Enjoy it on your day and have a wonderful birthday !
Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
We have many public bookshelves and sometimes I can find a gem, but mostly something interesting to read!
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am so sorry about the wrong method to send. My bad...
Response: You are welcome ! I really hope, you like the book as much as I did.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: The naked Elf (Leonardo) explains the names of the body parts in Kölsch, our local dialect. The people are famouse people from my hometown.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Great ! Have fun repinning! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Feel free to do it ! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for thje raitng and the <3, again :-)
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Great !That's wqhat it is all about, to find something new and pin-worthy. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome !
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: My pleasure. I am happy, that you like and enjoy it. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3! Hope you found new books to read.
Response: Enjoy the other 4 :-)
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thank you ! Hope you found something interesting... Thanks for the rating and the heart.....
Response: Thank you! Happy Easter to you too!!! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am happy you love it.... I'd invite you, but it is in german. Maybe we start our own group ? THANK YOU for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yep it is ! I really tried and it came out nice....
Response: Awww,... Thank you !
Response: You are welcome ! I am happy you like the goodies..... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Sorry for the confusion.... And thanks for the rating !
Response: Have fun using them ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Did you write already ???? Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating .
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating.
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating.
Response: AWWWW ! So sweet ! Thank you ! All the best for you as well. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are very welcome ! I am happy you love it and enjoyed flipping through it. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy that you got it and that you had a lot of patience with me. You are welcoem ! And besides, whats a PL without treats ?? ;-) Thanks for your kind words, the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: My pleasure ! You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Oh ! Was eine Überraschung ! Dein deutsch ist echt gut ! Sprichst Du mit ihr noch deutsch oder liest Du Bücher auf deutsch oder ...?
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Wonderful ! You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the Rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the Rating and the <3 !
Response: Hi Rian! I am happy that you love my Pins and that they inspire you! Have fun writing creative mail ! Thanks for the Rating and the <3!
Response: Great ! Thanks for the Rating and the <3 !
Response: Great ! Thats how it supposed to be :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yes, mostly big books are awesome, but I have read short ones that left me speechless and really touched me as well. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're Welcome.
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Freut mich!!! Chaos kenne ich nur zu gut.Das ist mein Leben 😉 Bis bald... Danke für das Rating und das ⤠!
Response: 😊 Thanks for your rating and the ⤠!
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3.
Response: Thanks.... What took you so long ??😉
Response: Gerne ! Dein Profil war ja sehr präzise und deshalb habe ich gehofft, das etwas dabei ist. Freut mich :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! I am happy you liked the stickers. And please do write back ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yes, you are very right, life has lessons we never want ;-) I have to accept it. Thanls for your well wishes ! And thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am patient..... Or at least try to be ;-) Write when you can. I am looking forwar to reading it. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: No worries ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are very welcome ! I am looking forward to getting your letter.....
Thanks a lot for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Ist es ! Viel Spaß beim Lesen ! Danke für die 5 und das <5 !
Response: You're welcome. I really enjoyed making it. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I love the Elf ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating and the <3r
Response: You're welcome.
Response: Waoh! Wonderful..... Thank you for following me and the rating AND the <3!
Response: Thank you !!! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome to live with me ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome !
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome !
Response: Thank you for your kind words ! Also it has to do with the support I get :-) I am looking forward to your reply ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome :-)
Response: Great that you like it all. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Great. Thanks....
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thank you ! And thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Youre welcome! Thanks for the rating and the <3.
Response: You are welcome !!! Hope you found something new to try....
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yep, me too ! Nice reminder for our manners lol Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are from Germany ?! Cool :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: LOL I knew there are others like me ;-) Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Yep, go for it !!! You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome ! Thnaks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome ! Thnaks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Unfortunately its not a tourist country, but maybe you meet someone to show you around before. It is really worth a visit! Thanks for your rating and the <3!
Response: Great! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Yep, it truely is, Nigeria is definitely wonderful and beautiful, despite all the hatred and crime. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are very welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: thank you ! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Try it and you will love it !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Wonderful ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Same here, but luckily I wont be able to make them all at once, just one by one.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are very welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are very welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the reply. Hope it will last.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are very welcome ! Ijust couldnt stop, coz I found so much ;-) Have fun using it.... Thanks for the kind words and the <3 !
Response: No problem. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome ! I am addicted to Pinterest and can never have neough time to check it and pin it ! Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: It's sooo addictive ! You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: Which journal did I send to you ? Can youmail me the cover ? I will check if I find it again, Thanks for the rating and thw <3 !
Response: Wonderful ! You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: Me too !!!! You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: You're welcome ! I am happy that you enjoyed it all, that was my intention :-) Thanks for your kind words, your rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Hope you read it all by now and enjoyed it.... Thanks for the rating and <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yep, Snape is the real hero in the story :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome.
Response: Enjoy ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Great ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thank you ! I am looking forward to receive your letter ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: This is great ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: True ! He is really awesome and I cant think of a better Snape ! Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Oh! Great 😉 Thanks for the rating and the <3. I'll message you immediately.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Thanks for the "5", I know am late, wrote you a message concerning this.... I am sorry. Thanks for your understanding !
Response: I am so happy you got it and you like it ! I love the quote as well.... That was my reason to buy it, although I dont wanted to buy more journals ;-) Have fun reading... Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Great! I love to hear back from you.
Response: After your comment and rating I definitely HAD to smile ! Thank you !!!
Response: I am so happy it arrived finally! Hope You enjoy reading it. If so, we can still exchange some more as discussed before.Thanks for your kind words, the rating and the Heart!
Response: No problem, some times it is like that. Thats why I love The genre Reading, theres always something new to discover. Thanks for the great swaps and the rating with the <3!
Response: You are welcome! Hope you found something interesting to repin. Thanks for the rating and the <3.
Response: She is Welcome! We're happy she liked it 😊 Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You Are Welcome.
Response: You 're welcome ! Enjoy reading. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am excited ! Maybe it works.... Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: AWWWWH !!! I am soo happy that you love all the goodies I sent to you. HAve fun using it all up. Thanks for your kind words, your rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Yay! I am looking out for your reply.
Thank you !
Response: Welcome ! By the way, did you open the card yet ??? Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy thatshe likes it and got it real quick. Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Then we have fullfilled the mission ! Merry Christmas to you too. Thanks for your rating and the <3.
Response: Yep, Lemon Cake tea was from me :-) It is great, did you get more in the shop ??? Have you started the Martian by now ???? I am looking for to your letter..... Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Oooops, sorry. Thanks for reminding me. Thanks for the rating and the <3:
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for your comment, the 5 AND the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for your comment, the 5 AND the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for your comment, the 5 AND the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for your comment, the 5 AND the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for your comment, the 5 AND the <3 !
Response: You are welcome! I am happy that you found something to repin. Have fun... Thanks vor the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yes,that also amazes me! Ans inspires me.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yay, I will let my daughter know, She is sooo excited about this swap. Thanks for the rating and the <3.
Response: :-) I am sooo happy that you love what I sent. Enjoy the last one at Christmas.... Thanks for the rating and the <3!!!
Response: Yep, I cant help myself ;-) Maybe one day I start trying it out LOLOL Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome ! Hope you found something good. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Aber gerne doch ! Have fun useing it up.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: No problem, as long as you got it, read it and liked it ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome !
Response: No problem, thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! have fun reading...
Response: Maybe we have the same bookshelf ??!? Thanks for there rating and the <3 !
Response: No problem. Enjoy doing what you like ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the raqting and the <3 ! Books... That'll be our pasion ;-) Check your inbox....
Response: Thank you for your nice words and the <3 Paris will lead you, dont worry ;-)
Response: :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 ! We will get together in a swap, yay !!!
Response: Yep, I think it was a fruit wrapper... I love them. Am happy you like the things I sent, have fun creating something wonderful with them. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! I am happy that all my work was welcome and appreciated ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Thanks for teh rating and the <3 ! If it hasnt been answered, it is still on my desk. Life was a mess last month...
Response: You're welcome !
Response: I bet you will ;-) He is definitely amazing <3 Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy that you enjoyed myletter.. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Wonderful! Thats what I was hoping for. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome.
Response: :-) Wonderful ! Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Am happy that I picked the right things :-) Have fun crafting. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the re-rating ! And I am happy that you like my review. Hope to read 1984 soon....
Response: You are welcome ! Am always happy, when the receiver likes it AND wants to use the goodies. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for your more than fair rating !!! and the big compliment. I loved swapping with you all the time. My pleasure. Love you too.....
Response: Yeah ! This made my day ! I am happy that my effort met your taste and likings. I am looking Forward to receive your own...*excited* Thanks for the Rating and the <3 !
Response: Hope it also inspired you !!! Thanks for the Rating and the <3 !
Response: Great !I love to receive mail and read about books..., happy now ! Thanks for the Rating and the <3 !
Response: Yes ! Wonderful, hope we have tons of books to write about and mabe 2 or 3 other things ;-) Looking forward to your letter ! Thanks for the rating and the 3 !
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: YESSSS ! Maybe you work on them and make something beautiful.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Hope you have printed some already.... Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: :-) Thats how it should be ! Enjoy reading !! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: Thank you ! I just love Pinterest and am happy, that you like a lot of my pins ! Thanks fopr the heart !!
Response: Yes I was quick, I was prepared ;-) And it is because there's not as much text as in a novel, but you have to enjoy the drawings. Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: You are welcome !
Response: Okay,, let's do the planning then .... ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Hope you enjoy the books ! Thanks for your rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Yep, me too ! Hope you can find the book and enjoy it as well. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Great, thanks. I 'll look out for the letter :-)
Response: You are very welcome ! Dont worry about the late rating, it is important that you got the letter this time. AND that you like it ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! And especially YOU are worth all the time and effort and extras, even more if possible !!! Thanks for your patience and for setting up all this swaps. You 're wonderful !!!
Response: YAY !!! That's what I was hoping for :-)
Thank you !
Response: You are welcome !!! Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: I am happy you like all this ! It was great swapping with you :-) If you have any left over alphas ever again.... You know how to get me ;-)
Response: You're welcome !
Response: ........ I am out of words by all this ! Thank you sooo much ! I am happy that I could inspire you. I love these pages and I try to find something new for every month. Mostly am inspired by the things I find to use on the pages. Thanks a million for all you said. I am grateful.
Response: You're welcome ! Happy creating. Have fun.... Thanks for the nice words, the rating and the heart !
Response: How many books on your TBR stack???? I dont want overly much... Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: YOU are always welcome ! Thank you for this wonderful journal idea. I am already sad it will be over soon. Hope we will find another idea ;-) Thanks for your kind words, your rating and the <3 !
Response: Welcome ! Enjoy using it. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: :-)) Now I've a HUGE smile on my face ! i lvoe it, when my creations make people happy. Hope you can add some of your style to the pages and enjoy working on them ! Thanks for your kind words, the rating and the <3 !!! You are always welcome !
Response: LOL, it is so addictive and quite relaxing to have enough to read ;-) Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Aww ! Thank you ! Hope you enjoy the books you have found. Happy reading too. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: You're welcome !
Response: Yay ! That's how it should be, love and use the goodies :-) Create ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for your rating and the <3 ! Hope you're successful and find one book or the other ;-)
Response: Thanks for your understanding and kind words. I am also hoping it will be well rather sooner than later, but.... Anyway. Let's swap ;-)
Response: Thanks for your fair rating !!!! Enjoy reading !
Response: You're welcome !
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 ! I appreciate your understanding !
Response: No need to stress yourself. Write when you can. Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: You put a smile on my face today !!! I am sooo happy you love the pages and appreciate my efford. Thanks for your kind words, the rating and the <3 ! It is highly appreciated :-)
Response: I am happy you liked what I wrote ! I will check out your book.
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: YES ! Thats what I was looking for, to give you a nice time reading it ! I am looking forward to get your answer.... Fingers crossed we will write forever ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: :-) Thank you !!!! I am happy you like them. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Awww ! I am so happy that you like it !!! And I am more than willing to do it again ! I love to see something from your side of the world ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Why are you waiting, go ahead and DO it ! Enjoy :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome, goodies are always nice :-) Did you like the book ? Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I cant love every single book, but I love those challenges. More of them :-) Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: *sigh* My goodness, I am speechless !!!! Thank you sooo much for your kind and sweet words. You made my day. I desperately needed something like this .... So, am looking forward to reading your answer ;-) Hope it will work out for us and we will be great and crafty friends :-) Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Yay,cant wait to read it!!! I am happy you enjoyed my letter. Thanks for your rating and the heart!
Response: I am waiting for the third book... Yes it was fantasic and full of surprises. Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome ! I wanted them to be pretty, coz you never know what comes to your mind when you see a piece of paper and it hits you ! Have fun writing on it or crafting with it.Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thank you !!! After I've cut 10 I couldnt stop LOLOL Now I know what to do with my leftover scraps :-) Thanks for the swap, the rating and your kind words ! AND the <3 !!!
Response: Oh my.... You made me blush !!! I am shining bright red now LOLOL I always want to make my partner happy.... I am soooo happy you like the pages and you love them for your journal. Maybe we swap again in the future.... Thanks for your words, the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome. Let me know if you liked the book. Enjoy reading, happy swapping ! Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: You're welcome!
Response: YES for libraries and real books !! May the never die ;-) Go and enjoy the Gabaldon books.... Do yourself good ! Thanks for your wonderful words, the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: YOU are always welcome ! I love swapping with you, you know.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Am happy you liked the red theme :-) Go and try the book, you wont regret it. Let me know - if you like - whats your idea about it. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am waiting eagerly to hear from you ! Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Pflichtbewußsein ! Was eine deutsche Tugend ;-) hihi Ich fands auch wichtig dabei zu sein und hoffe, wir sehen uns bald. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for your blog hint ;-) I will definitely come again and read more.Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am so happy you love thejournal and you enjoyed reading it! And more that you like to do it again ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy you enjoyed reading it ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: YOU are always welcome ! I am looking forward to more regular swaps.... PLEASE !
Thank you for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yes, check it out !!! The challenge was one of the best so far. Hope you will find something for yourself among those books I read.Thx for your rating and the <3 !
Response: YESSS! I am really looking forward to your answer. And am sooo happy you enjoyed to read my journal. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Men, the old egyptians really knew how to deal with this dangerouse creature ;-) Thanks for your rating the <3 and more insight !!!
Response: :-) Thank you !!!! Thanks for he rating and the <3 as well !
Response: I am happy that you like it! And am lookng forward to the next swap :-)
Response: Oh,am soooo happy you like them !!! And for the extras, you deserve every single bit,coz it was BIG fun swapping with you. I will miss it. Hope to see another swap like this....Take care and swap with you soon! Thanks for your kind words,the rating and the <3!
Response: my pleasure,waiting for your reply :-)
Response: I am SOOO sure it will continue that way! Thanks for the rating & the <3!
Response: :-)) Ich hoffe sehr, das wir mal wieder swappen, es sind ja irgendwie nicht so arg viele Deutsche hier.... Schön, daß Dir meine Karte gefallen hat. Auch Dir ein wunderbares 2014 ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yes, WORK !!! And yes, I have survived in one piece, coz I know how to keep myself busy, thanks to swap-bot and books. Hope you are okay by now as well... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You 're welcome !
Response: YES ! I knew you would fall for Elvis ;-)Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy that you enjoyed reading my letter and am looking forward to your reply. I could need another long-term friend... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: :-) It is my mission to make those in this swap happy :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yay, great ! Have fun adding to them.... Enjoy the season as well ! Thanks for your words, the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yeah ! That was my dream to send words and someone loves them as much as I do !!! Hullabaloo... I can fantasize about it and always come up woth something new. Enjoy and journal ! Thanks for your wonderful words, the rating AND the <3 !!!
Response: Wonderful ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome,hope you found something interesting ...
Response: ;-) Yes,christmas sweets are VERY tempting and delicious! Enjoy!! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Yay,am happy you liked it. Yes it was definitely great swapping with you. More in 2014 :-) Thanks for thw rating and the <3!
Response: Yay, i am always happy with this swap and you as my partner :-) I will miss this swaps... Anyway,am happy that you -once again- love the pages. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! I had a lot of fun making them. Thanks for the rating and the heart :-)
Response: I am happy it is already there and you enjoyed just looking at it ;-) Keep your excitement a few more days and you can start to open it!!! Be strong... And enjoy! Thanks for the rating and the heart!!!
Response: Enjoy! Hope you like them and maybe theres a new favorite among them... Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: YAY, am happy you enjoyed the letter ! I just swa swap no 2 is up !!!!
Whats the name for the rat ???
Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Honestly,I had a flow and didnt notice how time was flying :-) I am so happy,that you like them. Thanks for your kind words,the rating and the <3!!
Response: Awwww... Thanks for your wonderful and lovely comment! Actually am making my pages for people like YOU :-D Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: :-D You are welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart!!!
Response: Yesssss, go and read it ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy that you like the page. Have fun journaling. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome !
Response: Take your time and write when you feel like. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You are welcome !
Response: Yeah, am always aiming for "perfection" LOL I am happy you love them. I Love making the pages =) Thanks for ur words,the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for your kind words, the rating and the <3 !
Response: And you too :-)
Response: You are welcome ! Go find that ladder...
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: My pleasure, dont stress yourself. I will wait :-)
Response: Thank you ! Once I went to France to see his paintings and his house in Giverny. I was amazed. So gorgeouse. Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: :-) Thank you for your kind words ! I had tons of fun with this swap and wont buy as many journals as before ;-) Have fun filling them!!!!
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! I always try to find somethanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yes it definitely is. I just wonder where the MINI comes in LOLOL
Thanks for the rating and the <3!!
If u want more mini sheets,my dad has some,am sure he will exchange some...
Response: Aber gerne doch =) Viel Spass damit. Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Thanks :-) You are always welcome!
Response: Oh,you made my heart jump !!! Thats what I aimed for, your joy is mine :-) Thanks for the wonderful comment, great rating and the <3 !!!
Hope we will swap another time !!!
Response: Thanks for your interesting comment. I will read Drop Dead Healthy as soon as I can lay my hands on it :-)
Thanks for the <3 !
Response: You are welcome.
Response: No problem, it can happen to me as well ;-) Life....
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: Hope you can wait ;-)
Response: Das ist noch laaaaaang hin ;-)
Danke fürs Rating und das <3!
Response: Brief ist schon da ! Hoffe der Urlaub war genial gut. Danke für das Rating und das <3 !
Response: Thanks for letting me. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: :-) I hate loose sheets of paper and a lil book is pretty handy.Thanks for the nice comment, rating and the <3 !
Response: You are special :-) Just believe it!!!
Thnaks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: My pleasure, i am hapy when you nlike my pages ! Thanks for the rating & the <3 !!
Response: :-) I have succeeded in reaching my goal ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome, I am happy that you like it. Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: You are welcome! Happy smashing :-) Tanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Have fun writing.... Ad once again thanks for your understanding, the rating and the <3 !
Response: :-) Wanna read something again ?? Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: You are so very welcome ! I love to make those pages. You always come up with nice prompts. Thanks for your sweet words, the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yes some of us will have great books ;-) Am happy you love the pages. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Hope you enjoyed reading it....
Response: PLEASE !!! Chekc the envie again! I know I have sent 2 pages front and back, I made 4 and only two are still on my desk. I totally confused and worried !
Let me know, if you have found something.
Response: You are welcome ! I had tons of fun doing this page. Hope you enjoy the www.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am SOOOO happy that you love it ! Just enjoy, okay ?!? Thanks for your kind words and the rating AND the <3 ! I am looking forward to the little surprise in the mail. Thanks.
Response: Thanks for your understanding! I had a lot of fun with this journal and I am happy you like it. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I resend today. I am shocked that I didnt read a single word from you, that you havet received anything from me. So please, answer my message and lets work this out ! THX ! - 5mins later !!!! honestly ! I am glad it was that easy to fix things. Thank yoiu for the rating and the <3 and your words !!!
Response: You are so very welcome !!! Thanks for your kind words and the wonderful rating and the <3 !!
Response: :-) You are always welcome !!! Maybe we meet again.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the ratiing and the <3 !!
Response: You are welcome ! I am happy that you are happy, that was my goal :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Oh, I am so happy that I didnt make just one person, but two instead :-) Thanks for your comment and the rating AND the heart !!!
Response: You're welcome ! Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yes, me too. I need this stair now LOLOL Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: Have fun ! Am happy that you lie my oins. Thanks for setting up this swap !
Response: :-) I was hoping for that ! Thanks for the nice rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Yay, I had fun answering them, happy that it reflected ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the wonderful rating ! Be sure you get a PM ;-)
Response: YES ! Thats all I wanted ;-) I am happy you can use my collection of goodies, happy smashing ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! I love this idea and hope I wont miss a month. I am happy that you like my pages. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: It is always wonderful to swap with you / create for you ! I had a lot of fun and I am happy you like my pages. Thanks for ur kind words and the rating with the <3 !!!
Response: Hurray ! I always hope for something like this to happen :-) But it is very scarce and yet it seems to have happened ! MAGIC !!! I cant wait to go to the PO Box get yours and read it. Thanks for the sweet rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Swap-bot is definitely good for Sundays round the clock ;-) I am happy you enjoyed reading though it.
Yes, if it works, they are definintely pen FRIENDS !
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: :-) Freue mich immer wieder über diesen Kommentar !!!
Komischerweise kommen aber die Briefe nicht oder sehr spät an.... Eigenartig. Bis dato ist nix von Dir hier....
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for your patience as well.
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I'm so happy that you love it, coz I put my heart in it. I am glad it reached you and you enjoyed it. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Didnt expect something else LOLOL
Thanks for the rating and the <3 ! Hugs....
Response: I am soooo happy that you love the page ! And I had the same idea about her, attitude :-) Have fun journaling and adding to it.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yeah, some things work ;-) LOLOL Looking out for our next swap.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are very welcome ! It was fun t make and I am happy you like them. Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: I am looking forward to read from you !!
Response: Let's go ahead then and set uo another swap ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: It was big fun making it and I am sooo happy, that you love it. Enjoy the more when you get the german part...
Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: Yes, we dont really have summer, but pleeeenty of rain :-( Happy smashing !!
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are very welcome ! I am happy that you like the pages and that they inspired you :-) I am looking forward to our next swap. IHAVE TO go to Scotland one fine day and be sure I will ask YOU for tips !
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: You 're welcome !!! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: That was my idea ;-) Get working, creating, crafting, playing with materials....
Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome ! Hope they inspred you... Thank you for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Start with the card ! It's easy :-) Thanks for the rating and the<3!
Response: Great, have fun crafting. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Go and craft, dont sit in front of the PC ;-)
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy that you like it. thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy you like it, happy cleaning ;-)
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thank you sooo much for your lovely comment ! Yes, we definately enjoy being outside. Yesterday my hubby and I sat outside and enjoy the the warm weather and the time without the kids ;-)
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: How did you open the envie !? LOL Am happy that you like my selection. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Yessss ! It finally reached you :-) Love to see a result when you have started something ! Thanks for the wonderful rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Thank God for our sons ;-) Thank you for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Jippieh ! I am looking forward to read your letter :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Nope, not really closer, but closer to my daughters kindergarten and later primary school, saves me a lot of walking around ;-) And I can relax in the garden !!! Make BBQ's....
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Oh my pleasure ! I am happy that you like it. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy, that you like them ! Show your creations on flickr !!! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks fopr the rating & the <3!
Response: You are welcome! It was interesting to read and gave me great hints. Thanks for the rating & the <3!
Response: I am looking forward to read from you ! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks fopr the rating & the <3!
Response: Thats what I actually planned ;-)
Thnaks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: I bet he will like it! It is my 2nd season with them and I cant wait to see it all!
Have fun painting Mr Hubby :-)
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Yes, this is awesome :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Have fun ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: I am happy, that you love it and that you find all the german inside interesting. It was really fun making it !
Thanks for the rating and the heart !!!
Response: Looking out for it :-) Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: Thanksand be blessed too !
Response: Well, am totally inferior in that area, but the book was my challenge to change it :-) Thanks for your rating, the heart and the lovely words !
Response: You are welcome, it was fun to make ! Merry xmas to you too.
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am always happy to make something for you ..... Hugs !
Response: Come over :-) You are welcome....
Response: My pleasure, you are welcome ! If not honest, this swap is just for the garbage bin ! ;-) Thanks for your rating and the <3 !
Response: My pleasure ;-) I wasnt over whelmed by my own work, but it is ok ;-)
Response: I am sooo happy that you love it!!! I wasnt sure, if it is what you are looking for. Thanks for the rating and the <3 :-)
Response: You are welcome ! I am happy that you like it. To my surprise, it reached you more than fast, WAOH !!!
Response: I am happy that you enjoyed reading it. Thanks for the rating and the <3.
I am lookinh out for your reply. Thanks.
Response: Be sure the next pages are in the making :-) I am always happy when you love them.... Thanks for the rating and the <3 once again !!!
Response: I lvoe the word hilarious ! Thanks for your rating and the <3 !!
Response: You're welcome ! I am happy you love them. Thanks for the rating and the 3!
Response: np, coz I had my own problems b4. i am happy oyu enjoyed reading through it ! you are welcome. thx for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: This are somehow normal school journals over here. I like the cover too ;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 ! Have fun filling it....
Response: :-) One hippo-lover has to support the other hippo-lover ! I am happy, that I made the right choice ! Thanks for your words and the <3 !!!
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3!
Response: I am soooo happy, that you love what I made. Thanks for the rating and the <3!!
Response: :-) My pleasure to make you happy !
Response: It is MY idea of spring and I was happy to get that shot ! Thanks for teh rating and the <3.
Response: :-) *BLUSH* What can say except thanks for the rating and the heart !!!
Response: *BLUSH* Thank you soooo much for your words, very encouraging :-) Thanks for the hearts showing and invisible !!!
Response: I am happy you enjoyed reading it. Thanks for valuing it. Peace to you too :-)
Response: I am soooo happy that you like it! It was big fun making it. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Alright ! Relax and take your time, am patient as long as I know it is in safe hands.
Response: *phew* I am sooo... happy that I picked the best for you AND your hubby ! Thanks for the great rating and the <3's
Response: Really ?!!! Cant wait to read your answer :-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: dont worry. thanks for the rating and the <3 ! hope you are very alright now ! take care as well
Response: I am happy you love it. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!
Response: Wunderbar ! So sollte es sein. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy that you like what I made for you ! Thx for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 ! I enjoyed writing you :-) Cant wait to get your answer, honestly !!!
Response: You are welcome ! I enjoyed making them.... Thanks for the <3 !!!
Response: Sara, you are very welcome ! Dunno why I wont read your profile, I always want to send the perfect the best!!!
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!! I have mailed you my addy today, sorry for the latenes.... :-(
Response: You are welcome ! I am happy you like all I sent. I love the secluded bench over the max.....
Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: :-) I tried >;-) Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Am happy you like them ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: My pleasure ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: I love that background too. I had to use it :-) I am happy you love them. Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Thanks a lot for the rating and the <3 ! Since it was my first art journal I wasnt sure if I am "good" enough...
But since I have a fan, I AM :-)
Maybe you can share the journal ?!? ;-)
Response: You are welcome ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 .
Response: :-) I am happy you like it ! Hope other pages will follow soonest ! Thanks for the rating and the heart !!!
Response: My pleasure ! I loved buying cards and such for you ! Maybe we should do it again ?!?! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart !
Response: Oh, my pleasure !
Response: Yeah, I had the same problem and always wore thick socks over my normal socks, just to fit in ;-) With time, my feets got used to them LOL
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: sag ich doch ;-)
Response: I will try and get you a pics of my worn shoes. No problem !!!
Response: Great ! That's how it supposed to be :-)
Response: Thanks for sorting it out.
Response: Wonderful ! I am happy you love the collection !
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Wonderful ! I am happy you like it and that you will answer. I am looking out for it !!! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Great ! I am looking out for it !
Response: Welcome !Thanks for the <3 !
Response: Am happy you like it !
Thnaks for the rating and the <3!!!
Response: You are welcome !
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: I am happy you love my selection ! Nice pic.
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!!
Response: Jippieh ! Thanks for your wonderful comment and rating with the <3 ! I am looking out for your letter!
Response: I am happy,that you liked them and had a fun time ! Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome !
Response: Thanks for your wonderful comment! Hope you try out some of the things...
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! I am happy you like it. Tanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: You are welcome ! Hope it works ....
Response: Thanks for the rating and <3 !
Response: I just started with it, looks pretty nice :-)
Response: You are welcome ! Take your time....
Thanks for the rating with the <3 !
Response: you are welcome !
Response: Aber immer doch !
Danke für die 5 und das <3 !
How I wish it could come true... ;-)
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !!!
Response: Jippieh !
That was my actual aim ;-)
Thanks for the rating and the <3 !
Response: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Freddie forever!
Thanks for therating !
Response: You are welcome ! Hope you enjoyed them all....
Response: It is one of the best !
Response: You are welcome !
Response: Joss Stone is simply amazing ! Thanks for ur rating !
Response: You are very welcome !
Response: We are all a big House-family ;-)
Thanks for the rating!
Response: Sorry, no way ;-)
But I would share the story afterwards with you.....
Response: Thank you sooomuch for your wonderful words !
I am happy you love what I chose for you !
Response: Yep, it is wonderful ! Englisch accent is sweet.
Response: Sorry, that I forgot the name :-(
The cake IS heaven !
Response: He is just great ! and funny and.... LOLOL
Response: I am happy that you like it, especially coz it was my very first one I ever made!
Response: I am happy !
Thanks for the great rating.
Response: I have more than hundred hippos in my cupboard.Maybe I keep it in cartons and only few displayed...
This year they want to open a HIPPOdomin Cologne Zoo. Come and have a look !!! You are welcome !
Response: Yep ! Yep !! YEP !!!
Response: Sorry, I forgot that. It is 8g.
So have fun baking and enjoy !!!
Response: Thank you very much !
Response: Thank you so much !
Response: My pleasure, you are welcome.
Thanks for the heart !!!
Response: Jippieh !!!
I am happy to hear you got it and are willing to reply !
Take your time, but I will stil check my letterbox daily, lol.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome !
I have forgotten other wonderful movies. That's life....
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Have fun !!!
Pretty woman rocks in englisch, the germen translate is too poor :-(
Response: I am happy you liked it and it made oyu watch the movie finally.
Thanks for your words :-D
Response: Wonderful ! Hope you have fun reading them.
Response: Film ??
I only know the books....
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome !
Response: Thank you for this long and wonderful rating !