Swap-bot Time: March 13, 2025 6:51 pm

All ratings for Winkie

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bythelakemom rated for USA Postcard Mail swap on Aug 11, 2011
Comment: sent email no response
AtlanticSiren rated for Bridge Postcard Swap # 1 on Apr 29, 2011
Comment: Thank you!
penandink rated for Easy alphabet postcards -A on Apr 23, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the A postcard! We took our boys to an alligator farm in Florida on a vacation eighteen years ago and they're still talking about it! You brought back some fond memories! Be careful out there, and enjoy wearing those short sleeves! Karen
Soulcracked rated for Food PC Swap on Apr 20, 2011
Comment: Received!! Amazing card, cute stamps! But it's sooo cruel, 'cause I set on a diet some days ago T_T And your card makes my mouth water :)))) Thank you!!
jnolan05 rated for Easy PC Swap - SBOnly on Apr 20, 2011
Comment: thanks :)
suepier rated for The Great Big 17 on Apr 18, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful South Beach card.
jmme21 rated for Diary Postcards for a Week! - USA #2 on Apr 6, 2011
ellgee rated for Bridge Postcard Swap # 1 on Apr 4, 2011
Comment: Thank you for great PC!
aladyde rated for Bridge Postcard Swap # 1 on Mar 24, 2011
Comment: Thank you for your interesting card with the pretty stamps and all your information.
Response: Thank you for the heart! Here's some more info... the ends of the damaged bridge were made into fishing piers. It's quite nice fishing and one county has a little cafe and tackle shop over the water. The night fishing is very peaceful looking out over the bay. Have a great weekend!
Bingomama rated for Beach Swap - Get Ready for Summer! on Mar 23, 2011
Comment: Pretty postcard- hope to see you "again" at another pc swap!
Response: Thank you for the heart! We meet again! Had to send you something different per the swap but I'm glad you liked the card. Have a great weekend!
darzy30 rated for Postcard Blizzard XII Quick! on Mar 22, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the lovely beach PC! Thanks also for the oscar the grouch sticker. Love it!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Couldn't believe my luck when I read your profile and remembered I had that sticker! He was meant to go to you. Thanks for noticing! Have a great weekend!
Comment: Thank you for sharing, I loved reading it
Response: Thank you for the heart! As you can tell, I love all my furbabies, past and present! Gotta love unconditional acceptance and affection! Have a great weekend!
ladysyn2 rated for State Map PC Swap #1 on Mar 21, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the different map.Sorry it took so long to rate-just found it buried under books!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I totally understand since I'm in that same boat right now. No worries! Glad you found and liked the card! Have a great weekend!
Mamabemus rated for State Map PC Swap #1 on Mar 20, 2011
Comment: I would love to try scuba diving. It must be great fun. Thanks for the great card
Response: Thank you for the heart! We have to stop meeting like this! (grin) Yes, it is great fun and also peaceful, beautiful, dangerous, and lately very expensive. I STILL try to do it whenever I can. Have a great weekend... again!
denalichix rated for Bridge Postcard Swap # 1 on Mar 18, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the great card :)
Response: Thank you for the heart! My mother still won't drive across it when she comes to visit. Something about a fear of heights. Hahaha! Glad you liked the card! Have a great weekend!
marinda rated for Blasted again!! on Mar 17, 2011
Comment: GREAT postcard! Thanks so much.
Response: Thank you for the heart! Seems so bittersweet now that the shuttle is retired. I remember visiting Kennedy Space Center several times and the concept of space travel was so interesting to me! Have a great weekend!
jnolan05 rated for Postcard Blizzard XII Quick! on Mar 16, 2011
Comment: thanks for the great amusement park card :)
Response: Thank you for the heart! You're welcome! Tried to send you something from your profile and I REALLY like that park! A fun activity is to eat something sloppy while waiting in line for a roller coaster and watch people try to avoid sitting next to or behind me. (evil smirk) I never get sick! (knocking on wood) How old am I? Hahahaha! Have a great weekend!
Chrissy23 rated for Notecard Swap #5 on Mar 16, 2011
Comment: Wow!! Thank you so much the amazing cards! I love all of them. You were so generous, thank you thank you thank you!!
Response: Thank you for the heart! OMG! At this point I'm so happy you received them! I was a little scared there for a moment. LOL I love notecards and couldn't help but try to share as many as I thought you would like. You're very welcome! Enjoy! (waving) Have a great weekend!
Mamabemus rated for The Great Big 17 on Mar 16, 2011
Response: Thank you for rating! Now have a great week! LOL
Mamabemus rated for 5 Partners; March 2011 on Mar 16, 2011
Comment: I love Sedona- I have been there many times (I used to live in AZ) I miss it in the winter especially
Response: Thank you for rating! Hope you have a great weekend!
digitalmaven rated for Postcard Blizzard XII Quick! on Mar 15, 2011
Comment: Thanks!
Response: Thank you for rating! Hope you have a great week!
Ikat78 rated for Bridge Postcard Swap # 1 on Mar 15, 2011
Comment: Thank you Mary for the gorgeous PC:)
Response: Thank you for the heart! You're welcome! It is a spectacular bridge, especially lit up at night. Have a great weekend!
susieq11 rated for Postcard Blizzard XII Quick! on Mar 15, 2011
Comment: Dolphins, Snoopy, bunny, hearts...yes! Thanks for the great card. I am happy we got to swap again! : )
Response: Thank you for the heart! Glad you enjoyed it! Tried to get everything in on one card! Haha! Have a great weekend! (waving)
NikonGoddess rated for 5 Partners; March 2011 on Mar 15, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the card. I LOVE St. Pete beach! Oh, I loved to go there when I was a kid. My Dad was stationed at MacDill AFB in the late 70's. You asked about my job - I'm a GS Civilian, I'm not a soldier. I do not know any other life though. I was born, raised and have only worked for the Army. I'm so honored to work for the Army. I'm a photographer and graphic designer for the Army now. I LOVE my job! Love your address label. Too cute! Thank you not only for the card, but the trip down a wonderful memory lane with my family. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Wow! What are the odds that I would send a card from a place you've visited/lived? (making plans to buy lottery ticket) Haha! It truly is a small world sometimes! Figured re your job and I'd love to do the same. Support is support and I thank you for it! Glad to know this hobby of ours encourages communication with family too. Just a funny coincidence! Haha! Have a great weekend!
FROGGY42 rated for 5 Partners; March 2011 on Mar 15, 2011
Comment: The birds card is great! Thanks so very much. I am kinda late with my rating and am trying to get caught up. My computer was down and in for repair for awhile. Best wishes to you! ~Gail
Response: Thank you for the heart! No problem! I'm in your same boat now. (pout) Glad you liked the card! Have a great weekend!
druideye rated for Postcard Blizzard XII Quick! on Mar 14, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the card! We've got a Sliding Rock upstate that looks similar, the water is ice cold.
Response: Thank you for rating! Hope you're having a great week!
keribearsmiles rated for 5 Partners; March 2011 on Mar 14, 2011
Comment: Of course its me again! :) Thanks for the PC!
Response: Thank you for the heart! We have to stop meeting like this! LOL I love the night views as you do. So peaceful! Have a great weekend!
cookingschool rated for Dogs Postcard Swap # 1 on Mar 13, 2011
Comment: Hello from Sydney / Bonjour de Sydney 

Many thanks for the great DOG postcard which has reach me today. I would love to swap cards with you sometime, so if interested contact me DIRECT at my Email here postcard@pics-sydney.com.au If you want to see some great postcards, you can have a look at my website where I have more than 1000 different cards for swap (or for sale) on subject/theme such as UNESCO World Heritage sites, Map of rare countries and islands, Pacific Islands, Lighthouse, Stadium, Airport, Cruise Ship & Navy Ships, Railway, Library, Building, Temple, Animals and lot more… The link to my website is: http://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au I’m also interested into getting some digital photos of USA (and other countries you might visited and taken some digital photos off) lighthouses and/or UNESCO World Heritage site to make into new postcards… if you think you can help with this project Email me at store@pics-sydney.com.au (or would like more info / we are “paying” the photographer for photos we can use with some FREE postcards of your choice…) Please do check this cool Yahoo group for postcard collector and join the group if you think you can expend you postcard collection with us… http://groups.yahoo.com/group/postal-postcard/ Laurent from Down-Under
Response: Thank you for the heart! Had a choice of two but decided to send you the contented pup. Glad you liked it! Have a great weekend!
Comment: Loved the Florida postcard! Thank you!
Response: Thank you for the heart! You're welcome! I can just look at that view all day! (sigh) Haha! Have a great weekend!
Cadfael57 rated for Dogs Postcard Swap # 1 on Mar 13, 2011
Comment: Great card! Thank you very much ;-)
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm so glad you enjoyed the card! That face is just begging to be squished! LOL Have a great weekend!
EssHaych rated for Sunset / Sunrise postcard Swap # 2 on Mar 11, 2011
Comment: Hi again!! Thank you for another fab postcard!! I love that the stamp matches the swap!! -x-
Response: Thank you for the heart! Glad you liked the card! Couldn't believe my luck when this swap came up and I got an address where I could actually USE a matching stamp! It takes so little to make us happy! (grin) Have a great weekend!
savhilt rated for 5 Partners; March 2011 on Mar 11, 2011
Comment: Hi Mary, thanks for the view of Sedona! I would love to see that area someday....
Response: Thank you for the heart! It's funny how nature has sculpted those rocks into things we can recognize. Please visit if you ever get a chance. You won't regret it! Have a great weekend!
sundaeschool rated for WPC9 - Water on Mar 10, 2011
Comment: This looks like a beautiful place to stay! Thanks!
Response: Thank you for the heart! It was and I can say the photo truly looked like the real thing! How often does THAT happen? Of course, you were surrounded by the striking views for which that area is famous. Quite a vacation and one I'm still enjoying in my head. Have a great weekend!
Dorilee rated for Sunset / Sunrise postcard Swap # 2 on Mar 9, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful card. It is so pretty with the beautiful crane in the foreground and also thanks for the nice note on the card. Very special.
Response: Thank you for the heart! I loved that view. So peaceful and calming. I'm so glad you liked it. That PC is one of my faves. Have a great weekend!
Ikat78 rated for Dogs Postcard Swap # 1 on Mar 9, 2011
Comment: Dogs are so funny. Love the story, thank you.
Response: Thank you for the heart! He is such a good-natured pup that I'm sure he didn't mean to give me a heart attack. Ha! Have a great week!
Onyx rated for WPC9 - Water on Mar 9, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the pretty waterfall PC!
Response: Thank you for the heart! It truly is a pretty sight in a savage wilderness area. Glad you liked it! Have a great week!
Comment: got all 7 cards! thank you for the variety. you sure do keep busy!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I tried to pick cards that would fit your profile preferences. Glad you liked them. (smile) Busy? Wow! I thought I was slacking during that time frame. Perhaps I should adjust my perception of things done during the course of a day. Cool! Thanks! Have a great week!
Comment: oh what wonderful stories of compassion! i got teary eyed a few times...and lkaughed out loud, reading about them all! i am a big proponant of rescuing/adopting as well, and you know firsthand why...Winkie is just adorable and we also have 2 rescue dogs who have food weirdness! They just hold onto those traumatic memories for self-preservation i guess. bless you for your caring heart! I loved knowing about all your sweet babies! Thank you for sharing! Take care! ~kitty nuzzles!~
Response: Thank you for the heart and thank YOU for rescuing your share of furbabies! I know we shouldn't anthromorphisize our pets but how can we not when they exhibit some of the coping mechanisms of humans? I've tried to get Winkie into therapy but she's not ready. LOL JOKE, People! Laurie, you can imagine if I didn't shorten her name! What a mouthful! Ha! Have a great week! (waving)
Comment: I really love this card, thanks a lot. My favourite sunrises are the ones with a purple heaven or with a golden shining heaven.
Response: Thank you for the heart! Oh my gosh! You received that PC so quickly! Wow! Go, USPS... for a change. Haha! I'm glad you liked the card. There are so many color combinations to enjoy. Never the same view twice in a row. Have a great week!
emrajr69 rated for Back to nature PC swap on Mar 7, 2011
Response: Thank you for the heart! It's been so nice chatting with you about the GC. I hope you make it out there some day. Have a great week!
RegoParkie rated for The Great Big 17 on Mar 7, 2011
Response: Thank you for rating! Hope you're having a great week!
pahunt925 rated for Dogs Postcard Swap # 1 on Mar 7, 2011
Comment: I love this pc. the dog is so relaxed and sleeping. thanks a lot.
Response: Thank you for the heart! I thought it was a great pic too! Don't you just want to squish that face! (grin) Have a great week! (waving)
heatherc rated for Sunset / Sunrise postcard Swap # 2 on Mar 7, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the lovely beach view.
Response: Thank you for the heart! I love that picture! It's just so calming. Have a great week!
leilx rated for The Great Big 17 on Mar 7, 2011
Response: Thank you for the heart! Hope you're having a great week!
kayler00 rated for America the Beautiful on Mar 5, 2011
Comment: thanks for the pc! =) haha that's too funny about the whoopie pie fest. i was unable to go as i worked last year on that day. there was TONS of people though. estimated 6,000? not sure. a lot since our town is SO small! max (my boyfriend) did bring me a whoopie pie which was named the best whoopie pie in the world while at work. wasn't that great =P maybe you can make it up one year!! by the way your pc is very pretty! thanks for sending!
Response: Thank you for the heart! See, I told you you'd find out when you got your card! How could you NOT know of what I was referring? It's such a great event to have in one's town. Ha! Couldn't believe it when your town name popped out at me in the article. Thought to myself, "Self, where have I seen that name before?" Hahaha! Here I was debating the culinary merits of chocolate vs red velvet when I was summarily derailed by "where have I seen...?" (smirk) Did you google that Yahoo article yet? Have a great week! (waving)
Barbara rated for Another States Map Card on Mar 5, 2011
Comment: Hi Mary, Wee meet again. Thank you for the Arizona mapcard with the cute bunny ephemera on the back.
Response: Thank you for the heart! Glad you enjoyed the card but you DID say you liked bunnies. I aim to please! (grin) Have a great week!
Jjean rated for Colors of My State PC Swap on Mar 4, 2011
Comment: Very pretty, I am with you never see the sun rise but it is pretty setting....thank you very much
Response: Thank you for the heart! There are some places on the beach where people gather en masse and everyone claps after a particularly colorful show. It's a nice way to end the day. Have a great week!
tobiejonzarelli rated for The Great Big 17 on Mar 4, 2011
Comment: Great card Mary, thank you!!!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Isn't that an interesting building? It was constructed as true to history as possible. You have to watch you don't trip over the uneven floor or bang your head on a low ceiling. Haha! Have a great week!
jnolan05 rated for The Great Big 17 on Mar 3, 2011
Comment: thanks for the lighthouse card :)
Response: Thank you for rating! You're welcome. I thought 13 on one card was a find. Have a good week!
choke rated for The Great Big 17 on Mar 2, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the great AZ state capitol card!! I appreciate you adding it to my collection!!
Response: Thank you for the heart! You mean I found a card you didn't have? Yippee! I KNEW it! Hahaha! It's all in good fun! Have a great week!
savhilt rated for The Great Big 17 on Mar 2, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the PC....I find myself praying this prayer very often :)
Response: Thank you for the heart! Yes, I do the same when things get crazy. Have a great week! (waving)
julie11710 rated for The Great Big 17 on Mar 1, 2011
Comment: I really enjoyed the postcard of the Grand Canyon. Its a first for my collection thank you so much for it.
Response: Thank you for the heart! You're very welcome! Wish I had bought more Grand Canyon PCs. That area is just spectacular and I'm watching all my favorite cards go out the door. Ha! Have a great week!
momoeight rated for The Great Big 17 on Mar 1, 2011
Comment: Great map card!! Thanks! Would you like a Sandia Tram postcard??
Response: Thank you for the heart! Didn't remember the tram name but that sounds familiar. Do I smell a private trade? Ha! That trip was nice. I was wearing cowboy boots - totally inappropriate for climbing mountains. Did a Titanic pose in the clouds from the deck. My brother and I made a pile of snowballs and then beaned anyone who stuck their nose out of the tram shack. They retaliated and the war was on! The wait for the ride down didn't seem so long after that. A good time was had by all. Have a great week!
keribearsmiles rated for The Great Big 17 on Feb 28, 2011
Comment: Im jealous, I really could use a warm beach right now! Thanks for the PC.
Response: Thank you for the heart! Seriously, guided imagery works. Try it sometime. Hope your area warms up soon. Then I can be jealous of your dry heat. Haha! Have a great week!
ladyrn rated for The Great Big 17 on Feb 28, 2011
Comment: Love it
Response: Thank you for the heart! Glad you liked the card! This was another instance where I was happy to have stickers to match. Have a great week!
frankcheez rated for The Great Big 17 on Feb 28, 2011
Comment: Totally loving the Snoopy rock PC. Shulz couldn't have designed it better himself.
Response: Thank you for the heart! It IS amazing how that rock formed! There are others that look like things but that is the best IMO. I've been saving my Snoopy stickers for JUST that card. Haha! Have a great week!
GirlFriday rated for The Great Big 17 on Feb 28, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the postcard neighbor! Absolutely amazing! As far as where I get my postcards.... amazon or tourists shops and CVS :/ I wish there was a better place though
Response: Thank you for the heart! Fantastic coincidence! (grin) Haven't tried online acquisition yet but I DO know the places where I used to buy have gone out of business or stopped carrying them. Guess we don't live in a tourist mecca. Ha! Enjoy our rainy weather today! (waving)
Comment: Thank you for the great postcard!! The pelican your friend encountered sounds like a right hand full! -x-
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm always anxious that the bird might set the hook in its mouth when it swallows. Can't expect it to just sit quietly while you attempt to retrieve your hook either (i.e., save its life). Pretty quick for their size alright. Have a great week!
heatherc rated for The Great Big 17 on Feb 26, 2011
Comment: i love the Snow White card! Thanks so much!!!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm so glad you liked the card! Thought I had a matching Disney Princess sticker but it turned out to be a tattoo. (looking at newly "inked" hand) Hehe! It's easy to be Disney friendly when one lives within a couple of hours of the Happiest Place on Earth! (grin) Have a great weekend!
kayler00 rated for The Great Big 17 on Feb 26, 2011
Comment: thanks for the card! yes, maine got hit badly with all the snow. we got hit badly with 10 inches a few nights ago as well. when will it end?! =P
Response: Thank you for the heart! Thought about sending you a warm beach pic but then I saw the other. (grin) You are the 3rd person who said their snowfall was normal until I sent mail. Hmmm. I hear Phil the official groundhog predicted an early end. Hang in there! Have a great weekend!
naynay rated for The Great Big 17 on Feb 25, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the great card! I've been married to the military since '94. Good times.
Response: Thank you for the heart! Glad you liked it! Figured your "marital status." (grin) Thank you for YOUR service btw! You are also important in the grand scheme of things. I write a couple of soldiers and include "send to the wife" support in pkgs. Thank you!
mamajoy rated for I travelled to .... PC Swap! #2 on Feb 25, 2011
Comment: Mary, got your Sedona card. Isn't it beautiful out there? Saw it a couple of years ago, just about this time of year. I remember Oak Creek Canyon Thanks - Joy
Response: Thank you for the heart! OMG! If I could afford to have a little place nearby I would be thrilled. Tried to get in as much hiking/touristy stuff as I could. Really nice vibe to the area and totally different terrain than FL. (grin) Have a great weekend!
evieroz rated for Postcard Penpals - USA on Feb 22, 2011
Comment: Thanks, that's a BIGGGG bird.
Response: Thank you for the heart! Yes, it is! I haven't seen one of those in flight but did see a rescue in a bird sanctuary. Magnificent bird! They really do need to be protected. Have a great week!
Bingomama rated for Postcard Penpals - USA on Feb 20, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the PC- really enjoyed reading it! Hearts! :)
Response: Thank you for the heart! Glad you enjoyed the read. It was hard to write a lot as I discovered. PCs are so small! Haha! Have a great week! (waving)
darzy30 rated for Boat PC Swap #1 on Feb 19, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the beautiful Cape Cod PC - very interesting, too, with the trees in the water!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Yes, isn't that funny? Wonder how they survive in the saltwater? Thought maybe the area was flooded at one point or the beach had erosion but then there would be more trees or other signs. I asked when I purchased the card and was told no flooding but they didn't know why either. It's a mystery alright. (grin) Have a great weekend!
darzy30 rated for Native American Postcard Swap R2 on Feb 19, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the Native American symbols PC - very interesting! And thanks also for the nice message about our wedding.
Response: Thank you for the heart! Glad you liked the PC. It was such a happy photo I couldn't help but add my best wishes for a wonderful marriage. Love and happiness to you all for years to come!
Comment: Very nice, Mary! I lived in AZ as a kid when my father was stationed there, but I don't remember visiting Sedona. I do remember long drives through the desert though. Would love to see this area some time.
Response: Thank you for the heart! Sedona is GORGEOUS and I'm not a desert/large rock fan. If I had an extra couple million dollars I might be able to afford a small condo in that town. Very nice vibe from the people and area in spite of the New Age connection. (smirk) My time was spent hiking and climbing anything that didn't move out from underneath me. Hope you make it there at a future date. Have a great weekend!
Juniestars rated for 2011 Postcard swap #2 - February on Feb 17, 2011
Comment: I loved your postcard! Thank you so much for reading my profile and sending something I'd like! You're awesome!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Already told you this but I KNEW that little girl was to be yours as soon as I saw your profile. I'm so happy you were pleased with my choice. Isn't swapping fun? Have a great weekend! (waving)
ladyvidel rated for Show me your moggy email on Feb 16, 2011
Response: Thanks for rating! Have a good week!
cookingschool rated for Back to nature PC swap on Feb 15, 2011
Comment: Hello from Sydney / Bonjour de Sydney 

Many thanks for the MOUNTAIN postcard which has reach me today. I would love to swap cards with you sometime, so if interested contact me DIRECT at my Email here postcard@pics-sydney.com.au If you want to see some great postcards, you can have a look at my website where I have more than 1000 different cards for swap (or for sale) on subject/theme such as UNESCO World Heritage sites, Map of rare countries and islands, Pacific Islands, Lighthouse, Stadium, Airport, Cruise Ship & Navy Ships, Railway, Library, Building, Temple, Animals and lot more… The link to my website is: http://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au I’m also interested into getting some digital photos of USA (and other countries you might visited and taken some digital photos off) lighthouses and/or UNESCO World Heritage site to make into new postcards… if you think you can help with this project Email me at store@pics-sydney.com.au (or would like more info / we are “paying” the photographer for photos we can use with some FREE postcards of your choice…) Please do check this cool Yahoo group for postcard collector and join the group if you think you can expend you postcard collection with us… http://groups.yahoo.com/group/postal-postcard/ Laurent from Down-Under
Response: Thanks for rating! Glad you liked the card. The Grand Canyon has such wonderful views! Thanks for the link to your website. Have a great week!
frankcheez rated for Life's a Beach... PC Swap! on Feb 14, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the great postcard that reminds me of home. I am from Fort Myers, FL :)
Response: Thanks for the heart! Wow! That PC arrived quickly! Ft Myers? Small world! I wondered if you were a Floridian after learning of our common alma mater. (grin) Have a great week!
tanchyka rated for Show me your moggy email on Feb 14, 2011
Comment: Thanks! Cute cats! The story was also interesting. I can always get good pictures of my cat. Because he sleeps all the time lol :D
Response: Thank you for the heart! I love sharing their stories. Mine has an uncanny knack for moving just as I click, asleep or not. (grin) Perhaps I should make a better effort per your experience. LOL Have a great week!
steffelchen rated for Waterfall Postcard Swap 3 on Feb 14, 2011
Comment: Thank you very much for the beautiful postcard. :)
Response: Thank you for the heart! Glad you enjoyed the card. If you ever get to visit that area you should see the terrain. Spectacular views! Have a great week!
choke rated for Map Postcards on Feb 11, 2011
Comment: Thank you for all your effort in trying to find a new map for my collection! I really appreciate that :) I loved the long note you sent with the card, it was a very nice touch! I'm glad to have met you in this swap and hope to find you again! P.S. My profile has a link to my map cards for trade, if you see any you'd like let me know. I'm always up for private trades :D
Response: Thank you for the heart! I REALLY tried to earn one in this swap! Your collection is amazing as I've said many times. Think I'm in shock! Haha! Tried to be funny in my little note but I will keep a lookout for something you don't have. It's a challenge! (grin) I will look at your other links just in case. Have a great weekend! (waving)
Treksek rated for e-card to brighten someones day ! on Feb 8, 2011
Response: Thank you for the heart! I don't see a comment with your rating (I'm still new) but I hope you enjoyed your e-card! Have a great week!
Comment: thank you I loved the card....
Response: Thank you for rating! E-cards are so easy and you can't beat the price! Ha! Have a great week!
rsqa rated for e-card to brighten someones day ! on Feb 4, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the wonderful ecard! I love animals! I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!
Response: Thank you for rating! I buy the card that makes me LOL in the card aisle. An e-card is apparently the same thing for me. (smile) Have a great weekend yourself!
Kay rated for Just you and me postcard swap on Feb 4, 2011
Comment: Great choice of pc I love it. Wouldn't it be great to own one of those houses, no garden to weed. Thank you very much.
Response: Thank you for the heart! That particular abode is rather "breezy" but there are others. I'd love the idea but the gas back to shore would be prohibitive. Look up Stiltsville in Key Biscayne. Watch those aftershocks! Ta!
Comment: That is one scary animal! Thank you!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Yes, it is scary! I'd hate to meet it in a dark alley or anywhere in the desert outside of the protective metal shell of a vehicle. Had a choice between a church and a wild animal after reading your profile. The "eyes" decided me. Have a great weekend!
Comment: Mary, thank you for the very cute Disney card! Give Winkie a hug for me!!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Winkie said "meow" for the hug too! (grin) I'm glad you liked the card. I have such a collection of Disney cards because they make me happy. Have a great weekend!
rhinoluvr rated for Any State Postcard Swap - USA on Jan 26, 2011
Comment: Thank you so much for the Arizona PC you sent. It looks very warm there, which is nice to think of when it is so snowy here now. Thanks too for personalizing your PC with the witty address label and star & smiley stickers. Hope you have a great 2011. Take care ;)
Response: Thank you for the heart! You are my very first rating! Glad you enjoyed the PC. FL's warm weather has been coming and going so I thought the certainty of an AZ desert view would remind you of warmer times. It was 115 in the shade during the daytime. Oh my! Have a great week!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9506 68 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
39 80 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
4 34 1 0

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