Swap-bot Time: March 13, 2025 11:15 pm

Fives ratings for Millainen

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sonja rated for European Flat Mail Swap #2 on Jul 4, 2013
susannah rated for European Flat Mail Swap #2 on Jul 3, 2013
Comment: KIITOS! Aivan ihana paketti! :) Tykkäsin tosi paljon! Laitoin Dumle-tikkarit kaappiin odottamaan Jessen ja Jamin mahdollista karkkipäivää :) Kun oikein kiukuttaa niin voi lepytellä tikkarilla :) Kiitos ihan hirrrrveesti! Pitipä kysymäni että mistä oot tuota ohkasta paperia mihin kirjotit,hankkinut? Onko se jtn ns.riisipaperia? Itekin haluisin hankkia jotain tuon tapaista.
Response: Jee, ihanaa että oli mieleinen paketti! (: Ohut paperi on jotain ikuisuuksien vanhaa kirjepaperia, jota sain äidiltä. Sellaista, joka on tosi kevyttä ja tarkoitettu Air mail-lähetyksiin. En tiedä yhtään myydäänkö sellaista enää nykyään...
Comment: Thanks for the great variety!
Comment: Thanks for the fun earrings! I enjoyed doing this swap too, and will be doing more with these cards since it was fun thinking of different things to do. I really enjoy using recycled items for crafting. I also liked getting a swap from Finland and I love the gold stickers on the envelope!
Comment: Thank you so much for the photos! All of them were fascinating and beautiful. Santtu is a very handsome dog, by the way.
Response: Oh, thank you for your words, especially those about Santtu (:
Comment: I'd forgotten about this swap, so what a nice surprise to get this big package from you! I love it; I even like the packaging all written it the language of your country. The star is beautiful, and the key fob is perfect. Thank you so much for all the thought and work you put into this swap!
djfshop rated for No-Spending Swap #15 on Aug 25, 2012
Comment: Delighted! Will write back. Thanks for the goodies.
Response: You're welcome. So nice to wait for your response :)
mariadastrouxas rated for No-Spending Swap #15 on Aug 13, 2012
Comment: Thank you for Macara sample. I love that Brand ;D EDIT (24.08.2012) Just let you know I had see the finnish movie and i loved it :D
Response: You're welcome. Wow, you got the package really fast - I sent it on Friday!
blueraven44 rated for Millainen and Blueraven44 on Jul 19, 2012
Comment: The candles were beautiful!! Thank you!
Response: Thanks for the rating :) I read your profile so take the time you'll need.
mamabear2 rated for Collage a Cross on Jun 16, 2012
Comment: Dear Milla Thank you so much for my cross I have it hanging with my others.HUGS Marlann
leeannpatt1 rated for What are you reading? on Apr 21, 2012
Comment: This sounds like an interesting book. I love reading historical fiction novels. I have a copy of The Help as well, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I've been wanting to see the movie, but I want to read the book first. Thanks for sharing, I look forward to reading these at some point!
Response: Thanks for the rating and for hosting this swap :)
Comment: Thank you so much for the dishcloth. I love the Kangaroo you stitched in. Yes Spring is beautiful here in South Dakota. Thanks again have a great day.
Ferret rated for Save a Tree-- Use cloth napkins! on Apr 2, 2012
Comment: I got your package today and I loved it! I specially loved the embroidered wrap for each napkin. Thanks!
Response: You're welcome :)
jrbnm rated for Letters from hogwarts #1 on Mar 9, 2012
Tawney rated for Letters from hogwarts #1 on Mar 6, 2012
Comment: hi milla! i am so very pleased with the lovely yellow dishcloth you made: i know it took a lot of time to make the pretty hearts in the pattern with the thinner cotton yarn ... it is very much appreciated (shiney stickers, too!!) & will be used with pleasure ~
Response: Thanks and happy knitting for you! :)
mwquilt rated for Envelopes from Calendars on Jan 25, 2012
Comment: Thankyou for the lovely envies.. and for enclosing them in one of your handmade envies also. It was fun to get that with the postage stamp and the postmark. Your envies are well made and the one you used for mailing to me held up very well to going through the post. The envies you made for me were great...and I also can see why you could not resist using that pancake stack picture!! Plus you were kind enough to think of using a postcard for your swap note, so that I can add it to my collection. Thankyou very much !
Response: Thanks and happy to hear that the envie heldp up on it's way to you, I don't have sent anything in a self-made envie before :)
Comment: Thank you so much for the tote. You really exceeded my expectations!
Response: Your welcome :)
winniethepooh rated for Christian Advent Sunday Swap on Nov 15, 2011
Comment: Thankyou Milla for the lovely wrapped Christin Advent Sunday pressies. I can't wait to open them, thanks Millie,( I will come back and write when I have openend them) Thankyou Milla for the lovely Christian Advent pressies, all wrapped up so nice. 1st Advent I love the little I love Jesus square, it is so nice. 2nd advent. I love the poster, I shall frame it and put it on the wall, 3rd Advent, I love the mat. 4th Advent, thankyou milla for the nice bag chocolate and tea how thoughtful. Thankyou Milla for the lovely letters with the parcels. Advent is a time for thinking about the new baby Jesus and what to look forward to, have a wonderful and A Happy New Year, with blessins love Jennifer.
Response: Me too can't wait to open the pressies I got and to hear if you liked the ones you got :) love this swap!
Comment: Really awesome bag you made for me ;-) I'm so happy to open it and thanks again for paying attention to my profile, your package definitely deserve more than a heart ;-)
Comment: Thank-you so much!! I absolutely LOVE both the bag (pouch) AND the spoon!! So clever! I am going to cherish them! :) I wish I could give you more hearts!
LindaW rated for Renewing Your Mind Devotional Swap on Sep 17, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the interesting devotional and the Missouri postcard. What spoke to me in your devotional was when you talked about how the Holy Spirit leads us in the process of renewing our minds. We can trust that He will lead the process well and that we're safe in the process.
Response: The same thing has recently been very important to me, too. Thanks and blessings!
Comment: Kiitos paketista! Tykkäsin kovasti kaikista (nauhat erityisesti <3). Leffaakaan en oo aiemmin nähnyt mutta se on taatusti hyvä koska siinä näyttelee Colin Firth <3
Response: Eipä kestä! Colin Firth on kyllä helmi munkin mielestä :)
amara0702 rated for used jewlery swap on Sep 2, 2011
Comment: love the jewelery!!!!!
Response: So happy to hear that you liked them (:
ixykix rated for 1 used christian book swap on Aug 18, 2011
Comment: Thank you so much for the beautiful books! I shall really enjoy reading them and considering the verses. Thank you too for the lovely note :-)
Response: You're welcome, this swap was very nice, something that combined books and recycling :) Happy reading moments!
tialisa rated for QUICK profile swap #45 on Aug 11, 2011
Comment: Nice choices--they sound yummy!
Response: Thanks, these are some of my favorite recipes :)
Comment: These are unique and I can not wait to experiment with them! :-)
Response: Happy cooking and picnicing moments to you! :)
Response: Hi! You rated me before I had sent you the recipes so you must have mixed me with somebody else. I just sent you my recipes :)
groundhogstamper rated for Homemade Bookmarks on Apr 10, 2011
Comment: Thanks much. I will enjoy using it.
Ginger rated for Christian Pen Pal Swap on Mar 30, 2011
Comment: I'm so excited to have you as a penpal ;0)
Response: Me too! And thanks for the response, it came very fast (:
Comment: Thanks! :)
BobStriks rated for Open Theme Email Poem Swap on Mar 9, 2011
Comment: thanks Milla, wonderful poem!
Response: Thanks!
rsj244 rated for Open Theme Email Poem Swap on Mar 9, 2011
Comment: I know exactly what you mean about the trepidation of the journey. You write very well and convey your words so easily to the reader. I enjoy reading your poetry. Thank you for sharing and for joining this swap :)
Response: Thanks again!
Comment: I received your poem today and it was really touching. I've been there so many times, so I related to it so well. Thank you for sharing this part of your soul with me. It was a heartfelt poem. You write very well. Thank you for joining this swap. I hope that I am privileged enough to read more from you in the future.
Response: Thanks for writing such a beautiful words, so nice to hear it was touching! And thanks for hosting these poemswaps, they are so nice way to share poems and something about life, I have enjoyed taking part in them!
Omi rated for Challenge Verse - Last Line Poem Swap on Mar 2, 2011
Comment: Lovely, thank you! Poetry does seem to be a way to deal with the more painful aspects of life, doesn't it?
Response: Yes, that's why I love poems. Thanks for the heart!
jannieb rated for Love Survey Swap on Mar 1, 2011
meljayprice rated for Love Survey Swap on Mar 1, 2011
Comment: Thanks for sharing , I enjoyed reading your answers. But now I'm craving patatoe salad YUM!
Response: Thanks, I hope you'll soon get some (:
PAStryloVER rated for Love Survey Swap on Feb 28, 2011
Comment: thankyou for sending your answers for the survey was fun to read threw them i liked the answer "that on your best date the boy taught you how to drink tea so cute!"
Response: Thanks, me too liked this swap a lot (:
Tammy rated for PUG atc swap on Feb 14, 2011
Comment: Love this card!!!!!! They look just like my pugs!
Nati rated for Super Simple Tea Swap on Feb 9, 2011
Comment: Thank you Milla, rooibos is one of my favourites too!
smilingloz rated for Prayer Swap on Jan 20, 2011
Comment: Thankyou for the lovely card. I said a prayer for you today, and posted something for you. :)
rsj244 rated for Original Poem Swap on Jan 19, 2011
Comment: Thank you so much for sending such a beautiful poem. Your friend is very lucky to have someone like you. I especially liked the lines about just being yourself with one another. It's so true!! Thank you again! :)
Response: Thanks for your words, I'm happy that you liked it (:
Dancer rated for Original Poem Swap on Jan 18, 2011
Comment: Wow,your poem is really nice.I liked it a lot.Thank you. ;}
Response: So nice to hear, it's so difficult to know about own poems what are they like, so it really warms (:
runnerbean84 rated for I love Narnia! ATC on Jan 16, 2011
Comment: A beautiful ATC that had clearly had much thought and effort put into it, Thanks. xx
sundaeschool rated for Super Simple Tea Swap on Jan 12, 2011
Comment: Hi Milla. Thank you for the really special selection of teas! I do not mind at all that you wrapped 2 of them yourself. I truly enjoyed reading your letter and would love to share my experience/journey of faith with you. Look for an e-mail within the next week.
Response: So nice, looking forward for your e-mail (:
user10425 rated for Super Simple Tea Swap on Jan 9, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the teas, the chocolate flavoured tea sounds intriguing ;-)
Comment: Your swap was very thoughtful, well put together and you expressed yourself very well. I love the card, I pinned it up on my "keeper: board where I put all the extra special things I want to be able to see on the wall everyday! Your letter was wonderful, very heartfelt and we share similar problems even if the causes are different. I have never had gingerbread flavoured chocolate but boy is it ever yummy. I can tell will be fighting my "Sweet tooth of a husband for my share. Thanks for the smile and the goodies!
Comment: Love everything! Thanks so much!
Comment: Thanks
honeysucklescafe rated for I <3 Jesus! on Aug 1, 2010
Comment: I loved what you sent! I have been wearing the red band all day and I wore the necklace today too. I loved your letter. It was very moving to me to see a young girl be so wise and sweet beyond your years. I appreciated your genuine encouragement and am definitely also going to read those books. I have captivating...just trying to get past first chapter, and i know corrie ten boom but have not read her story. I would love to read those books and then write you about them. Thank you for your loving words, keep your eye on the prize and god bless you dear!
Response: Thanks for your words! It would be awesome to hear what did you think about the books! And I'm absolutely in in a private swap. Blessings!
Comment: Thanks for the beautiful fabric matchbox, I love the ribbon on the front with the buttons...thanks for reading my profile and the bird but outs
sleepingrover2010 rated for Quotecard Postcard #38 on Jul 24, 2010
Comment: Hello Carrie, Thank you for being my partner for the "Quotecard Postcard #38" Swap. I have not participated in this swap since #1, but since about #28. I have received some wonderful quotes and yours is no exception. Thank you for sharing your favorite quote with me and for sharing the story of the quote. I hope we can swap more in the future and the swaps can vary.
pmj1959 rated for Quotecard Postcard #38 on Jul 24, 2010
Comment: Quotes about creativity are always some of my favorited. Thank you!
lolalinda rated for Quotecard Postcard #38 on Jul 21, 2010
Comment: wow, that was fast! thank you so much for the lovely quote and card!
sandyann59 rated for Candy Lovers - International on Jul 11, 2010
Comment: thanks for the candy look forward to trying them. sandy
atinagrace rated for QUICK 5 postcard swap #5 on Jul 10, 2010
Comment: Thank you so very much for the unique cards. I love them all, you are very creative with using my profile for the selections. and I love the grandmas. I am a very proud grandmother of my 18 yr. old grandson

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 49 5 5
Completed Fives Threes Ones
45 59 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
5 14 26 0

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