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Date Joined: August 2, 2013
Last Online: March 19, 2014 Birthday: June 18 Country: United States My Website My Etsy Wish List My Amazon Wishlist |
3/20 Update: Moving much slower than expected- but more things going out today. 3 to go. 1 is close to done, the other 2 are about half done.
When last I posted, in november, I had been slammed at work and was trying to catch up. That week, I got sick and was bedridden for quite a while. When I got better my father was suddenly hospitalized for two heart attacks within a week- neither of which we recognized as heart attacks. He had never been sick, never had heart problems. Over the next month and a half- every waking moment was spent with him in the hospital. I quit my job and moved up to take care of my Daddy. On January 28th, A week after my father came home and was proclaimed well on the way to a full recovery from quadruple bipass surgery- my father suddenly died at 5AM. Mom and I were home and performed CPR for 12 minutes before the first responders arrived, but he was already gone. My parents and I have always been very close- and this has been devastating. Its been a month now, and I'm functioning semi-normally. All late swaps are being re-made, since in my rush of packing my house in Conway, I have no idea where anything I made is. I can't find the box that has any of my finished crafts in it. I did find the school box that has my student's ATCs- and while they still do not have envelops- they will go out tomorrow morning.
I know it will take a while to be able to join swaps again. I know I have a lot of work to make up before I can think about that. But they will go out. I'm sorry for the delay. I don't want help making these up. I don't want anything. I just am offering an explanation.
Make Up Progress (ratings 249/0/9):
4th Quarter Reading Log- Sent 2/23 RECEIVED
The Weird Questions???- Sent 2/23
Move Your Excess- Sent 3/20
Make Your Own Jewelry- Sent 2/23 RECEIVED
Read Clip Write and Mail #2- Sent 224 RECEIVED
WPS 5 PCs to 5 Partners (this 1 legitimately got lost in the mail- 4/5 partners received- 1 didn't)- Sent 2/24 RECEIVED
Another Journal/Notebook Letter Swap (made once- letter carrier dropped in rain and it was destroyed, started on a second, lost it- starting on attempt 3)
Pocket sized Journal / Sketchbook Swap #5- sent 3/20
Big Stationary Swap #5 (Have the original package that never got mailed- just gonna add a few more treats and get that shipped off) sent 2/26 RECEIVED
Color Association ATC #2- Brown- sent 2/24
Spoil Us (Local) Winter Goodies-
Sentence A Day Journal (Nov)- Going to take bits from my facebook/blog/journal/letters to God&Dad to re-create this for the last 32 days since I didn't finish Novembers, and don't remember enough details from then. Sent 3/20
Poetry Book Swap (This is the biggest creative project. I would like to say it will be out this week- I will certainly be working on it- but I'm more concerned with sending a quality project than speed on this one, and the one I was working on is lost to the moving gods)
25 stamped images TAG to user6937- sent 3/20
High School Student ATC- Sent 2/23 RECEIVED- but refuses to change rating.
Above all- I am a Geek.
I'm a 30 something high school teacher. I teach a variety of things, but mainly English and Theater. I love history- especially the westward expansion and Antebellum eras. I live in central Arkansas- and don't believe the rumors- we have indoor plumbing and don't marry our cousins (usually! ;-))
About Rating: I rate when I receive. I rate as soon as I can get online at home. Sometimes work makes that every 2 or 3 days instead of daily now. Please don't message me telling me to rate you or asking if I've received your swap. If I haven't rated- I haven't received. This isn't going out to any one person- I've had 4 of these messages in the past few days, and its frustrating.
I have been a scrapbooker for 15 years, and ventured into other forms of art along the way. I love photography and paper crafts most of all. I'm always experimenting and making new things. I don't have a dining room- I have a craft room.
I am what I call an open minded Baptist- I'm Christian, so I don't mind receiving Christian themed items, but I am fascinated by other religions- from Islam to Wicca to whatever. I believe we should all follow the path that works for us personally. I don't offend easily- so if you want to send me something themed to your religion- that is awesome! Just please send a note with it that explains the significance. I will not send religious items unless your profile indicates such things are welcome. Love and let live I say :-)
Anything paper crafty makes me happy. I am a huge Disney fan, I grew up in LA and used to work at Disneyland- so I love just about anything associated with the mouse- I mean really- Disney rocks.
I like vintage and steampunk things.
I think Rosie the riveter and Scarlet O'hara are just awesome. I wish I could have worn those big dresses with hoop skirts- although I'm really a big ole tom boy.
I like anything princess.
I'm obsessed with peacock feathers right now.
I read like a mad woman. My favorite author has been Laura Ingalls Wilder since I was about 5. I've read every word she ever wrote, even the stuff not in the Little House series, most of the books written about her and I've been to her home in Missouri a half dozen times.
Animal wise- I love my poodle, but not poodles in general. Too froo froo for me. I adore butterflies and horses. Dogs are okay, cats are just arrogant and annoy me. I've been adopted by a cat I've named named Hemingway (he has six toes) and he just doesn't care that I don't like him, every time I'm on my porch he is trying to get on my lap.
TV and MUSIC- I love music, as long as I can sing along (no rap) Broadway is awesome, I have a dream of going there some day. My favorite shows would have to be a tie between Newsies and Wicked with Rent a close third.
I love Doctor Who, Glee, Big Bang Theory and Grey's Anatomy and also have some reality guilty pleasures like Top Model (I love the photography!), Project Runway (but I'm not fashionable at all) and Big Brother (I have no excuses. Sorry. Although Spencer is from the same town as I live in- but I've seen every season so I can't say he's the reason I watch.) My favorite musicians are Reba McEntire and Fun. I have Just Give me a Reason and Glee's version of 3 on repeat most of the time I'm crafting.
I collect Masks (drama and Mardi Gras) and Disney Pins.
Favorite Colors: Black, Blue, Purple, Silver, anything Glittered
But when in doubt with anything for a swap- go with Disney! Classic, Princesses or Villains. None of the modern Disney Kids stuff though please!
I do love teacher stuff- even reward stickers! I really do use them in the classroom. . . You would be surprised how many teen age boys get all giddy when they get a silly happy face on an assignment.
I am not a fan of owls, country-kitch, yellow, orange, Green as a main color (its fine as an accent), bees, bugs or other creepy crawlys, snakes, anything too gory, a little is fine, Chalk, anything in that kitchy country style that everything teachery seems to come in, Big clunky jewelry, pastels and neon.
I am not a fan of citrus flavors in general. I hate orange anything- even the smell. Taste wise- I love teas and coffee, vanilla, berry, or florals are my favorite.
Things I would love to receive-
SBs, FBs, Bags, Anything like that- I'm new to them, but I'm fascinated and will send them along :-)
Stamped images (dark ink on white paper :-))
Post Cards (especially ones from your local area!) I love the ones with images in the letters of the name- I am trying to make a whole wall of those in my classroom. . . so far I have about a dozen.
TEA! (I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tea and Coffee)
Anything uniquely local to you
Scrapbook embellishments (Hand made or store bought) or paper or anything of that nature.
Paperback Books (I love historical and Supernatural romance)
Jewelry- I make my own, would love to trade with others for supplies, beads, or things you made. I also love vintage costume type jewelry- I love to rip it apart and make something awesome out of it!
Letters/Maps/PCs Things I can share with my classroom. They would love to see how life is in other parts of the world- and they would love to read letters!
I'm a curious person- I appreciate anything interesting or unique or trivia type stuff.
If you put your time and energy into making something- I will appreciate it. My Momma raised me to be a crafter, to understand what it takes to make something cool- not just skill, but time and love. So I love handmade things!!! And I include all types of writing- poetry, letters, whatever, in that!
I try to make sure I send well before the due date. Although occasionally life hits me and things go out only a day or two before the due date. I try very hard NOT to wait until the last couple of days. So if you haven't received a package from me, please contact me- I'll either re-send or figure out what happened.
Please note: I mark things sent when I place them in my mail box, or when I put them in my backpack to take the the PO the next day (or Monday if over the weekend). If it is in my backpack, it will be at the PO the next business day- no fail. If a disaster happens and it doesn't make it- I will message my partner and let them know. But- I try never to save things that need to go to the PO till the last day. The people there already know me and have the new stamps ready when I get there :-) My PO is open Monday - Friday until 5, but my Mailman picks up every day although Saturday is hit or miss, sometimes the mail lady shows up, usually she does not.
Sadly I have been flaked on already :-( These are people I have been flaked by:
@Fundygirl - ATC Bag Hopefully she will return and make things right. :-( - Angeled by a very sweet
@moxsapphir Not a flaker- but a very rude swapper who I will not deal with again.
aka @librarianbelle .
Best Wishes and for Your Honesty and Good Job at Sending out the late Swaps... Hugs...
I received your message and your package for the "Make Your Own Jewelry' swap! I think it is really great that you are making up for past swaps! I communicated with my angel for this swap @kiddo47 and she said it was fine to change your rating for this and she only asks that you pay it forward because she likes to angel for people and doesn't expect you to give her a package in return!
Just wanted to pop in and drop off a hug. so...
You are loved and appreciated. :)
Hi! I want to say I am Really sorry to hear about your DAD & glad to hear you are working so hard to make SB right... I hope your ratings are back up soon ;-)
Blessings, cc
I also saw your post in the public forum. So sorry for your loss. Please know I am willing to do a private swap in the future with you as well. :o)
I just saw your post in the public forum, and wanted to let you know that I'm sending you good thoughts. It doesn't sound as if you've had an easy go of it lately, but I admire the fact that despite it all you are being accountable to the swaps that you participated in. I would be happy to do a private swap with you in future to help recover some of your ratings, if that might be at all helpful. Be well! xo
I just wanted to let you know that as the host I angeled the swap: Big Stationary/Paper swap #5 INTERNATIONAL for your partner Tina who you flaked on.
And a nice quote from your message to me: "I know that this is not fair to you all.... " Well, I also think so.
You've been removed from the Monthly ATC Swappers group (and I never got the stamped images you were to send me a couple of months ago).
Sorry i had to remove youfrom the LLL Group since you got Partially Suspended. I hope things get better for you! Blessings & HAppy New Year, cc