Comment: I don't know if you checked my profile, or if you just got lucky but I loooove fruity teas. I made it hot tonight because I felt like a warm cup of tea and it's tart, fruity, and so close to being warm juice that it actually curdled my cream! Next time I'll add lemon instead of cream. And I think I'll try it iced. I love a good fruity iced tea. I keep a French press in my fridge at all times full of tea and water so I have iced tea on demand. :D
Anyway, great choice, I like it quite a bit! It's got a great flavor profile and a variety of different tastes, a smooth mouthfeel. Overall a very enjoyable tea, thank you for sharing.
Response: you're welcome. I'm glad you like them.That's the one thing I miss living in the desert: the change of season. Here there are two seasons: when things are brown and when things are green. Not much foliage changing.