About Me
Jan 2011:
Due to several reasons I was forced to take a long break from swapping... I'll be trying to clear the ones I have on my rating-list.
I hope 2011 will be an amazing creative year! :-)
I pledge to rate! 

I'm quite weird but in a good way, at least that's what my friends lovingly tell me.
If you detest smilies, don't communicate with me. I can't help it but I'm addicted to them. I find them quite helpful to give my words the necessary tone as English isn't my mother tongue and also because I do tend to communicate through facial expressions in daily life.
Favorite Music
To warn everybody: I'm quite eclectic ^_^
Robbie Williams, Mika, Frank Sinatra, Abba, Queen, Moby, Enya, Within Temptation, ...
and eighties music..
Response: Jan 7th 2011: I just sent you a message to make it up to you.
Response: Jan 7th 2011: I just sent you a message to make it up to you.
Response: Jan 7th 2011: I just sent you a message to make it up to you.
Response: Jan 7th 2011: I just sent you a message to make it up to you.
Response: Jan 7th 2011: I just sent you a message to make it up to you.
Response: I'm sooooo happy you like it all, I really planned to make more myself but the work I was expecting in September came in October and messed up all my craft-planning... Glad to hear the little witch has stolen a heart or 2, I loved her so much when I saw her, she's so cute but not in a silly way. ^_^
Response: Thank you ^_^ Yours are so cute aswell!
Response: No problem, that markdown is tricky ^_^
Response: No problem ^_^ (check your inbox, there is somebody that is a bit too eager to go Trick-or-Treating ;-P )
Response: I'm really glad you like everything! Sarah-Luna really had fun making that Goddess-rowhouse and I was so happy to finally alter one of these clocks for a swap ^_^ And that buttonfaery charm too, I love those but I haven't tried a "real" one yet (you know, the ones tied together with wire, not the glued down ones I make)
Living in Belgium makes it nearly a mortal sin to buy less quality chocolate, it's by law expected that there is at least 30% real cacaobutter in "fine chocolates" (not talking about candybars) so they almost never leave a greasy taste behind in your mouth,... Mmmm chocolate :-D I'm so happy you enjoyed them! (sorry, I tend to ramble along these days...)
Response: I'm so happy you like everything! I would think the mushroom seasoning would be good in chicken- and meat dishes... but maybe also on pasta and risotto? (I haven't tried it myself yet) Or maybe in some chickensoup? (creamy or broth-style) But all I can say is: Experiment & Enjoy ^_^
Response: Oooh, we're so glad you like them! I actually was looking for the golden/silver-coloured beads in the store but Sarah-Luna insisted on using the glow-in-the-dark beads so Santa would see the tree better in the dark :-D
Response: We're so happy she likes everything! I hope she's doing all right at school, always scary, that next big step ^_^
Response: Sarah-Luna loved to make them, especially the Princess Mia cat one ^_^ (my girl loves cats too so she completely understood how much Jeandre must miss her!)
Response: LOL, I hoped you would ^_^
Response: LOL, I've done the same with the totem trinket I've received ^_^ I'm really happy you like them!
Hey Crapsister, hope everything is ok with you. I miss you around the "What Crap is it" game scene. Take care.
All of your Holiday Ernies are super cute! Great job!
thanks for the birthday wishes and a happy (late) birthday to you too :)
Oooo... happy birthday (a day late)!
Also, I posted your awesome Ernie graphics on the blog today here. I also put the Halloween ones on my profile. I hope that is ok...
Thank you again for sharing!
Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Peggy,
Happy Birthday to you!
I finally published my blog post about your awesome altered Ernie graphics. Check it out here.
Thanks again for sharing!
hey sorry voor het late antwoord... ziek geweest, life happens, Ik voeg je ook even toe op flickr ik post soms dingen die ik'verkoop' of ruil daarom kan altijd handig zijn ;) , maar ik doe geen atc's meer dus sorry daarvoor! ^^
Here's the badge I made for the altered envie swap. Feel free to share & use. oxo Laura
Oh what a great package for our private swap! I love everything and can't really choose favorites but I do have to comment on that tiny button farie!!! I love her! Now, the chocolates??? Wow! I'm really a chocolate snob - most of it just tastes greasy and too sweet in my mouth, but the ones you sent - Wow - like melting silk with a delicate flavor that's not too sicky sweet at all! All the things you sent have special places in my heart and my home - thank you so much!!!
Thanks for letting me into the Steampunk ATC swap! Just sent it today - a bit more postage than usual because of all the metallic parts.
I love steam - and victorian, and vintage, and Indiana Jones, miniatures, junk, AND little girls around six years old.... because that's how old my Katherine is :)
Hey! Would your Sara-Luna (lovely name) like to trade an ATC or a little toy with my girl? Kath is a real artist and loves making collages. She's very into animals, playing vet, horses, Barbie princesses/faeries/mermaids, ballet, and stickers - of course... We can get Hello Kitty stuff pretty easily here, if you'd like to plan a daughter-to-daughter swap... :)