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Date Joined: March 8, 2009
Last Online: June 14, 2016 Birthday: December 15, 1961 Country: United States My Flickr Photos |
I have been away from Swap bot for some time and I am easing back into it.
I am owned by a Chiuhahua and a Mastidane and I keep them company. I love scrapbooking and paper carfts of all sorts. Especially card making and fibers oh yea fibers!!!!! Ribbons and bling and did I mention Fiber? lately I really like the really skinny ribbons and sheer but I think my fav is silky ribbons.
anything paper, chunky, blingy, metal. cardmaking. Altered books,I love the grunge look and the muted distressed. glitter, ummmm maybe a little of all scrapbooking. my minds eye is a favorite also paper studios is becoming a fav. K and company. Tim holts things are cool. 7 gypsies flowers love to use them in cards. love whimsey jars and all the goodies inside.
I have a garage that is set up into a crafting studio and a group of very tallented friends who meet weekly. It is known as the Scrap Shack. We get into all sorts of things. Painting, Glass sodering, just about anything going we like to give it a whirl. If it can be altered and everything can be,,,,we try it. I am blessed to have the company of these great friends on a regular basis. Someimes we just hang and chit chat. I have a huge yard and a big pond and love sitting in my swing on a warm day and letting the dogs run and play. I am disabled and don't get around too well so my mobility is limited. my scrap shack is my therapy.
Favorite color is brown,but I am a nut for all the different tones of many colors. Drives me crazy when you cannot find just the right shade of any color you are working with to match up. Lately I have been using alot of teal. Love the teal in a grunge or distressed look
I do not watch movies or Television much at all. I love the out doors and nature.
My memory is about a minute long due to all the meds I am on. Really lol
Well I used to hate sage green but I seem to love it in scrapbooking with mauve and boy are they ever hard to find. I love just about all of my minds eye stuff. Browns and pinks and turqoise. I even like glitter and bling. I love grunge and distressed stuff. I make alot of cards for my mom to send out mosly thinking of you , happy thoughts, miss you, words of encouragement.
Big eyelets, like for the crop a dial. Discontinued and hard to find now.
Almond scented shower gels. very hard to find.
Love charms, glass beads, I like moons and suns, I like turtles and feathers. I like metal things to use in my chunky journals and altered books.
Pop up cards are my favorite cards.
A new Heavy ink pen. Just love them if they are a little heavier than most. Love a medium point.Prefer black ink.
Chocolate, Star bucks frappacino's mmmmmm Coffee ice cream.
Hangin with my scrappin buds.
I like flowers and Flourishes to use on my cards. If you look at my flicker pics you will see some of the styles I like.
I use alot of the foam pop up sqaures. Love chunky. Pop updots or the zots, my buds all call them glue boogers. heehee
I love the feel of real wool.
I love people who like to take a little extra time with their swap to read the profile of thier partners and make it special.
I like spoiling my partners.
I really like when my partner takes the time to write a letter, I think I enjoy this more than most of the gifts lol.
ummmmmm bubble gum colors as I call them creative memories.lol you know all that bright bold colors with white backgrounds. Not that bright and bold colors are never used by me but never a white background. I have cought myself using these in birthday cards it is difficult to do a fun birthday without the brights sometimes. Just not my favs. I do like them if they are distressed looking.
Losing things. Talk about being senile, I hate losing things while crafting and I seem to always find them sooner or later.......on my arm or glued to a tool or maybe on the bottom of my foot. Even if I have more of what it is I have misplaced. I still must find it. lol
Not crazy about the colored gel pens they seem to skip alot. I don't mind a gel pen if it is black and doesn't skip medium points
Not crazy about Hello Kitty or Kawaii
well I read Ken Follets Pillars of the earth and loved it. Then world with out end by Ken Follet as well. Great reads. I tend to stick with the best sellers list. My new favorite is Mrs Paragrines home for peculair children. Wonderful book. I Like the possitive thinking self help books Depok Chopra is one of my favorite authors. Nicholas Sparks is awesome also.I think I may have all of these at the moment lol He needs to write faster.
Oprahs book list is a good one also.
I recently got a sony reader so anyone wanting to swap ebooks pm me that would be awesome!!!
If you do not get a rating from me on a swap, Please send me a message. I try to keep up with them, but sometimes I do forget. I blame it on all my meds. lol but seriously let me know.
I send my swaps on time. If I owe you a rating please pm me, I try to do them as I recieve them. I have started getting delivery confirmation on all my swaps in the US wish this was possible to do in all countries. I do however have the receipts from the post office for the swaps sent over seas and they do say when and where sent.
Please do not send me regifted items. Chances are if you do not like it, then I will not like it either. That is not to say that I do not ever like used items because I do like old things to craft with just seems like soo many ppl are regifting and I hate this. I have even seen a few of my cards returned to my friend and claimed as someone elses work. Guess that could be a compliment that they did like it well enough to claim it but I dislike it myself. I suppose if the regifted item fits a persons profile it is a great idea , lol It just seems like so many swaps just have random things thrown in that were not related to the swap or profile. this is when I get frustrated. Newly packaged items forwarded are totally differnt that regifting an artists work.
I spend alot of time on my creations and put alot of love into them and I expect the same from my partners. I realize we are all at different levels of crafting but please put your heart into your work if you expect to recieve a heart rating.
I really hate not being rated even more so than being flaked on. Hey we all like to hear what we created was liked. I really dislike swappers who use the 2 week grace period before ratings to send their swaps out too.
I have tought myself to tat using a shuttle. I would absolutely love to get ahold of any old shuttles from any junk shops.
I am also doing needle felting which so far is pretty darned cool and the easiest craft I think I ever learned. oh the possibilities are endless.
ok so my latest obsession is sock knitting lol I have never knitted anything else but by golly I have done a few socks . lol so cool to make a sock out of string. love love love the really soft yarns
My new favorite paper glue is Zip dry it is an awesome glue and I have always been an adheisive runner user but I have swithched and love the fast drying zip dry glue.
I absolutely love the brown paper bag type cards. I get mine from Hobby Lobby and decorate them up. They come with envies and are just wonderful for my style of cards.
Recently got a glass bead making ket. wooo hooo it I so cool to make a glass bead . I need some practice but it is an awesome feeling seeing that glass melt and form.
Made a tote bag. I have an addiction to totes and bags of all sorts. lol
I have found epoxy, yay!!! fun stuff, just takes too many darned days to dry. lol
I want to make myself something for a change. lol I give all my creations away. lol I want to make myself a blessings book to list all the many blessings I have in my life as a daily reminder of how good things really are and not look at the bad stuff. I am afraid it would be a huge book though and be very heavy. lol I really must get started on that soon.
I have started the Spoiled Swappers Group here on swap-bot and I am very pleased with the group. I have many friends help out with the group and it has grown. It is such a joy to be apart of such a crafty community.Many Thanks to all who paticipate and help out with the group!!!
Welcome to the TP Tube Mini Album Swap!! yay! i am soo glad u joined us! Gettin excited about this one!
Thanksgiving Blessings
Merry Christmas from the Crafting Queens group~
Hi,I want to wish you and your family a HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
Thank you for the WTA #13 in the Spoiled Swappers Group! I loved everything and about died when I saw all the glitter ♥