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Date Joined: August 29, 2020
Last Online: May 21, 2022 Country: United States |
Hi there! โจ
To be honest I didn't know ATC swaps were a thing so I'm kinda mind blown?? In the best of ways??? Which is why I immediately started looking for ways to join some, hence my (recent) appearance on this site.
To start off, my name is Alyssa! I'm 21 years old, a Pisces, and am currently a university undergraduate. I've had a passion for art since wayyy back in elementary school, and have kept it going pretty strong as a fun (and escapist) hobby that I genuinely enjoy doing. To be honest, anime really fueled my artistic side growing up, so that's pretty much why my art style is heavily influenced by it haha
I hope that I can use this site as a way to both improve my art and make friends, cause a girl can get prettyyyy bored during quarantine. Plus this'll be a nice way to distract myself from the real-life pressures of being a student lol
That's kind of it? For now? Maybe if I can think of something interesting to say I'll write it down here...
I first started out with the usual American cartoons shown in the the 2000's like Codename: Kids Next Door, Kim Possible, ATLA and The Powerpuff Girls, but once I discovered anime...it was all over for me haha
My main anime interest was shonen at the start, then it switched to shoujo before heading back to shonen again.
I think Dragon Ball Z (DBZ Kai, in my case) was a common introduction to the genre, because it definitely was the mainstream anime that dragged me into the scene (which was also whereโand I'm gonna expose myself here butโI had my first crush on Gohan as a kid ahhh ๐) and it just took off from there.
I've watched too much anime for me to properly list how many I've seen, but the ones that stand out to me as my favorites are:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Sayaka was my favorite character from the start, and I'll stay hoping she gets a happy ending for the one time.
School Rumble. It's a little hard to pick from the entire cast, but I have to go Harima, Tenma, Hanai, Mikoto and Laura.
Mob Psycho 100. All the psychic boys and Dimple have my heart but,,, I mean there's Reigen,,, right there ๐
Soul Eater. BlackโStar and Soul literally share a brain cell yet somehow they're the ones I love the most? Gotta respect their Power of Friendship. Also Maka and Death the Kid!
Attack On Titan. Levi, without a doubt. I've stuck with this man since middle school and I don't think I'll ever change my mind about him. Jean, Armin and Hange have grown on me though (...and Eren, on the other hand, I have slowly grown to be bitter at).
Samurai Champloo. The entire trio are a bunch of idiots in their own right, but I love them all equally.
Psycho Pass. Kogami was my favorite at first, but then Ginoza came in with his glow-up in the second season and...yeah, he's my favorite now.
Ajin: Demi-Human. This show came out of nowhere for me and it was soooo good! Kei, Tosaki, Shimomura and Sato were honestly the best.
Akira. I know this is technically a movie, but it 100% deserves the praise that it gets! Kaneda and Kaori were the characters I enjoyed on-screen more, but Tetsuo and Yamagata are both close seconds.
One Piece. Really hard to pick from the big cast, but my favorites by far are Sanji, Portgas D. Ace, Nefertari Vivi and Nami (though I do love Robin too)!
Below I'll add a few that I wouldn't consider my favorites, but are definitely ones that I enjoyed nonetheless:
My Hero Academia. MIRIO!! Tell me why I love him so much??? It's insane how happy I get whenever he gets screen time. I also like Bakugou, Kirishima and Tsuyu!
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. Finished Vento Aureo recently and am looking forward to Stone Ocean! So far my favorites are all the Crusaders, Caesar, Josuke, Bruno, Abbacchio and Mista.
Naruto. Rock Lee is honestly the best! I'm so sad he didn't get more screen time later on...well, at least Sai, Shikamaru and Karin (sorta) did.
One Punch Man. Saitama and Genos are the best duo. I love them both.
Yu-Gi-Oh! From the original, it would be Joey, Mai and Yami (or Atem). For 5D's, it would be Yusei, Crow and Akiza.
Black Clover. From the Black Bulls, I would say Yami, Nero (Secre), Gordon, Luck, Zora and Finral. The other characters I love are Yuno, Fuegoleon, Mereoleona, Nozel and Dorothy.
As for some of my favorite cartoons, most of them directly from my childhood. I've added a few that I've watched either for a while or recently as well, because some of the new cartoons being aired are really good! The ones I liked most are:
The Powerpuff Girls. I was obsessed with this show as a kid, and I still love it. Blossom was and will always be my favorite.
Codename: Kids Next Door. Numbuh 5, no question. Though I do also love Numbuh 1 and 4.
Code Lyoko. I never hear about this show but it was?? So good?? William and Yumi were my favorites, but Ulrich is a close second.
Winx Club. I'm never gonna forgive Netflix for butchering my girls like that, but the OG series is a masterpiece. ๐ Bloom was absolutely my favorite, and Sky was my favorite specialist!
Totally Spies. All three girls!! Though Clover was initially my favorite because I liked the color of her suit better lol
Teen Titans. Raven and Robin! They were my favorite duo and the characters I loved seeing fight on-screen. Kid Flash and Speedy were my favorite side Titans.
Avatar: The Last Airbender. This show was sooo good and I'm so happy it's becoming relevant again! Katara and Zuko were my personal favorites, with Sokka and Suki being close seconds (and Jet being a guilty favorite haha)
Steven Universe. I remember watching it a few weeks after it first aired back in early middle school and couldn't stop watching it. Garnet and Lapis Lazuli were my favorites on that show.
This list is going to be sooooo inconsistent because there's no one genre that I exclusively love above the rest, but here they are:
The Iron Giant. It's criminally underrated and has been one of my favorite movies since I was a kid!
Pixar. Kinda hard to pick from this lot, but the ones I like more are Monster's Inc, The Incredibles, Toy Story 2, Cars and Onward.
Disney. Lilo & Stitch, Peter Pan, Mulan, Meet the Robinsons, Emperor's New Groove and...all the Goofy movies. (Yeah. They're good.)
Studio Ghibli. Ponyo, Porco Rosso, Spirited Away, Whisper of the Heart, The Cat Returns, Castle in the Sky and Kiki's Delivery Service are personally the ones I love more!
Mamoru Hosoda. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars, Wolf Children and Mirai were all films I enjoyed from him.
Marvel Cinematic Universe. They've made some really good films ngl but the ones that I really enjoyed are all the Avengers (especially Age of Ultron) and Guardians of the Galaxy movies, Iron Man 2, Captain America: Civil War, Spiderman: Homecoming and Doctor Strange.
Spider-Man. Specifically the Trilogy (especially Spider-Man 2) and Into the Spider-verse. I didn't include Homecoming because it's technically part of the MCU franchise.
Inception. Everything about this movie was good, I cannot deny it, even if it was confusing at first.
Silence of the Lamb. I love psychological thrillers sooo much! This movie definitely deserves all the praise it gets, and it's been one of my favorites for a while.
Se7en. Another psychological thriller that I enjoyed watching. Ended up having nightmare about it ngl but I really recommend it!
Zodiac. Now that I'm writing this list, I'm starting to think that I have a weird interest in thrillers with serial killers...
That's all I could think of in my half-asleep state, but I'll update this list as I go on.
Oof, this list would normally be a longer, but just to keep it simple I'll write down the first things that come to mind:
Traditional Art. Any mediums are beautiful, but I personally prefer using watercolor, paint pens and acrylics on my pieces.
Digital Art. I'm actually learning how to do it at the moment and it makes my life soooo much easier! The lasso tool? Transformation tool? Ctrl-Z?? A girl's been missing out ๐
The color white, like the clouds. Don't know why, but I find it to be the prettiest color out there. However I also do like bright colors like pastels, neon or any color group with bright hues!
Anime. I recently got back into the scene again after years of not being interested, and the recent ones have been really good! Even if I've never seen or watched it, I'd love to know any of your favorites! Recommendations are also welcome.
Books. Whether it be a physical book, manga, or just plain fanfiction, there hasn't been a single day in my life where I haven't spent hours reading something.
Letters. I don't even care if it's just a small note with your name on it, I really enjoy hearing from people I swap with! I prefer handwritten ones, but I don't mind typed ones either!
Washi tape. Oh my god the possibilities that were lost to me for so long!! I've never been one for patterns but the ones on those tapes hit different ๐ Literally any kind is fine with meโI'd love to see what your personal favorites are!
Stickers. Despite my tomboy interests, I really do like cute/kawaii stickers! I just can't deny that they are such a MOOD sometimes and make me smile every time I see them. I also really like nature and any colorful aesthetic themes too, so I'd really enjoy them!
Stationary. I'm honestly new to this scene, but I'm really starting to get into it! I have a small collection right now, but I'm hoping to grow it as time goes on. ๐ค Any kind would be appreciated!
Your Artwork. If it wasn't already obvious I loveeee art. Please send a scrap of your beautiful artwork to this art hoe, she's starving for even a cool stick figure. Nudity or Mature Themesโข are totally fine!
Nintendo. I'm leaning more towards Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart series on this one, but I'm not opposed to less competitive-based games like the Kirby series or Super Mario Galaxy.
Winter. I can understand why people typically prefer the warmer seasons over the coldest one, but I really love this particular season. Chilly evenings, hot chocolate, family holidays and late night talks with movie nights are what I associate with winter.
There's really only one thing that comes to mind, so I'll just state it here:
I don't like spiders. At all.
Please, please, PLEASE don't send me anything with them!! I don't know what about them makes feel squeamish but sbfskjvbksbf they're just not it for me (sorry for those who like them though! I just personally can't do it)
Aside from that, anything is fair game!
Guess I should've put this at the top...? Oh well.
I will absolutely try to mail my swaps a few days before the due dates. I really want to make sure they get to their recipients on time, considering the status of the mail system with COVID-19 and other things.
Also please keep in mind that I mark my swaps as "sent" the second I drop off the envelopes at my nearest collection box. There are times where I've dropped off my swaps into the collection box by their deadlines, but because of how swamped my local post office currently is (especially during holidays!), they may not get picked up or labeled until the day (or even days) after. This isn't something I can control, so please don't hate me for it. ๐๐
If for some reason you don't get your swap, please send me a message! I'll be happy to make you another one so that you will be receiving one at the end of the day. :) I'm all new to this swap system, so any advice would really help!
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