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Date Joined: August 1, 2010
Last Online: June 23, 2012 Birthday: July 3, 1985 Country: United States My Website |
I am so very sorry for my abscence the past several months several horrible things have happened to my family and it has taken some time to get back into the swing of things. That is no excuse for not notifying some of you of the things that were going on in my life and why I hadn't responded to your messages. I just hope that everyone can understand and that I can start over here on swap-bot. I am very sorry and I understand why I have some low ratings. I hope that things can get back to normal again and I can get back into the swing of things and start swapping again. Thank you.
I love all sorts of music. Growing up my Dad and I would listen to his old records every Saturday while we did things around the house. I love Rock N Roll (the most I think), and Hard rock. One of my favorite songs is Black Rose by Trapt. KoRn is my all time favorite band I actually go to see them in concert about a year ago and it was AMAZING!!! I also love some Country music (not alot) one of my favorite country songs has to be Daddy's Hands. I'm not really into Rap I don't really understand what they're saying most of the time.
I love children's books especially Dr. Suess. Number the stars would probably be next on the list.
Oh there are so many movies I love. Boondock Saints 1 and 2, Ghost Town, The Butterfly Effect, Pieces of April, all the Hanibal movies, all The Pirates of The Caribean movies, All of the Twilight movies and so many more I will add as I go along.
Any crime show makes me happy. Law and Order SVU, Dexter ( there is something about serial killers that fascinates me), NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds and the Closer. I also love House, True Blood and DIY shows.
I love to sew and create things from nothing. I love buttons and zippers. Vintage fabric from sheets, old aprons or anything pretty. I love the modern style fabrics. Felt is such a fun thing to work with too. I also love vintage handkerchiefs. Most of the things I make I end up giving to my nieces seeing as how I have 2 boys, I can't really give them the things I make.
I also love scrapbooking paper and stickers. Any size paper and stickers. Card stock also.
Just within the past few days I started embroidery and so far I love it!!!
I'd like to learn to make stuft dolls or as I've seen them called on here softies, but not sure yet how to do it.
I have 2 hansome little boys they're 4 and 2. I have a wonderful fiance we're getting married this coming up May I'm so excited. Our wedding is going to be 50's retro and I'm going to be making most of the decorations myself. I have 11 tattoos a few are butterflies, music based and the large one on my back says always and forever in chinese and is surrounded by cherry blossoms. I get alot of stares and comments because of my tats but I wasn't put here to please other people so I don't really pay attention. I am not a judgemental person and I don't appreciate being judged by others . I believe that God is the only one that can pass judgement. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but just remember not everyone needs to voice it.
I love the colors black, blue, orange, green or chartrues (not too sure how to spell it) and yellow. I don't mind pinks and purples although they are not my favorites, but mixed with other colors they can easily make me just as happy.
My Favorite flowers are Pansies!! I also love daisies and several other flowers too, but I like so many that it would take up so much space on here so I won't list them all. I don't really like roses they are pretty but not my favorite.
I also love photography especially black and white!! I would love to be a photographer, but the little town I live in already has 3 so it doesn't really make sense to open my own studio.
I collect vintage bird cages and milk glass. Oh and buttons, zippers and material of course.
I'm not a big jewelry person, but when it comes to rings I can't have enough I love love love rings. I have one on almost every finger. I'm allergic to white gold and I don't really like yellow gold. I'm more of a sterling silver type of girl. I do wear earings but nothing fancy mostly small hoops because I have 4 holes in one ear and 3 in the other and I don't like them getting all tangled up.
I love Coffee (you can't go wrong with the smell) , Dr. Pepper and sometimes Pepsi.
I'm allergic to Aloe Vera. So anything with Aloe Barbadensis or Aloe Vera in it I can not have. I'm not allergic to any animals or anything else besides some medications (well white gold, but I mentioned that already) , but I really hope I won't be recieving any medications in the mail anyways.
I hope to own a 69 or 71 Chevelle SS and a 51 Chevy Belaire someday.
I also love to draw. I'll get in the mood to draw or sketch something and I'll draw 50 or so pictures and then I'll put them back in my folder and not look at them again for months.
I love dogs and cats my favorite dog would have to be a rotwieler (sp?) and my favorite cat would be a scotish fold.
I love the outdoors!! It's nice to get out of this small apartment and take my boys to the park or to feed the ducks when it's not so hot outside.
I started a blog a few weeks ago, I've been thinking about doing it for awhile I just didn't have the nerve. Now I just have to figure out how to get the word out so that more people can read it.
I'm learning that I really enjoy journal swaps especialy when I get to decorate them, I started on one and ended up making 4!!! I love love love it.
I noticed that a few people had listed their dislikes and I figured that would probably be a good idea for me to inclued on my profile so here it goes.
I don't really like tea of any kind
Nothing Banana flovored or that smells like bananas (YUK)
Would prefer not to recieve anything vulgar I have 2 children and they are very nosie (like most children) and I don't really want to explain somethings to them right now at their ages. Curse words don't offend me but I try not to use them around my children so if they're written in a journal or on an ATC of PC that's fine.
I don't really like the color brown, I don't mind a little here and there but can't stand it when it's a solid color by itself.
NO racism of any kind!!!! Very big on this one!!!
I do NOT like rude or vulgar ppl, I am a patient and understanding person and I expect the same from others!!!
Those are really the only things I don't like, but they are big deals to me.
I keep going back and adding stuff to my profile as I go along, because I've been checking out everyone elses profiles and I'm noticing that I've left a few things out. So these are some things that I would love to have at anytime no matter how much I already have.
Zippers ( any size any color)
Buttons ( any size any color)
Anything with Pansies on it ( stationery, notecards, paper, bookmarks, stickers, scrapbook supplies and anything else there is)
Anything Blue, Orange, Green or Chartruese (sp?)
Anything vintage ( this also includes vintage paterns you can find at the thrift store). VIntage sheets, they make great material for projects.
Ribbon (any color any size)
I love milk glass LOVE LOVE LOVE it
Felt any color. I love to make things with it and so do my boys.
Elastic even if it's only 6"-12"
Thumbtacks (we live in an apt. so these are great for decorating my boys rooms.
Bias Tape
I love thrift store finds!!!
Even scrap pieces of fabric
Anything for my boys they love suprises and I love watching their faces when they get something that is just for them.
I would really love to have scrap book paper either 8x10 or 12x12.
Stickers any kind. (Scrapbook, reward, or Characters that will work for boys, flowers, any really)
Measuring tape (fabric kind)
Hot glue sticks
Envelopes any size
Things that any experienced swapper thinks I should have to add to my stash
I think that's about it, but if I think of anything else I will be sure to add it as I go along.
Landon is my 4 year old son. The things he loves are.....
If anything changes with him (as they usually do lol) I'll be sure and change it on here.
Justin is my 2 year old son. The things that he loves are........
Anything changes and I'll fix it
howdy fellow Texan! We are getting snow down here in Houston tonight!! eeekkk! Thought I moved south so that didn't happen anymore! Oh well. I posted comments on your blog for the Support Your Partners' Blogs swap. :)
Hello, did u read through my message ?
Iรยดm hosting a swap for all the bloggers, just click in the image to join us. It will be fun! =)
Hello my friend!! I'm Bonnie...your hostess for the "Read My Profile and Leave a Nice Comment #2. I'm angeling for one of your partners who didn't follow through for whatever reason...oh well, life does get in the way sometimes!! Anyway, i enjoyed reading your profile. I absolutely LOVE embroidery...been doing it for some years now...it's so relaxing!! Pansies are also my favorite flowers. I remember my grandmother saying that they have little "faces"...she had lots of them in her yard...great memories!! As for my favorite car....I drove a red '66 Mustang in high school (I graduated from HS in '80...not '66....HA!!)...what I wouldn't give to have another one!! Hope you get those cars someday....
Thanks for joining my swap!! Be on the lookout for #3!!!
Hey, I can relate to when you and your dad would listen to records on the weekends. My mom would wake us up on sunday mornings blaring Neil Diamond. A comfortable memory that brings me alot of happiness. There were few of those in our home.
Congrats on the wedding!! I love the 50's love songs...I guess that you could say that I am a goldie oldie type person. Newer music just does not interest me.
I commend you on making all your wedding decorations...I am not very artistic or crafty, I am only going to buy and send from now on....It is so easy for everyone else and I have to admit I am envious of them. But give me a crochet hook and get out of the way..I will set it on fire!!
Have a great time here on swapbot. This was for the profile 2 swap. LOL I forgot to put it on my last two comments. Old age I guess... tessalou
LOL, I do that exact same thing Allison. Read peoples profiles and say hey I like that too. I am constantly editing my profile to add more stuff!! I too was raised Christian then hit the "hypocritical" ones. Sigh, Can't we all just get along lol. I was agnostic before wicca found me. But I think eventually we all find a path even if it is one where we say hey, I'm doing my own thing :) Thanks for the comment!
<3 Shanell
hello- great to meet you through reading your profile!! congrats on getting married this coming up may! your profile was wonderful to read as we have a lot in common. hoping to meet up with you in a swap!!
-sav "read my profile and leave a nice comment #2"
Thanks so much for my felt flowers from the Rainbows & Rainclouds tag!!
I just joined one of your swaps and came over to read your profile. I have to admit I enjoyed reading it and found that we have many things in common and I finaly found someone else that has a love for milk glass.
Hello Allison! This is for the profile comment swap. It's funny you mention listening to records with your dad... I have very similar memories! He definitely introduced me to many kinds of music, though mostly classic rock like the Stones and Beatles.
I totally agree with your philosophy on being judgmental. What does it benefit anyone to be snarky about the way someone else chooses to live their life? I say GO YOU, get ANOTHER 11 tattoos if you so choose! =) I don't have any tatts yet but I have my nose pierced and have stretched piercings in my ears. I get stares sometimes too, if people are close enough to notice my ears. Many times women will say, "Oh..those are...nice earrings", and I know what they're really thinking, based on their look, is "Wow, that's really &*$^ weird, girl." =)
Hope you've been having fun taking your boys to to feed the ducks. I love ducks and that's definitely something I will do once I have kids.
I'm interested in checking out your blog; I have one too but it's on LiveJournal and and you need an account to see most of my posts. If your website link on your profile goes to your blog, I'll be checking it out shortly. I find blogging very therapeutic, but I go in and out of phases of doing it.
So, nice to meet you, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!