Swap-bot Time: December 19, 2024 12:42 am

Are you sure you want to signup for Send Whatever YOU Want Round 2?

Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.

Let's do this again. I'm not sure if the last swap is 100% finished, but I think it's time for a round 2. Send whatever YOU want to send. Let's try to make it a bit more interesting and try to base it off of the profile at least a little bit, but not needed.

Examples for this swap are including but not limited to: stickers, stationery, old things from swaps that you just didn't quite like enough to use, pretty much anything that can be put in a swap that is NOT offensive.

Oh, and the deadline is AFTER Christmas so think about all of the creative things we could be doing with our Christmas or Holiday waste!

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