January 24th is National Compliment Day!
Let's spread some positivity and celebrate the day by sharing some compliments on our partners' profiles!

The rules are simple:
Read through your partner's profile and find something that you feel is worth complimenting. Maybe you like their profile picture, maybe you think the way they've formatted their profile looks nice, maybe you're impressed by their rating, maybe you just think they have a cool (user)name... these are just a few examples! You decide what stands out to you! (Just make sure this is a positive and genuine compliment-- backhanded compliments will not be welcome!)
Write a comment on their profile page about what you saw that was worth complimenting!
Optional: Add a fun 300x300 (or smaller) image to their profile!
See? There's nothing to it!

Newbies are welcome to this swap, as are members of any rating. Swap confidently: if your partner doesn't leave you a comment, I will!
Please note the quick deadline!

As for ratings:
If your partner leaves a comment on your profile with a positive compliment, please rate them a 5!
Hearts are up to you.

Are you ready?
Let's spread some love!