There are 24 chapters of Luke. We will be studying six chapters per swap, so we will have a total of 4 swaps. This is part four, the final swap of the series, focusing on Luke, chapter 19 through 24..
For each chapter, several questions are provided below. You must answer three of the questions. You can choose to answer more, but to fulfill the requirements of this swap, you have to answer a minimum of three questions per chapter. Make sure you copy down the question as well, so your partner knows which questions you are answering.
Send the study to your partner by the deadline.
You may type the questions, but your answers must be handwritten.
The Questions
Chapter 19
- Why do you think tax collectors were looked down upon in those days?
- Zacchaeus was a wealthy man. How does his attitude differ from that of the rich man in the previous chapter?
- In the parable of the ten servants, what does the money represent?
- How did the king respond to those who invested the money? How did he respond to those who didnโt?
- When Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on the donkey, He was fulfilling a prophecy from the Old Testament. Can you find that verse?
Chapter 20
- In the parable of the Tenants, who is the owner of the vineyard, who are the servants he sent, who is his son, who are those that rejected and killed the son, and finally who are the others that he gave the vineyard to?
- Why did the chief priests and the teachers want to arrest Jesus?
- Jesus quoted scripture saying, โThe stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.โ Where else does this appear in the Bible? What does it mean?
- What is a Saducee?
- What does Jesus reveal about resurrected believers and the afterlife in this chapter?
- What did Moses say that signified he believed in the resurrection?
- Where in the Psalms did David write, โThe LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?โ
Chapter 21
- What are some of the things that we can expect to see in the end times?
- What are we instructed to do when we see these things begin to happen? V. 28
- What should we be doing until then? V. 36
- Where did Jesus spend His days? Where did He spend His evenings?
Chapter 22
- What feast was drawing near?
- What is The Passover?
- What is the difference between these two feast? Or is there a difference?
- Why were the chief priests and the teachers trying to get rid of Jesus?
- In the last supper, what did the bread represent, and what did the wine represent?
- What honor will be given to the 12 apostles in the kingdom of heaven? Also see Matthew 19:28.
- In verse 36, Jesus says, โHe that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.โ This is in contrast to Luke 10:4. Why has He changed His instructions?
- Can you find the 3 times that Peter denied Jesus? Which verses are they?
- What happened immediately after the rooster crowed?
- What signifies Peterโs sorrow and repentance?
Chapter 23
- What lie do we see in verse 2?
- Why was Herod glad to see Jesus?
- Why were the people bent on destroying Jesus when both Pilate and Herod said they found no fault in him.
- Why was Barrabas in prison?
- What are some of the ways that Jesus was tortured and tormented?
- What did the two men on the cross beside Jesus each say?
- Compare Matthew 2:2 to this chapter. What prophecy do we see fulfilled?
- What miraculous events took place at the time Jesus took His last breath? You might also want to refer to other gospels for more information.
- In this chapter, we read about a man named Joseph. What did he do for our Savior?
Chapter 24
- Who were the women that went to the tomb?
- What did they bring with them? Why? (Mark 16:1, Luke 23:56)
- Why is an empty tomb an important part of this gospel, and of great importance to our faith?
- Which disciple/disciples ran to the tomb?
- Who was the first person Jesus appeared to after His resurrection? See John 20:14-16
- How did Jesus prove to His disciples that He was who He said He was?
- What were the apostles instructed to preach in His name?
- What coming promise did He leave with them?
Rating of 4.98 and no recent 1's or 3's to join. I will angel this if needed.
I am pulling questions from TimeWarpWife for this study.