This is a very involved swap but the results are awesome! The image is one I made...the picture sucks though. Sorry

@Leejas72 and I were in a private swap for a mini-envelope album. It was a lot of fun to make (although quite involved). Our theme happened to be Halloween. I love the album I received and will display it every Halloween from now on.
She and I were talking and thought it would be fun to do one in TPD. So here is what we came up with:
1 envelope album = 1 partner
You can use Tutorial A OR Tutorial B
I used Tutorial A the first time, but I think I may use B this time. Which ever you choose, watch the entire video at least twice, before attempting. Especially if you use Tutorial A, because she is a little confusing the first go round)
There will be 6 Themes, the only theme required for ALL swappers will be a Profile Based Theme. Other than that 1 requirement you will choose 5 other ones. (I made a rather long list below to help you choose, but you do NOT have to choose from the list. It is just for help, of course you can if you like).
Stickers will be allowed, but don't just slap a sticker on it and call it done. Get your creative juices flowing.
Any other questions please post in the comment section, and I will answer to the best of my ability. Besides others probably will have the same questions. : )

Theme Guide List (you must have 5 extra themes):
- Retro Theme
- Abstract Art Theme
- Surrealism Theme
- Kawaii Theme
- Vintage Theme
- Night Theme
- Cat Theme
- Dog Theme
- Steampunk Theme
- Bird Theme
- Ocean Theme
- Mountain Theme
- Fairytale Theme
- Food Theme
- Asian Theme
- Silence Theme
- Death Theme (be very careful with this one...check partners profile, as this one is a touchy subject)
- Religion Theme (be very careful with this one...check partners profile, as this one is a touchy subject)
- Mother Nature Theme
- Life Theme
- Hero Theme
- Music Theme
- Horror Theme (be very careful with this one...check partners profile, as this one is a touchy subject)
- Poetry Theme
- Whimsical Theme
- Quotes Theme
- Family Theme
- Sports Theme
- Outer Space Theme
- Ghost Theme (be very careful with this one...check partners profile, as this one is a touchy subject)
- Paranormal Theme (be very careful with this one...check partners profile, as this one is a touchy subject)
- Photography Theme
- Any theme not on this list that you would like. (be very careful with this one...check partners profile, we do not want to offend anyone).

Insert Flaker BS here