Comment: First thing *hug* I've been through a lot of the same things as you, up to and including 'walking while freaky'. Secondly, I think that yours was the most honestly answered email I've gotten so far, so thank you for that.
Comment: Lauren, thank you so much for the lovely package! I love the panties - I'll be sure to try them on this weekend. My husband and I are taking a mini-vacation to Maine for the weekend with some friends! ;)
Comment: Awesome, I used to have my hair that color a while ago, I kinda miss it. I only seen Marilyn Manson once, and it was a fab. show!! I really look forward to penpalling with you!
Comment: lots of great stickers :) thanks for the sticker of your fave band. i haven't heard about this band before and i will google to read more about it. take care
Comment: Woah! cool hair! I've experimented red hair too.. but it didn't last long.. the color fades pretty quickly. =( Wanted to try blonde/light colours but still pondering over it. haha. And you look so different in your last pic! But thanks for sending them! =)